Hi guys! I´m a lucky owner of the Kestrel 5700 Elite with AB ( without link) and have a little problem and i hope someone from you can help me. I bought the Kestrel with the firmaware 1.15 and i would like to save my gun profils to my pc. I downlaod the AB-Loader from the AB-Homepage, connest my cabel and start the loader. The buttom at the right top corner is green and i klick the "get Profiles from Kestrel " button. A windows opens and tells me 6 profiles receiving but nothing happens. I tried it on 4 PC with Win7 with the same result. The Kestrel Link software works great. I can download the Log data. After a few days without a successful result i make the upadte to 1.24 and I hoped the problem would be solved. Now my Kestrel has the firmware 1.24 and i have a second problem.
First, the AB loader still does not work and the second problem is, i have no Easy mode. I can swith between Weather and Ballistic and the easy mode is missing.
Has anybody an idea what can be the problem?
Thanks in advanced,..
First, the AB loader still does not work and the second problem is, i have no Easy mode. I can swith between Weather and Ballistic and the easy mode is missing.
Has anybody an idea what can be the problem?
Thanks in advanced,..