Just some prespective into where Ukraine falls Great reset is on a roll.
As World Economic Forum head Klaus Schwab proclaimed that “the future is built by us” at the opening of the annual Davos gathering, two other European elites declared that the global energy crisis is a “transition” that will be “painful” for most, but should not be resisted by nations tempted to preserve their own sovereignty over the “global agenda.”
Recalibration of freedom - And here i taught Ukraine is about freedom.
The disconnect between MSM reality and reality on the ground is Amazing ,anyone watching MSM got impression Ukrainians are laying siege to Moscow. But we are now seeing Ukrainan legislators asking for troops to be shot to prevent desertions.
Ole Henry is not wrong because the thing he points out its that this sanctions game might ultimately ferment upheaval at home and topple governments that are now playing games ' Stand with Ukraine', folks have no interest in paying economic price elites expect them to.
The former U.S. Secretary of State said to continue the war means risking destroying Europe's stability in the long term.