The MSM had their knickers in a knot over Putin's alleged mistress living in Switzerland but no mention of Ukrainian leadership feathering their nests in pricey Gstaad. How pricey? When Christie's lists "price upon request" it's rarefied air:
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While we're on the topic of uber-rich and Switzerland, have a listen to Russell Brand on Klaus Schwab and the CEO of Pfizer complaining about "conspiracy theorists" at Davos:
Hmmm, nothing like manufactured, I meant 100% spontaneous and natural bat coronavirus that popped up in a fish market 5 miles from the only place on the planet doing gain of function research on bat coronaviruses and an ongoing effort to flood the black market with stingers, javelins and possibly trigger global thermonuclear war to get the Great Reset started off with a bang.
And what country has the best hardened shelters for it's people buried deep in granite outside of Cheyenne Mountain?
The Local takes a tour of the Sonnenberg bunker in Lucerne, opened 40 years ago at the height of the Cold War.
Nah, they wouldn't do that, would they?
If you watched Russell Brand's video, he details the entry fee to get an invite to Davos. Adding required housing etc, it starts at roughly $100,000 per person and goes up. Who can afford that? Billionaires and multimillionaire leaders of companies, who might just have the spare slush fund change to foot the bill and maybe open a branch in Switzerland complete with the mandatory bunker. What companies and billionaires? Here's at least a partial list:
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Nobody elected these guys, hell, nobody probably elected half the politicians driving this bus.