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Is something going on in Ukraine?

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ok, if you want:

Like the bold oligarch that he is, Soros denounced the arrest of Khodorkovsky as "persecution" that would force business to submit to the Russian state.

"I believe that he acted within the constraints of the law in supporting political parties. I am doing the same in the United States."

By this remark, George Soros was reminding us that he had given $10 million to the Democratic National Committee for "regime change" in the 2004 elections. Of course, he is acting within the constraints of the law, in the same way that Khodorkovsky was when he named his charitable organization, the "Open Russia Foundation," and said that there was no connection with the Soros "Open Society Institute" although they did fund some projects together.

Khodorkovsky nabbed Lord Rothschild of London and our own inimitable Henry Kissinger for his board of directors. Gifts to American charities began to flow. Khodorkovsky joined the advisory board of the U.S. Carlyle Group, a super rich private equity fund, where he conferred in Moscow with the former Secretary of State James Baker III and former President George H. W. Bush......

.....Prosecutors will have no problems in finding charges against many Russian tycoons involved in the "quick and dirty" privatization programs under Boris Yeltsin in the mid- 1990s. The theory, developed by the Clinton administration, was that once private property was established, the new owners would fight for democracy against a strong Communist challenge.

When Yeltsin won, by very dubious means, oligarchs were given state jobs and enormous powers. At that time, Condoleezza Rice, who is now national security adviser, wrote that the Clintonistas were overlooking the "looting of the country's assets by powerful people." Under Putin, the prosecutors have for four years been building their cases and, again in theory, a rule of law may emerge.
Great post. The former senior KGB elites took over what few revenue-producing industries remained in Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, and Kazakstan. They were the only ones who really had a big picture of the Soviet system and knew its strong points for moving forward with business, thereby becoming billionaires overnight. These were the 1st Gen Oligarchs of the 1990s.

Yeltsin proved to be an even weaker leader than Gorbachev, as he as seen publicly for the drunk that he was. Russia has only experienced these times of chaos in 3 different periods of their history, namely after Fedor I from 1597-1613, then under Lenin with the Bolshevik Revolution and Russian Civil War that killed millions of Czarists, Kulaks, and Ukrainians, and then under Gorbachev and Yeltsin after him.

Everything was for sale in the 1990s, including submarines, stadiums full of tanks, MiGs, Sukhois, shipping containers full of weapons, equipment, whatever.

The oligarchs soon realized this wasn’t good for the nation as the collapse continued to spiral down the drain, as you have described. They realized Yeltsin was weak and not good for Russia, so they developed a new leadership plan to replace him carefully without causing another revolution or massive protests.

They did this by placing 3 deputy prime ministers in Yeltsin’s cabinet, one of whom was Vladimir Putin. They had been curb-stomped in the 1st Chechen War, so Putin ran the 2nd Chechen War with a scorched earth policy.

Putin was then seen as a new strong man, very popular with the Russian people so that when Yeltsin resigned on TV on Dec 31, 1999, everyone was ready for Putin to take over to reestablish a Czar strong man, not some punk party bureaucrat like Gorbachev, or a drunken stooge like Yeltsin.

Putin then did like any self-respecting Czar would do, and told all the Oligarchs who put him into power that they were no longer welcome in Russia, and would be imprisoned or disappear if he caught the slightest whiff of them getting involved in politics. They either fled abroad, were imprisoned, or killed. He then took all of “their” businesses and put his own subordinate loyalist boyars over those same companies, especially Rosneft, Gazprom, and Finance and Mineral companies and created the 2nd Generation Oligarchs. Most of these guys were former senior KGB and associates of Putin, because he’s going to reach out to people he knows.

