Is this legal?


Sure Shot Night Vision
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Full Member
Feb 15, 2017
Southern Illinois

Are they within their rights to detain these illegals?

Please don’t take this thread political, I’m honestly curious if they were operating within their rights as a citizens militia.
It is not legal, and when something goes wrong and someone gets killed, they will be in prison, and everything they have will be forfeited. Citizen's arrest only works in Mayberry
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Many states have statues covering citizen's arrest. NM does not, but it is considered part of Common Law. You could be held liable for using excessive force. Civil vs criminal...don't know.
The only thing that is illegal, and HIGHLY illegal, in this scene, are the trespassers who are breaking the laws of this country by entering illegally.

They should be detained and charged with as many offenses as our current laws provide. No country on Earth can expect to maintain stable, peaceful, and secure conditions in it's domain while it's boundaries are being REPEATEDLY violated with no regard and no consequences.
I’m not arguing the contrary. I would think illegal is illegal. I see nothing wrong detaining illegal immigrants. But I guess it also gets to the point of twisted points of view present in interpretation of each law. Kinda like the debate about 2a. It’s plainly written but interpretations differ.
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NM does allow citizens arrest. Not sure if FedLaw does.

However illegal entry is a Federal crime, not a NM one. So NM arrest would have to be for trespassing etc, and meet guidelines above.

They should not have held them at gunpoint. But there is nothing wrong with helping asylum seekers get in contact with the BP so they can claim asylum. :)
NM does allow citizens arrest. Not sure if FedLaw does.

However illegal entry is a Federal crime, not a NM one. So NM arrest would have to be for trespassing etc, and meet guidelines above.

They should not have held them at gunpoint. But there is nothing wrong with helping asylum seekers get in contact with the BP so they can claim asylum. :)
Smart thinking there.
“We welcomed them with water bottles and kept them safe until the bp arrived. Just happened to be open carrying “
As far as I'm's an illegal act of vigilantism, from a horde of right wing militia wannabes; intent on causing terror and havoc on our Southern border.
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I think it all depends on the size of the Militia. 20 guys may get the Uncle Sam Slam. 2000 would likely be left alone if they were not shooting. The Bundy ranch shit just proved the Govt knows where to stop. They may come in others ways just not when there are a couple thousand pissed off armed currently peaceful people.
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As far as I'm's an illegal act of vigilantism, from a horde of right wing militia wannabes; intent on causing terror and havoc on our Southern border.
The only thing they did wrong was outing the true American S/S/S policy. That policy has lived in this country long before 4-19-1775 an will be used/upheld by true Americans Men & Women" alike until this country falls apart from being Cunt-A-Sized. The more S/S/S the better,....
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Your thoughts are irrelevant.

"It's a funny matter how low you sink there's still a right and a wrong, and you always end up choosing..."

quote: "Last Man Standing" - Bruce Willis - 1996 - Music score - Ry Cooder

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As far as I'm's an illegal act of vigilantism, from a horde of right wing militia wannabes; intent on causing terror and havoc on our Southern border.
vigilantism, horde, right wing militia wannabes, terror, havok...
Do you write for CNN?
Your talking point words are spot on.

I'll show you the truth:
"As far as I'm concerned... it's a legal act of citizenry, from a few locals/patriots: intent on protecting their land and homes
on our southern border."

It wouldn't have come to this if our government was doing it's job/allowed to do it's job on the border.

As far as I'm's an illegal act of vigilantism, from a horde of right wing militia wannabes; intent on causing terror and havoc on our Southern border.

I would imagine that's how you view most of the folks that post here. You clearly disagree with the prevailing views so why are you here? You certainly have a right to participate, but if your sole purpose is to troll, it's getting old.
vigilantism, horde, right wing militia wannabes, terror, havok...
Do you write for CNN?
Your talking point words are spot on.

I'll show you the truth:
"As far as I'm concerned... it's a legal act of citizenry, from a few locals/patriots: intent on protecting their land and homes
on our southern border."

It wouldn't have come to this if our government was doing it's job/allowed to do it's job on the border.


No fecal material.

In Thesis' links I kept reading 'peaceful migrant'. How does that correspond with 'illegal alien/invader'?

Ive travelled in most of their countries, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, and not in one of them did Itry to enter with out a visa etc. Get caught, go to jail.

Illegal = illegal in every language.

Except maybe 'Politicalspeak'.
I would imagine that's how you view most of the folks that post here. You clearly disagree with the prevailing views so why are you here? You certainly have a right to participate, but if your sole purpose is to troll, it's getting old.

Really, if you dont like what you see here, just chose to leave. I suspect that if you keep trolling you will lose the choice.

I don’t see an issue. As long as they were not felons in possession of gun, read the people their Miranda rights and didn’t break any laws in the process of detaining them. In fact that’s the whole reason for the citizen’s arrest statute.

Are they within their rights to detain these illegals?

Please don’t take this thread political, I’m honestly curious if they were operating within their rights as a citizens militia.
From the politicalspeak dictionary, illegal means voter for the left

No fecal material.

In Thesis' links I kept reading 'peaceful migrant'. How does that correspond with 'illegal alien/invader'?

Ive travelled in most of their countries, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, and not in one of them did Itry to enter with out a visa etc. Get caught, go to jail.

Illegal = illegal in every language.

Except maybe 'Politicalspeak'.
I would imagine that's how you view most of the folks that post here. You clearly disagree with the prevailing views so why are you here? You certainly have a right to participate, but if your sole purpose is to troll, it's getting old.

No rights here. This is a private forum.

Just saying.

If a person can disagree and be civil, good conversation stirs thought which is excellent.
If one is a douche, they tend to stay a douche. Until the pouncing kitty gets em!
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No rights here. This is a private forum.

Just saying.

If a person can disagree and be civil, good conversation stirs thought which is excellent.
If one is a douche, they tend to stay a douche. Until the pouncing kitty gets em!

Disagreement is one thing. When the majority of a members posts seem to be intended to provoke rather than debate, it's something much different.
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at some point, if the government continues to do nothing, folks will reach the point of having had enough. i think it’s real close now.

i dont blame the illegals....i would do the same thing if i were them; only i wouldnt be hostile to whomever i encountered-and i realize many are not, but some are.

it’s like the wolves in northern wisconsin.....the lawmakers ram them down our throat, and at some point, the people have had enough, and start taking action.

it’s too damn bad that politicians would rather play back and forth, than live up to their oath. there is no reason on this earth that there shouldnt have been a well constructed wall there 30 years ago.
Gun point ! Brandishing a weapon in citizens arrest ? Does not sound right, only in defending deadly force confrontation. Again in a court of law you are judged by the totality of circumstances tread lightly.
When are courts fail to uphold the rule of law we shall become a nation of lawlessness !
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