04/15/2024 - 20 Shots - 1072.2 MAX - 1040.4 MIN - 1055.8 AVE - 31.8 ES - 8.3 SD Notes: 54*F 68% RH 28.92inHG SP 963' DA 80 Fouling Shots
04/17/2024 - 50 Shots - 1077.9 MAX - 1039.9 MIN - 1062.9 AVE - 38.1 ES - 6.4 SD Notes: 44*F 45% RH 29.34inHG SP -167' DA 100 Fouling Shots
05/03/2024 - 50 Shots - 1082.3 MAX - 1041.1 MIN - 1060.7 AVE - 41.2 ES - 8.1 SD Notes: 59*F 59% RH 29.34inHG SP - 771' DA 0 Fouling Shots CCB
05/20/2024 - 155 Shots - 1100.1 MAX - 1056.6 MIN - 1075.8 AVE - 43.5 ES - 7.9 SD Notes 66*F 63% RH 29.17inHG SP - 1430' DA 100 Fouling Shots
Averages 1083.13 1044.5 1063.8. 38.7 7.7
Above is my log for a lot of Lapua Center X. Wondering if the trending higher velocities is the barrel "breaking in" or possibly temp related. Extreme spreads and standard velocity are staying around ~ 38.7 and 7.7 FPS respectively but the MAX, MIN and AVE are creeping up.
Using a Garmin Xero Chrono.
Rifle is a Vudoo 360 w/ a 24" 1:16R 5 Groove 1.20" Bartlein Barrel.
04/17/2024 - 50 Shots - 1077.9 MAX - 1039.9 MIN - 1062.9 AVE - 38.1 ES - 6.4 SD Notes: 44*F 45% RH 29.34inHG SP -167' DA 100 Fouling Shots
05/03/2024 - 50 Shots - 1082.3 MAX - 1041.1 MIN - 1060.7 AVE - 41.2 ES - 8.1 SD Notes: 59*F 59% RH 29.34inHG SP - 771' DA 0 Fouling Shots CCB
05/20/2024 - 155 Shots - 1100.1 MAX - 1056.6 MIN - 1075.8 AVE - 43.5 ES - 7.9 SD Notes 66*F 63% RH 29.17inHG SP - 1430' DA 100 Fouling Shots
Averages 1083.13 1044.5 1063.8. 38.7 7.7
Above is my log for a lot of Lapua Center X. Wondering if the trending higher velocities is the barrel "breaking in" or possibly temp related. Extreme spreads and standard velocity are staying around ~ 38.7 and 7.7 FPS respectively but the MAX, MIN and AVE are creeping up.
Using a Garmin Xero Chrono.
Rifle is a Vudoo 360 w/ a 24" 1:16R 5 Groove 1.20" Bartlein Barrel.