He purged these guys in 2016 and put a new round of boyars in place as well. This is normal for Russia historically. I’ve been tracking as much of this as possible since the 1990s. My family was personally involved in Nunn-Lugar, but more in a sister base exchange program the US military did with Russia. Russian test pilots brought MiG-29s to Edwards AFB, where my dad was a translator for them, even though that was nowhere near his normal job description. He just happened to speak better Russian than anyone else they had. He was an aerospace engineer working on developmental programs at Edwards at the time. US born-and-raised, took Russian and German in high school in the 1960s, became quite fluent in German and conversational in Russian.
Strategic bombers like the B-29 were not on the approved list for Lend Lease. Study more, post less. Cut the personal attacks as well. It just shows you have not argument.

Obama’s whore grandmother was a honey pot working at Boeing’s plant in Wichita, then they had to leave abruptly. She was a riveter on the plant floor for the B-29, but somehow ended up socializing with executives with access:


Watch now as you see the pro-soviet moles and propagandists rise to the surface in this thread, defending the likes of Comrade Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, etc., trying to twist the story into some weird Russian garbage disinformation campaign about things they know nothing of.
Umm not one person on this forum defends Joe Biden.

I know how the B-29's got to the Soviet Union. Our Pilots landed(crashes are landings) them there after missions. Their trips were pretty interesting, especially how they returned to the US. My Grandpa played cards with the crew of the Enola Gay when they were at Eglin after the war. The point which you completely missed is at the time THE SOVIETS WERE OUR ALLIES!!!!!!

Your assertion that she was the "honey pot' is base less, gonna need to show your work. The Russians had Complete B-29's they didn't need to steal plans to build them. Hell Mr Fred my Neighbor who is now dead was also a bomber pilot and his wife, Jane, while he was over sea's was one of the Women Flying planes to Alaska to be ferried to the Soviets.
“I understand your point Bill, and I will act as you suggest I should” (Yeltsin to Clinton, September 12, 1998)

now, show of hands. WHO ON THIS BOARD would say those words to Bill or Hillary Clinton. Knowing everything you know about the Clintons. If you ran a country and were responsible for the prosperity and well being of your people, but gave the Clintons full control to do whatever they wanted in your country. What would that make you?
Bill Clinton was the main President under Nunn-Lugar. The main focus of Nunn-Lugar was get control and accountability of all the nukes and delivery systems we thought were in Ukraine, Belorussia, Kazakstan, Georgia, etc. After the disillusion of the USSR, everybody was concerned that nukes and WMD would end up in the hands of terrorists, NorKs, etc., so it was a counter-proliferation program that everyone was on-board with.

In exchange for help from Russia and the former USSR states that supposedly had nukes, we gave billions in aid money to those countries. The money was supposed to prop up their retirement class and economies, but of course the corrupt leaders took it all and the people never saw it. Normal for Russia/3rd world.

We also learned that Russia was running a shell game with warheads during the Cold War, with nowhere near the number of nukes claimed.

When Putin took over the Presidency, one of his main directives was to assess Russia’s nuclear arsenal, SLBM, Cruise missile, TBM, and Strategic Bomber force status. Whatever the answer was to that, he openly announced a new nuclear vitalization campaign for the Russian military. Here’s an NTI report on that from Dec 17, 2013.

Current State of Russia's Triad

Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia's economic collapse led to severe reductions in capabilities throughout the 1990s. Air-delivered and silo-based weapons systems became vulnerable to lack of investment, and submarine patrols at sea became virtually non-existent. [2] Russian emphasis was largely restricted to developing and fielding the low-cost truck-mounted Topol-M ICBM and keeping enough ballistic missilesubmarines at sea to maintain a credible level of deterrence.

The surge in world oil prices at the start of the century led to marked improvements in Russia's financial situation. [3] This in turn has allowed the Putin administration to begin an intense program of nuclear modernization and recapitalization. From 2013 to 2016, Russia plans to increase its nuclear weapons spending by 1.5 times. [4] While this is an impressive figure, it is useful to place it into context by describing Russia's current strategic arsenal.

Russia had access to all kinds of Uranium during the Soviet times, but after the collapse, the mining industry saw massive lay-offs and unemployment with abandoned mines and manufacturing centers all over Russia and former USSR states. Putin could not just order more enriched uranium from within the legacy chain. What did he do? Through intermediaries in Kazakstan, Belorussia, Ukraine, Cyprus, Switzerland, and Panama, he funneled $363 million into the Clinton Global Initiative.

