I’ve not seen the dumpster on fire being rolled into a building. “I do see this where the kid is acting rough with his gun”. And runs like a bitch, and gets scared when someone pops one in the air and then smokes the dude who was trying to take the kids gun (“bc people felt like he was being aggressive and bossing people around with it”). Kyle kid shoots him, circles around looks at him, gets his phone out while other aid wounded (he didn’t call 911 for the guy) and then he panics and a starts his knock knee run away. People screaming that he just blew somebody’s head off and others thought the douche running scared with gun who had just shot someone should probably be stopped in an attempt to keep him for the police or from injuring others. I watched this video with sound off, so don’t hold me to what it says, but rather what it shows.
What your video does not show is any instance of, “where the kid is acting rough with his gun.” Or “he was being aggressive and bossing people around with it.”
As a matter of fact none of the videos support your obviously biased view. I believe your viewpoint is as a rioting participant. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit if your name is gaige.