I pulled mine out and I am sure nobody will like the answer, especially someone who has it, but
you have it turned up way too high.
The whole reticle is illuminated and the rheostat will rotate around quite a bit, as you go too far the light will spill off any imperfection in the etch. The faintest scratch will glow...
Look at the center section in your image it is way too bright and blown out. The idea is to illuminate it just enough as to not obscure the target.
It's a bit of a draw back to:
1. Illuminating the entire reticle
2. Allowing the rheostat to go too bright.
I find if you lower it, so the top of the status bar on the knob is still showing it is perfect. If you start sending the status bar around and underneath you are going too bright. I have lines showing up as the status bar appears on the other side of the knob, the center is then heavily blown out.
If you shoot at all at night you'll realize less is better, most of the time under typical situations you don't need it on but the tiniest amount. The main reticle not the cross in the center should almost look flat red to be right and not bright red. These aren't NV so you don't use it against a completely black out night, you need some type of light around the target and if you use it with a clip on NV device, you need it much lower, the status bar will not exit your view.
I can see where most would consider seeing any lines in the etching as a bad thing, but that is part of the trade off, the light is emitted out and will catch everything. Its why most reticles only light the center and not the entire area. Stuff you can never see without illumination will be reflected on the brightest of settings. Just taking the reticle out of the packaging to install can add a line.
So put it in context, how often are you realistically gonna use the illumination, (do you have access to range that operates at night) how bright do you want it, (i find less than halfway is more than enough) what power do you think you'll be shooting at night, certainly not 24x, and how big & far is the target gonna be ?