With Comrade Obama, Biden, and Hillary in the WH, they blessed off on Putin’s acquisition of Uranium mining rights in the US and Canada, which became known as the Uranium One scandal.

This is another gigantic nail in the coffin of Putin propagandists who try to claim Obama executed a coup in Ukraine in 2014. Obama’s WH was doing Putin’s bidding, much like FDR did Stalin’s under Lend Lease in the 1940s.

I watched Russian and other international news throughout this process, where it was openly reported that Putin was revitalizing Russia’s nuclear arsenal.

2012 Article
"We mustn't tempt anyone with our weakness," Putin wrote in the government daily Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

Putin said the government plans spending about 23 trillion rubles (about $770 billion US) over the next decade to purchase more than 400 intercontinental ballistic missiles, more than 600 combat aircraft, dozens of submarines and other navy vessels and thousands of armoured vehicles.
Strategic bombers like the B-29 were not on the approved list for Lend Lease. Study more, post less. Cut the personal attacks as well. It just shows you have not argument.

Obama’s whore grandmother was a honey pot working at Boeing’s plant in Wichita, then they had to leave abruptly. She was a riveter on the plant floor for the B-29, but somehow ended up socializing with executives with access:


Watch now as you see the pro-soviet moles and propagandists rise to the surface in this thread, defending the likes of Comrade Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, etc., trying to twist the story into some weird Russian garbage disinformation campaign about things they know nothing of.
I noticed you didn't touch Obamas Grandpa in Kenya, working for the British Colonial guberment.
Personally, I believe NATO pushed Russia into this position and actions. From the perspective of values, Putin has more in common with me than 1/2 of America.

That said, he is not a "good guy" in terms of how he runs and treats the citizens under his care. I know many people disagree with this including Macgregor, but I do believe he is aiming to expand and build a new empire. Primarily to secure his borders given how indefensible much of them are now (flat land).
Putin always planned to invade Ukraine, just like Georgia, Transnistria, Chechnya, Dagestan, Poland, Baltics, Romania, Finland, etc.

It wouldn’t matter if there was or wasn’t a NATO, except NATO is a huge deterrent to him invading any NATO nations. He treats Russians as other respected Czars have, which is an authoritarian ruler who is above critique and enriches himself, while keeping the borders secure by any means necessary, even if that means invading other countries and going scorched earth on them to use their territory as a buffer.

NATO literally had nothing to do with “pushing” Putin into anything. That’s part of his disinformatsia campaign to make you question your own and have doubts as he moved forward. This is standard in Russian history.
Putin always planned to invade Ukraine, just like Georgia, Transnistria, Chechnya, Dagestan, Poland, Baltics, Romania, Finland, etc.

It wouldn’t matter if there was or wasn’t a NATO, except NATO is a huge deterrent to him invading any NATO nations. He treats Russians as other respected Czars have, which is an authoritarian ruler who is above critique and enriches himself, while keeping the borders secure by any means necessary, even if that means invading other countries and going scorched earth on them to use their territory as a buffer.

NATO literally had nothing to do with “pushing” Putin into anything. That’s part of his disinformatsia campaign to make you question your own and have doubts as he moved forward. This is standard in Russian history.
You are a disinformation asset. Just stirring the pot.
You are a disinformation asset. Just staring the pot.
Nope. Putin’s own Foreign Ministry personnel knew these plans in the 2000s, which is where I first heard them from.

Notice how everything I’m laying out on the historical timeline falls right into place, whereas you distract, project, personally attack, and can’t form a coherent argument.

