It is interesting to me how law enforcement support each other no matter how poor their behavior, all the while telling us they are just doing their job and enforcing the laws. They pick and choose which laws to enforce, and when they want to enforce them.
They also reciprocate professional favors to each other, such as not giving each other speeding tickets, where you or I are going to get that ticket.
I live near a town where the crime rate on the north end is like little Chicago, and the police don't go there or get out of their vehicles. Yet, they always find the time to continually set up speed traps in the effluent neighborhoods to harass the people that are going to work with speeding tickets, in order to generate revenue.
The PR of the police department in my area is poor because of behavior like this.
It would seem the PR of Austin LE is not going to much better.
You want a response to your comment, well here it is.
We don't support bad behavior; just get upset when people crucify officers from one sided media reports used to drum up ratings. If an investigation is done and the officer is wrong, other officers would be the first to condemn it. Maybe people should step back from all the Monday morning quarter backing and wait until the investigation is complete. A perfect example of this would be the deal going on with the Moore police department right now in Oklahoma. The media and everyone instantly cried out that the officers beat a man to death, all before anyone has seen the video. If those guys did in fact beat this man to death, then I will state how wrong and disappointing it is. I would want them to be prosecuted to the fullest extent, but I won't do it without FACTS. That is the key here, FACTS. I and the people I know do not support officers who break the law, violate citizens’ rights, or heavy handed policing.
As for special favors, sure there are officers that let other officers off of speeding tickets, there are some that don't. The OHP officer that gave me a speeding ticket in uniform didn't, and that is fine, I don't expect to be given a break for not following the law. Honestly I would rather work for a car dealership and get a discount on my vehicle than getting out of a speeding ticket, or work at a bar and get the industry discount when I'm drinking some beers. It would save me a hell of a lot more money than a 100 dollar speeding ticket, but I digress.
If the crime in your town is so bad that they don't patrol the area or get out of their vehicles, that just tells me that you probably are exaggerating and don't know what you are talking about, you never go to that side of town to see them working, or your town is large enough to have multiple substations. There might be 10 officers from one substation working the bad area, but you don't see them because they are busy doing their jobs. As soon as they get on, they are taking guys to jail and doing all the paper work that is required to do so. You take a guy to jail for a DUI at the beginning of the night, and that might be all you have time to do for that shift. This isn't the show COPS; you aren't knocking out three calls in 30 minutes. If you aren't seeing them, rest assured that means they are already taking someone to jail or in the middle of a call. As for those affluent neighborhoods, they still need to be policed also, otherwise you would be crying when you called and it took 30 minutes for someone to respond from the Northside. So it's a nice neighborhood and there isn't any crime, so what should they do all day while being paid with your taxes? Should they sit in their car doing nothing? You would cry if they did that, so they enforce the laws that are being broken, speeding. Sorry this first world problem bothers you so much. If having to drive the speed limit is such a horrible problem in your life, I suggest driving over to that Northside and volunteer a little of your time with some at risk children, maybe get some perspective on what real problems are. If at risk children make you sick and the thought of getting some perspective is beyond you, maybe just leave 5 minutes earlier so you don’t have to speed, that should solve your self-induced problem.
For all the guys that have never been LEO, and have an issue with your local department, I suggest you go do a ride along one nice Friday or Saturday evening this summer. This will give you better insight into the thing you hate most. Just call them up and request it.