Last week end was wonderful, 2 days of training, wind gusty in the valley very variable, first day the temperature was very high, my FFP with the .308 was not comfortable, slope from back to front and from left to right... a pain for the muscle of my neck.
Targets very small from 600 meters to 736 (30 cm) to 806 meters Larue target a little bit larger.
My 175 gr was dead on always... FFS with my ASBI system worked very well.. we did our training days with some guys ( Italian snipers special forces ) back from Afghanistan.... very good guys, a lot to learn from them.
I've also used my AWSM .338 LM with Lapua 300 gr..... awesome at 1250 m.....
some pictures
Targets very small from 600 meters to 736 (30 cm) to 806 meters Larue target a little bit larger.
My 175 gr was dead on always... FFS with my ASBI system worked very well.. we did our training days with some guys ( Italian snipers special forces ) back from Afghanistan.... very good guys, a lot to learn from them.
I've also used my AWSM .338 LM with Lapua 300 gr..... awesome at 1250 m.....
some pictures