Anyone with discernment will start to see right through this when the facts are laid out on the timeline.
Soviet Collapse
Yeltsin Years
Nunn-Lugar WMD counter-proliferation
Putin handed the Russian Presidency by Oligarchs
Senator Obama acting for Russia disarming Ukraine even more
Obama, Biden, Hillary get into WH
Putin donates hundreds of millions into Clinton Global
Obama-Biden-Hillary WH and State Department sign off on Putin buying Uranium One mining rights
Yanukovych tries to Russify Ukraine with Donbas boyars placed into the cabinet, pilfering Ukraine of its wealth
Zlochevsky is appointed as CEO of Burisma, steals its revenue and funnels it into Putin networks
Ukrainians want to trade with Eurozone with all their resources, vote 79% in favor
Yanukovych defies them and signs Putin’s Russia-Eurasia Economic pact
Euromaiden protests erupt for 4 months
Yanukovych flees
Putin initiates Night Wolves and Wagner merc murders and attacks in Donbas as pretext
Putin sends in Russian forces into Donbas, annexes Crimea
Hunter Biden magically placed on board of directors for Burisma
Obama flies to UK to tell David Cameron to drop the investigation into Zlochevsky and Burisma
VP Biden threatens Poroshenko to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma, or else no $1 Billion in aid to Ukraine

Putin and dimwit followers: "See how NATO launched a coup in Ukraine!!!!"
Nope. Putin’s own Foreign Ministry personnel knew these plans in the 2000s, which is where I first heard them from.

Notice how everything I’m laying out on the historical timeline falls right into place, whereas you distract, project, personally attack, and can’t form a coherent argument.

Anyone with discernment will start to see right through this when the facts are laid out on the timeline.
I noticed you still dodge providing any proof that Obamas Gma gave B-29 plane to the Soviets or dis proving my claim about the Obamas ties with the British Colonial Government in Kenya.

As I said a few pages back... Baffle with bullshit.

You also never stated how, as you claim" Biden gave the Soviets plans to the Bone"
Soviet Collapse
Yeltsin Years
Nunn-Lugar WMD counter-proliferation
Putin handed the Russian Presidency by Oligarchs
Senator Obama acting for Russia disarming Ukraine even more
Obama, Biden, Hillary get into WH
Putin donates hundreds of millions into Clinton Global
Obama-Biden-Hillary WH and State Department sign off on Putin buying Uranium One mining rights
Yanukovych tries to Russify Ukraine with Donbas boyars placed into the cabinet, pilfering Ukraine of its wealth
Zlochevsky is appointed as CEO of Burisma, steals its revenue and funnels it into Putin networks
Ukrainians want to trade with Eurozone with all their resources, vote 79% in favor
Yanukovych defies them and signs Putin’s Russia-Eurasia Economic pact
Euromaiden protests erupt for 4 months
Yanukovych flees
Putin initiates Night Wolves and Wagner merc murders and attacks in Donbas as pretext
Putin sends in Russian forces into Donbas, annexes Crimea
Hunter Biden magically placed on board of directors for Burisma
Obama flies to UK to tell David Cameron to drop the investigation into Zlochevsky and Burisma
VP Biden threatens Poroshenko to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma, or else no $1 Billion in aid to Ukraine

Putin and dimwit followers: "See how NATO launched a coup in Ukraine!!!!"
You appear to be missing a few key points.. some of this I've not seen any evidence of.
The “UFO“ they shot down today was headed for the Alaska pipeline, maybe some pay back?

Not much else up there.

At this point I could see our genius betters launching a failed or even mildly successful attack against something to get everyone fired up for another war. Nobody outside around the North Slope this time of the year to poke around any wreckage. We'd just have to take someone's word.

Not that I'm cynical...

Russia's 'catastrophic' missing men problem​

Fleeing Russia.

