Dear God, please never put me or mine in a situation where we have to defend our lives with a knife… Hell, where we have to defend our lives at all. But wishing and praying don’t absolve us of the need to train for that eventuality.
Here’s the fighting knife I had
James Helm make for my son several years ago…a 9” version of his “Benghazi Warfighter” knife:
he usually makes them ~7” but was kind enough to do this one on commission as a HS graduation gift for my son. Very durable and unique.
My son has years and years of karate, judo, and various grappling disciplines under his belt, but seeing that video and the crazies in NY stabbing folks on the subway, etc. makes me want to get him and a few of his friends from our shooting group into some serious hand-to-hand and edged weapon defense training.