My primary ammo is RWS R50. I put probably 2000rnds of various lapua and various eley through this rifle. I never really kept track of how much of each I shot. For the past 7-8k rounds or so its been only RWS R50.
Disservice huh? Just because you say it, does not make it so. What I said flew right over your head... and there you are trying to tell me I’m new again. lol

But hey... who am I to argue against the “everyone knows” arguments?
“It HeRtZ aCcUruCy.”
Meanwhile I’m over here shooting flies, literally, 9,000 rounds into a dirty barrel, on camera, uncut, unedited, and with people watching while it was recorded. I've shot probably 150 flies with that same rifle at 50yds.
Yet you'd have me and others here believe I have an accuracy problem. What a joke. A disgusting joke, that only a twisted individual with a warped mind would think is funny.
@Jadams Thanks for your post. Its nice when someone actually wants to have a conversation instead of just argue their point. Regarding your request, I've done that once with a rifle I had shooting in the .1's, and it took over 1000rnds to come back, and never did come back to what it was before I cleaned it. So while I appreciate your desire for knowledge, and I too think it would be a worthwhile test... I will not TOUCH this rifles bore with a cleaning implement until I have cause to do so. I have 22,000 rounds of this lot number of R50 remaining... and until it's gone, the tuner setting will not be touched, nor will the guard screws or anything else. I have a pre-recall TT diamond trigger in there... and I refuse to break the interface to get it out. However, once the rifle demonstrates that it doesn't want to shoot well anymore... I will happily perform this test and will for certain create an article or something on it. It has already been planned if/when it happens. I don't take getting a rifle shooting like mine lightly... and I won't be repeating the mistakes of the past just to prove a point.
@Jadams The remainder of this post is not meant for you,
nor anyone else that has conversed with me respectfully, so please don't take offense.
I have documented the performance of the rifle in question, as well as several other rifles that we have produced, over thousands of rounds. This thread is demonstrative of the worst kind of internet filth. I have documented the ability to place bullets within .1 tenth of an inch at 50yds, in every way conceivable. I have provided pictures, video, live streams, and detailed explanations. Done so over the course of nearly a year. Still, people claim I am wrong. Still no one is asking questions about what we've done with these rifles to make this so. Granted, I wouldn't tell them if they asked... but the concept that they know all things, and that what we are doing can not be so, is despicable, disgusting, disturbing, and utterly predictable.
Cognitive Dissonance at its finest. No matter how much evidence I provide, they disagree anyway. The
more evidence I provide, the
more strongly they disagree. They use ad hominem attacks, try to attack my reputation, and vilify me. They claim the accolades of other shooters (not their own) as justification for their barrage. Yet if they are right, and I am wrong, how can the evidence I've provided exist? Their next argument will be that the evidence is fabricated. All of it. ...and the live stream viewers were planted by me. The depths that people will go to in order to ensure new information, new products, and new techniques never see the light of day is astounding. They decide what is to be, and what is not to be, in their own mind and then anything that does not immediately fit their view is attacked, ruthlessly.
It is by this mechanism that the worst things to ever happen on this earth, have been allowed to happen.
I'll say it again... literally shooting flies on command... yet people claiming I have an accuracy problem and that what I'm saying can not be happening... while its happening. Are they claiming that instead of shooting flies, I'll be able to shoot gnats... if only I was smart enough to do as they say? ...because I haven't heard that argument yet.
Then there's the fact that this rifle is a REPEATER. I'm doing this with a rifle that is feeding rounds from a magazine. I've seen quite a lot of benchrest shooters, with benchrest rifles, not be able to replicate the performances I've demonstrated for nearly a year with this rifle. I have no illusions that they aren't out there, or that there is a small number of them... Yet it remains, mag fed rifle, shooting to this level is pretty nice for a field shooter.
I was told the same thing about cleaning 22lr as those are found saying here. It wasn't until my good friend, a state champion benchrest smallbore shooter suggested I try a different path, that I decided to find out for myself. I will not remain ignorant, and I will not do things just because "this is how it's been done." I will seek truth for myself and the doing of things, and gaining experience is what reveals that truth to me. I have adequately proven to myself across dozens of rifles, across over a decade of time, across several hundred thousand rounds fired... that I don't need to clean my 22lr rifles as much as the internet would have me believe I should.