Illustrated | Getty Images
NOVEMBER 5, 2022
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"Where have all the flowers gone?" asks the famous 1960s antiwar song. In Moscow today, The New York Times reports, the question is: Where have all the men gone?
The answer to both questions is, in part, the same: To the graveyards of soldiers. But a lot of the missing men of Moscow have also fled Russian President Vladimir Putin's draft for his war in Ukraine. In fact, demographers say Russia may not recover for generations, if ever.
"Putin spent years racing against Russia's demographic clock, only to order an invasion of Ukraine that's consigning his country's population to a historic decline,"
Bloomberg News reports. Here's a look at what demographer Alexei Raksha calls Russia's "perfect storm" of demographic decline:

So where have all the young men gone?​

Putin says his recent mobilization drafted about 300,000 men, 82,000 of whom are already in Ukraine. Another 300,000 Russians are believed to have fled to other countries to avoid the draft. The Pentagon estimated in August, before Kyiv's autumn counteroffensive, that Russia had incurred about 80,000 casualties in Ukraine, including wounded troops. "I feel like we are a country of women now," Moscow resident Stanislava, 33, told the Times. "I was searching for male friends to help me move some furniture, and I realized almost all of them had left."

Aleksei Ermilov, the founder of Russia's Chop-Chop barber shop empire, tells the Times you "can see the massive relocation wave more in Moscow and St. Petersburg than in other cities, partially because more people have the means to leave there."
The urban professionals who could blithely avoid thinking about the war over the summer did get a rude awakening when the Kremlin started pressing them into military service. The ranks of Moscow's "intelligentsia, who often have disposable income and passports for foreign travel," have "thinned noticeably — in restaurants, in the hipster community, and at social gatherings like dinners and parties," the Times reports. But ethnic and religious minorities in some regions have it worse.

In the remote far north of Russia and along the Mongolia border, in the regions of Sakha and Buryatia, mobilization rates are up to six times higher than in Russia's European regions, according to Yekaterina Morland at the Asians of Russia Foundation. Indigenous people in those regions were "rounded up in their villages" and enlistment officers scoured the tundra and "handed out summonses to anyone they met," Vladimir Budaev of the Free Buryatia Foundation told The Associated Press.

How has the male exodus affected Russian demography?​

Russia already had a huge gender imbalance before the Ukraine invasion, dating back to massive battlefield losses in World War II, Paul Goble writes at Eurasia Daily Monitor. Results from the 2021 census are expected to show that Russia has 10.5 million more women than men, almost the same disparity as a decade ago — the double blow being that Russian men at "prime child-bearing age" are dying in Ukraine or fleeing Putin's draft, which will "further depress the already low birthrates in the Russian Federation and put the country's demographic future, already troubled, at even greater risk."

"The mobilization is upending families at perhaps the most fraught moment ever for Russian demographics, with the number of women of childbearing age down by about a third in the past decade" amid the country's broader population decline, Bloomberg reports. "While demographic traumas usually play out over decades, the fallout of the invasion is making the worst scenarios more likely — and much sooner than expected."

Continuing with the Ukraine war and mobilization efforts until the end of next spring would be "catastrophic" for Russia, Moscow demographer Igor Efremov tells Bloomberg. It would likely bring birth rates down to 1 million between mid-2023 and mid-2024, dropping the fertility rate to 1.2 children per woman, a low mark Russia hit only once, in the 1999-2000 period. "A fertility rate of 2.1 is needed to keep populations stable without migration," Bloomberg adds, and currently Russia is facing "immigration outflows" and serious questions about its "ability to attract workers from abroad."

The war is bad for Ukraine, too, right?​

Yes — and like Russia, Ukraine was already hurting demographically even before the invasion, Lyman Stone, a research fellow at the conservative Institute for Family Studies, wrote in March. "Both Russia and Ukraine have low fertility rates, but in recent years, Russia has implemented pro-natal policies that have helped the country avoid extreme fertility declines," while Ukraine has been relatively lacking in such policies as it struggled through 15 years of war and political and economic upheaval.
Given Russia's much larger population and less severe recent population decline, "Ukraine's position compared to Russia's is steadily eroding," and "this trend will continue at an even greater pace in the future as the gaps in fertility rates between the two countries grow wider," Stone predicts. But "core demographic factors like birth rates and migration rates," while important, "are not destiny," and Ukraine has "turned demographic decline into military rejuvenation" through alliance-building and the "sharp willingness" of Ukrainians to fight.

