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Legit 40x base?


Full Member
Sep 18, 2006
East Texas
Wondering if the top base is a legit 40x base?

Definitely NOT REAL. Even the markings on both bases are wrong. I don't even think they're Redfield bases, they might be Leupold bases. Any markings on the sides of the bases? If they somehow have the Redfield "R" in crosshair on the fromt right side of the base, then someone faked the 40X marking on the bottom. If it's a Leupold base with that marking on the side, then that might be the way Leupold marked their bases on the bottom.

Just a quick glance, the markings are completely wrong for Redfield bases, the lightning cuts under the windage screws of the 40X base is wrong (shouldn't even have them), and even the direction of the milling machine marks on the rear bridge portion of the bases is completely wrong (marks should be perpendicular to the direction they're going on the bases in the photo). Taking all of that into consideration, I don't even think that these are Redfield made bases.
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Definitely NOT REAL. Even the markings on both bases are wrong. I don't even think they're Redfield bases, they might be Leupold bases. Any markings on the sides of the bases? If they somehow have the Redfield "R" in crosshair on the fromt right side of the base, then someone faked the 40X marking on the bottom. If it's a Leupold base with that marking on the side, then that might be the way Leupold marked their bases on the bottom.

Just a quick glance, the markings are completely wrong for Redfield bases, the lightning cuts under the windage screws of the 40X base is wrong (shouldn't even have them), and even the direction of the milling machine marks on the rear bridge portion of the bases is completely wrong (marks should be perpendicular to the direction they're going on the bases in the photo). Taking all of that into consideration, I don't even think that these are Redfield made bases.
I don’t have them in hand yet but they are coming from a well known dealer.
I will update when I have them in hand.
Thanks for the reply
I don’t have them in hand yet but they are coming from a well known dealer.
I will update when I have them in hand.
Thanks for the reply
I hope that you didn't pay more than $10 per base, because that's about what they're worth. Were they sold to you as actual USMC M40 bases? Please provide us with some information about the deal, if you can. The more details we have, the more we can learn about what happened and how to prevent being taken advantage of as a potential customer. This information is important to all of us.

If the dealer blatantly ripped you off and charged hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars (real Redfield 40X bases are $2,000 each) for these base, then they should be named. There's no reason for a customer who got swindled to protect the people who ripped them off. This is a constant thing in the gun collecting community, for some reason no one ever names dealers or gunsmiths who do something wrong. People need to know this information, so they no who to trust and who to avoid. I've only seen the victim buyer protect the perpetrator dealer/gunsmith in this area of collecting. No where else does this dynamic occur, and I find it extremely strange.
I was messaging with @fe1 and he gave me some details that aren't posted here, to include the company name. I promised not to mention the company in this thread until he does. They should be named, the blatantly and knowingly sold him fake shit. He paid hundreds of dollars for bases that are NOT M40 Redfield 40X and 700SA bases. This company has been brought up numerous times in conversations over the past few months. They've been fucking people left and right, just to make a buck! I'm sick of it and I'm going to be making a thread calling out the fucking scammers at this company! They're preying on members of this community and they know EXACTLY what they're doing!

If a company is offering you insanely rare and unique M40 parts right now at dirt cheap prices, don't fucking buy it! It's too good to be true! I spend a lot of time, money, and effort making reference threads with detailed descriptions and high resolution photos of various original parts, and I post this stuff on multiple gun forums. Trust my threads with these photos/info, and trust you own eyes! If it doesn't look like the parts I've posted photos of, then it's 99 times out of 100 fake or just not what the seller claims it to be. No one should be ripped off, there's detailed reference threads to look at AND I'm the easiest person in the world to contact and get information from! Seriously gents, CONTACT ME if you ever have any questions about anything someone is trying to sell you! I'm here to help all of you, I will break my fucking spine bending over backwards to help all of you, but you guys need to contact me and let me know what's going on.

@fe1 is not to blame for anything here, he's the victim and was straight up scammed. There are people out there who just want your money and they don't give a flying fuck about this community and doing the right thing. You are all targets that they've set their sights on and these scammers will tell you everything that you want to hear! We need to protect each other from these fucking assholes, and they need to be publicly called out.

I'm fucking pissed right now because I keep hearing horror stories about the shit this company has done. I will be making a post about this company.
That style of base is legit. Whether or not they come from one of the sources used for the M40 I do not.know.
I will say that while I understand why they used that system, it wasn’t the best choice. Reason being is the friction hold on the front ring had a tendency to wear. That causes loss of zero. My clone that I’m working on right now, won’t have these. It will have Weaver or Picatinny bases. I know it’s not historically accurate, but Im not into a rifle that will turn into a POS.
That style of base is legit. Whether or not they come from one of the sources used for the M40 I do not.know.
I will say that while I understand why they used that system, it wasn’t the best choice. Reason being is the friction hold on the front ring had a tendency to wear. That causes loss of zero. My clone that I’m working on right now, won’t have these. It will have Weaver or Picatinny bases. I know it’s not historically accurate, but Im not into a rifle that will turn into a POS.
From my research the windage screw slots should not be cut completely through the base.
Here's a few original Redfield 40X scope bases. I've seen them blued and refinished, what's important is the markings and lack of lightening cuts. The front bridge area on the underside can have 2 or 3 different types of milling (2 different milling types in this photo). Look at the direction of the machine marks on the middle base (with the original bluing), the marks around the 40X marking are perpendicular to the directions of the straight lines of the base. Hopefully that makes sense, but it's a feature to look for.

Also notice the specific font and size of the 40X stamp and the closed top of the 4. The 40X stamps on these real bases are smaller than the 40X on the base in question. The size and font of the 40X stamp is the very first thing thst I look at, and that can immediately tell me if the base is legit or not. Again, these are all very important features, and they should all be taken into consideration. Compare these features to the top base in the first post, and you can see that whatever that base is, it's not correct.

The last thing I'd like to add is that you guys can always send me photos via private message, and I'll look at your base before you buy it. I've never charged anyone for my time or knowledge, I do this because I want to help people avoid situations like this.

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As Smiley wrote on the other M40 Forum here in vintage. Don't confuse 40X with M40 The 40X is based off the 722, while the M40 is based off the 700. Similar reciever, but the bolt handles are different.
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As Smiley wrote on the other M40 Forum here in vintage. Don't confuse 40X with M40 The 40X is based off the 722, while the M40 is based off the 700. Similar reciever, but the bolt handles are different.
He did confirm 40x’s were the original prototype actions and sporter weight barrels. He stated it just a few days ago on the Facebook M40 Enthusiasts page !
He did confirm 40x’s were the original prototype actions and sporter weight barrels. He stated it just a few days ago on the Facebook M40 Enthusiasts page !
Correct! But prototypes are not production.
ADDED: Even though he also explained, while the M40 and 40X's were built in the same room, across from each other, they very much remained separated.