I am not here to try and convince you to do things my way. I'm here to try to convince you to hold to the truth. You can know no truth but what you've discovered through your own experiences. If I have not provided enough evidence to get you to "try" my methods and gain your own experience, then we have nothing to discuss. I will hold no responsibility for what is in your mind. Attack me as you will, it really makes no difference. I will not take the "advice" of anonymous internet personalities over what I've witnessed through my own labors. I'd venture a guess that no one in this thread has fired as many purposeful precision 22lr rounds down range in the past decade as I have. Your attacks weigh NOTHING against the mass of what I've seen in that time.
I'd venture a guess that most people won't get 10,000 rounds of high end 22lr through their rifle in the next 5-10 years. Some of you might. ... or maybe you'd rather bludgeon me with all the reasons why you can't/won't try it. I've done my work. I've shown it... and
@Hozzie is right... it's taken me hundreds of thousands of rounds to make any sense of any of it.
However, lets say I'm wrong for a moment... and cleaning your rifle every 50-100 rounds as has been suggested DOES indeed improve accuracy and precision.
OK... how much? Can ANY of you prove it? Do you have a body of work I can reference? A video to watch? A quantifiable metric? ... because NONE of you have said what that metric is, if it even exists. Then... here we are on a forum dedicated to practical field shooting and you're sitting here with a straight face suggesting that someone cleans their rifle halfway through an NRL match, or 3-4 times per match, in field conditions? As if it's going to be a super good thing to shove a cleaning rod down the bore with a bunch of dust on it and wind blowing all over the place? If any of you spent as much time actually shooting as you spend talking about shooting this forum and every other forum would be a respectful place to exchange ideas. We could all learn something... but instead everyone that is actually shooting enough to make some discoveries is relentlessly attacked until they refuse to participate.
It's no wonder that I've watched the benchrest disciplines dwindle to nothing over the past two decades... while PRS/NRL has EXPLODED in popularity with new people coming in all the time. I know a few benchresters that are really nice people, and I can see now whey they complain about you lot all the time. They literally reference going to matches as "work" because being around the majority of you is so punishing. Tell you what benchresters... I'll challenge any one of you to four ARA cards. You sit on the bench with your single shot rifle... I'll go prone. You can use all your normal rests, even one piece if that's what you want. You can even drag out as many of your flag stations as you like and scatter them all over the range. We shoot for score. Most points wins. We'll have 30 seconds to run each card. 25 bulls in 30 seconds, shot for score. Should be a cake walk for all those SUPER accurate rifles you guys have that I apparently don't. I'll bring my crappy non-accurate rifle that was shooting flies in the video I posted earlier.
Yeah, I could let one of my kids shoot against you and they'd still clean your clocks by those rules. You'd probably be lucky to get through the first 5 bulls before the clock was gone. So understand something. I'm happy about what you can achieve in benchrest. I think it's cool and I respect the discipline. Yet you might want to glance around and ask yourself why the number of competitors keeps getting smaller. People don't like to be talked to, the way many of you like to talk to people. So for the last time, I'm not talking about benchrest when I talk. ... and if our rifles and our methods have an accuracy problem, I've yet to hear that from any customer. Everyone's happy with a rifle shooting in the .2's that doesn't demand great effort from them. They can have a rifle shooting in the .2's for thousands and thousands of rounds. My experience has taught me they can do it for TENS of thousands of rounds. Just load magazines, and go cut little bug holes. As often as they want. Their wives, girlfriends, kids... everyone can have fun with 22lr precision and they don't need benchrest black magic, one piece rests, and sometimes not even tuners. They can buy one of our rifles and just shoot as much as they want with what limited time they may have.
It's fun.
This thread isn't.
Thank you for reminding me why I just shouldn't participate. All it does is cause grief. I really need to learn to just not respond when someone berates me or my work. Thank you very much for the education, and the reminder. I'll try to learn to stay away from these kinds of threads. I'm REALLY going to try. Now if you'll excuse me while I go wash the filth of this thread off.