Moreover, if Russia succeeds in annexing significant parts of Ukraine, Putin will have succeeded in bulking up Russia's population — but he'll also be adding Ukraine's "unfavorable demographics" to his own problems,

Might there be a Russian post-war baby boom?​

It's possible. Sometimes wars "lead to higher fertility," as when "sudden bursts of conception" occur as men deploy for battle, Goble writes at Eurasia Daily Monitor. "For example, monthly birth data from the 1940s clearly shows that U.S. baby boom began not as the G.I.'s returned from war, but as they were leaving for war." After the fighting stops, he adds, "wars may trigger a surge of nationalist ideas making people susceptible to pro-natal ideas and policies, even as so-called 'replacement fertility' often leads families to 'respond' to high-casualty events by having 'replacement' children.'"
In the short term, though, "it is likely that in conditions of uncertainty, many couples will postpone having children for some time until the situation stabilizes," Elena Churilova, research fellow in the Higher School Economics's International Laboratory for Population and Health, tells Bloomberg. "In 2023, we are likely to see a further decline in the birth rate."
And in the meantime, "downloads of dating apps have significantly increased in the countries to which Russian men fled," the Times reports, noting sharp rises in downloads in Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, and Kazakhstan. "All of the most reasonable guys are gone," said Tatiana, a 36-year-old Muscovite. "The dating pool has shrunk by at least 50 percent."

Is there any way Russia can reverse its demographic spiral?​

The most likely outcome is that "Putin's war will cast a shadow on Russia for a long time to come — one growing ever darker the longer the war carries on," Goble writes. Not only will the loss of Russian men to emigration and battlefield death "leave a huge hole in Russian society," but "those Russian men who do indeed manage to return will experience enormous problems," from PTSD and other health struggles to participating in a "proliferation of crime waves similar to those that followed the Afghan and Chechen wars."
The shape of "Russia's population pyramid" means "the birthrate is almost destined to decline," Brent Peabody wrote at Foreign Policy in January. Putin has said he's haunted by that fact, and "Russia's need for more people is no doubt a motivating consideration for its current aggressive posture toward Ukraine," even as "the idea that Ukrainians would sign up to be good Russians is largely delusional."
Ukrainians may not sign up to be good Russians willingly, but thousands of Ukrainian children have been spirited off to Russia to be placed in Russian "foster families," AP reports.
Ukrainian authorities say they are launching a criminal case against Russia's children's rights commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova, who said in mid-October that she herself had adopted a boy sized by Russian forces in Ukraine's bombed-out Mariupol, AP reports. U.S., British, and other Western nations sanctioned Lvova-Belova in September over allegations she masterminded the removal to Russia of more than 2,000 vulnerable children from Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk provinces.

Demography, and assumptions about how nations will react to demographic changes, are not exact arts, Rhodes College professor Jennifer Sciubba wrote at Population Reference Bureau in April. For example, "for years, one common argument in the U.S. policy community was that Russia's demographic troubles would curtail its ability to project power outside its borders."
Obviously, the "geriatric peace theory" was not a good fit for Russia, Sciubba adds. But more broadly, "population aging and contraction are such new trends that we know little about how states conduct foreign policy under these conditions, and we shouldn't expect aging states to act like aging individuals."
Whats long and hard that a polish bride gets on her wedding night???

A new last name.

A Polish guy goes into an Opticians for an eye test.​

The optician holds up the card with the letters CZWJNYSACZ and asks him if he can read it.

The Pollock says “Read it? I know the cunt”.
Why does the new Polish navy have glass bottom boats?

To see the old Polish navy

A Medieval polish farmer is out working in his fields one day, and digs up an old magic lamp. suddenly a Genie flies out, offering the astonished farmer 3 wishes.​

"good farmer, you have freed me from my prison, and for that I grant you 3 wishes! What say you?"

The farmer thinks hard and finally says "I wish for the Mongol hoard to invade Poland."

