Hidee!!! My name is Brandon and I am from Bridgeport, TX. I am a multiservice veteran (U.S.M.C and U.S.N) married to another veteran. I am a family man with many hobbies, among them using firearms for hunting, defense, and recreation. I also like to explore primitive areas, fish, tinker (everything from wood and metal construction/fabrication to vehicle repair/restoration/modification,) ride my Harley, expose my children to the things I loved when I was a kid, and many more. I have a couple years of college, but I let folks make up their own minds about my intellect and knowledge because they tend to do that anyway. Growing up in Texas, I have always been around guns but never really understood the true potential of the tool until I joined the Marine Corps. I have had several different guns and actions over the years but until recently, my only experience with semiauto rifles was the M16A2 I used in the Corps. The Marine Corps gave me a good foundation in marksmanship but it has only been recently that I have been learning to truely apply those fundementals to make consistantly accurate shots. I am not, by any stretch of the imagination a sniper/professional or even a great shooter. I am still learning and improving and hope to continue to learn and improve. Maybe, while I am here (Sniper'shide) I can make a friend or 2 along the way. Thanks for reading. I look forward to conversing with some of you like minded folks!