There is little doubt that the Church does a lot of good, and has many wonderful people in it. It has also produced some of history's greatest thinkers. No large organization avoids politics, and no organization can endure with a decreasing membership, so the Church makes policy decisions that are in line with its own needs. Always has. Though it is fiction within fiction, no single document stands as a more perfect critique of the institutional church than The Grand Inquisitor chapter of The Brothers Karamazov.
All that said, there is nothing Catholic about molesting children. I mean that in that it is both out of step with the general beliefs, and that Catholics are no more likely to be molestors than any other group. People like to make connections that are facile, but not ones that are real. There are many reasons somebody who is a molestor may see value in becoming a priest. It may be access, shame, supposition of innocence, whatever, but it is laughable to think it is connected with their Catholicism.