The Genie looks at the farmer, puzzled for a moment, then nods. The entire Mongol hoard shows up and begins pillaging and looting everywhere. It is a time of great misery and suffering, but they eventually leave again.

the Genie asks the farmer for his second wish
"Oh Noble farmer, now that thou hast brought this country to its knees, what is your next wish?"

The farmer looks around at the devastation and says "Genie, I want the Mongol Hoard to come invade Poland again!"

The Genie sighs and snaps his fingers. the Mongols arrive once more, and re-destroy the surrounding country. It is another time of great pain and misery for the polish people. Eventually, the Mongols depart once more.

the Genie cautiously asks the farmer for his third wish. Without hesitation, the farmer immediately says "I wish for the Mongols to invade Poland one more time!"

The Genie can't believe his ears. "why would you wish such misery on your fellow countrymen? What harm and suffering have they heaped on you to make you hate them so?" the puzzled Genie asks, as he snaps his finger one final time.

The farmer grins at the Genie. "Oh, I don't hate my countrymen, I love my friends and neighbors and this country. But every time the Mongols invade us, they go through Russia twice!"
I hate when you show someone an irrefutable video of something captured in the act, and you get that mealy mouthed "both sides do it" bullshit.

and then they refer back to some questionable propaganda as their proof.
So about that video, which is fucking horrific. Apparently there are now bounties on the soldiers who committed the murder, that was murder in my book. So I am betting those Ukes are living on borrowed time.
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So about that video, which if fucking horrific. Apparently there are now bounties on the soldiers who committed the murder, that was murder in my book. So I am betting those Ukes are living on borrowed time.
it's quite the nazi mentality. they think they can get away with anything because Biden is funding them and our propaganda is whitewashing them and blaming everything on the Russians.

But at some point they'll end up face down in the mud with their guts piled up a few feet away. And hell gets pretty hot in the summer.
No both sides are not doing it and no both sides are not evil. One is and one alone which with the help from outside managed to produce this civil war which Russians will finish and as it appears will evolve into the world war caused mainly (but not solely) by US collapse.
The wierdo twisting events to fit his intentional or delusional narrative of Soviets own US and are gunning for world dominance is best example of why and how US went to toilet. It aint soviets hon it was you spoiled white men from 50ies and late 60ies who let your country be stolen by sick predators whom you should’ve exterminated at the first sign of their degenerate thoughts and ideas being disseminated in your universities, media and culture. But hey nuking Russians will do wonders for domestic infestation…
No both sides are not doing it and no both sides are not evil. One is and one alone which with the help from outside managed to produce this civil war which Russians will finish and as it appears will evolve into the world war caused mainly (but not solely) by US collapse.
The wierdo twisting events to fit his intentional or delusional narrative of Soviets own US and are gunning for world dominance is best example of why and how US went to toilet. It aint soviets hon it was you spoiled white men from 50ies and late 60ies who let your country be stolen by sick predators whom you should’ve exterminated at the first sign of their degenerate thoughts and ideas being disseminated in your universities, media and culture. But hey nuking Russians will do wonders for domestic infestation…
When read with an eastern European or Russian accent your writing all makes sense. Yeah, it's pretty obvious that America and Europe is in retrograde. In looking at the big picture of the universe that's what black holes are for in a way, they suck in the matter from the universe to rebuild somewhere else. It's a cycle, all kingdoms collapse, and a new one is rebuilt somewhere else. It's just that time, we are at the beginning of the end possibly. You can feel it in your bones, that sense of total collapse right, I think we have all felt it.
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No both sides are not doing it and no both sides are not evil. One is and one alone which with the help from outside managed to produce this civil war which Russians will finish and as it appears will evolve into the world war caused mainly (but not solely) by US collapse.
The wierdo twisting events to fit his intentional or delusional narrative of Soviets own US and are gunning for world dominance is best example of why and how US went to toilet. It aint soviets hon it was you spoiled white men from 50ies and late 60ies who let your country be stolen by sick predators whom you should’ve exterminated at the first sign of their degenerate thoughts and ideas being disseminated in your universities, media and culture. But hey nuking Russians will do wonders for domestic infestation…
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