The Sniper Mosin Nagants are issued in Ukraine by the Donbas militias to their conscripts in the same vein as Ukraine is issuing Maxim machine guns.
But yes Russia is ultimately much too small of an economy to afford all the shiny toys or be a mayor world power.
The aid provided in past 4 months to ukraine already surpasses (once you add European $$ to US 53Billion$) the Russian cca 60billion $ defense budget ( about the size of CIA's budget) and that covers everything from Nuclear deterrent to ground forces. In the past they actually spent mostly on Nuclear deterrent(+subs) and AD.
Add to that endemic corruption that further limits the effective use of rather limited funds.
ROSTEC , head honcho basically a public employee ,owns a 110mio4 jacht (Rostec basically runs all of Russian defense industry in addition to other industries)
China, on the other hand, is already well past US in PPP (Purchasing power parity what you actually get for your moneys worth, a better indicator than GDP), and far outstripping USSR&Warsaw pact combined in their heyday in all respects, population, GDP ,PPP , manufacturing capacity, market size etc.
I think folks also misunderstand 'authoritarian' systems vs factchecked pretend-a-democratic as inferior in spirit or will to fight, if anything historically that has never really been the case.
Like you said does anyone seriously believe having 20% LGBTIQ++ ratio is an added value in any situation outside a Hollypedowod casting couch.
But yes Chinese are a trading and manufacturing superpower with a historically poor military track record at least since Mongol rule. And i do not see any indication that they would have much interest in war as its bad for their core business.
Ask O.P. Smith and First Mar Div about Chinese fight.