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Lethal Injection Fail??

^^^^Silly post, but next time you see an UFO, or a Big Foot, get proof!! It is easy for one to post dribble, such as your post above. It takes a person with a mind to post, the sources (please, not the National Enquirer or the like) "proven flawed" and refuted evidence, is easy to say, post the University studies if you can-otherwise please stick with your UFO sightings-perhaps the lizard people have your tongue!
Hangin' scares the shit outta me, I'll take death by firing squad. ...I know right?

Well a propper hanging should not cause strangulation, the weight on the feet or the long drop is so the neck breaks. That being said, a clean shot in the Fatal T would do the job as well. I'm cool with the firing squad so long as the shooters know their butts from their forward assist!
Well a propper hanging should not cause strangulation, the weight on the feet or the long drop is so the neck breaks. That being said, a clean shot in the Fatal T would do the job as well. I'm cool with the firing squad so long as the shooters know their butts from their forward assist!

Good point, I guess it would suck to be shot in the shoulder...I think I would still take that over possibly strangling for a while!! haha
^^^^Silly post, but next time you see an UFO, or a Big Foot, get proof!! It is easy for one to post dribble, such as your post above. It takes a person with a mind to post, the sources (please, not the National Enquirer or the like) "proven flawed" and refuted evidence, is easy to say, post the University studies if you can-otherwise please stick with your UFO sightings-perhaps the lizard people have your tongue!

A person with a mind . . . and what a mind you must have! Clicking "copy" and THEN "paste" . . . what critical faculties those tasks must have required! Be sure to wipe your mouth before you write that next easy post; we wouldn't want the "dribble" to get all over your keyboard.
Hangin' scares the shit outta me, I'll take death by firing squad. ...I know right?

I used to think that way until I saw how firing squads are done in America. I was under the impression they shoot you in they head like they do in other countries such as China. But here they shoot you in the heart with .30-30 rifles. Sure it's a quick kill, but it has to hurt like hell!
A person with a mind . . . and what a mind you must have! Clicking "copy" and THEN "paste" . . . what critical faculties those tasks must have required! Be sure to wipe your mouth before you write that next easy post; we wouldn't want the "dribble" to get all over your keyboard.
Cowardly post to be sure!! Stupid and un informed at the very least, this is your "proof"? Because you are completely unable to refute any part of my post, with any factual studies, you post this type of crap! I'm sure you get away with this type of S*&& with your mama, but how about a few actual studies, that support your opinion? You've made some assertions, you're not just attacking me, but all the professors and university studies I've posted, again cowardly and stupid-but I'm sure you've heard that most of your life. Yes, a person with a mind (one that works) wouldn't have attacked and refuted actual studies, unless they could back it up. I'll bet the 300lb pig you're married to believes your pronouncements, however; I do not, in fact, I asked for proof, you've offered none.
Last edited:
Normally, when refuting someone's data, the evidence to support that is supplied. Simply saying that a study is flawed, or was refuted, does NOT provide sufficient evidence to back up those claims. In Pawprint's posting, the study information is supplied.
I would be very interested in reading any data Limedust can supply to support his contentions that the studies have been refuted, or otherwise negated.

I have mixed feelings about capitol punishment. On the one hand, I believe that society has the right to demand retribution for a person's misdeeds. However, I am not at all comfortable with a system that puts innocent people to death, regardless of how infrequent that may be. One innocent person executed is far too many.

I note that an earlier posting said that a number of people on death row are there as the result of a wrongful conviction. A wrongful conviction is light years different (to me) than someone who is innocent of the charges.

Due to the cost of incarcerating convicted people, the costs of paying for the appeals, court time, and related legal costs, many people believe that the death penalty does not save money. I realize that the issue of whether the death penalty discourages crime is in dispute by Limedust, and would enjoy reading any supporting documentation.

I really don't have any issue about a society requiring the truly guilty people to pay for their misdeeds with their life. I still haven't figured out how to resolve the problem of how to could keep innocent people from being executed, while maintaining societies right to have a death penalty.

I can't come up with big objections to hanging, firing squad, electric chair, gas chamber, lethal injection, guillotine, when done right. It is possible to botch just about anything we humans undertake, and botched executions are just another example of Murphy's law at work. Maybe allowing the convicted person to choose the primary method of execution, along with an instantaneous backup to insure the job is done right would help.
Cowardly post to be sure!! Stupid and un informed at the very least, this is your "proof"? Because you are completely unable to refute any part of my post, with any factual studies, you post this type of crap! I'm sure you get away with this type of S*&& with your mama, but how about a few actual studies, that support your opinion? You've made some assertions, you're not just attacking me, but all the professors and university studies I've posted, again cowardly and stupid-but I'm sure you've heard that most of your life. Yes, a person with a mind (one that works) wouldn't have attacked and refuted actual studies, unless they could back it up. I'll bet the 300lb pig you're married to believes your pronouncements, however; I do not, in fact, I asked for proof, you've offered none.

I think it's funny that you edited that post . . . I'm sure the other was up to your high standards of erudition as well, but this one is just perfect.

Anyhow, I'll get you started on you research--which you should have done yourself--but just this one time, hear? In the future, overcome your confirmation bias and get the whole story before you go throwing shit at the walls, you burgeoning academic, you.

Lamperti, 2010.
Fagan, 2006. (This is a good one)
Donahue, 2005. (Also good)
Radelet, 2009.
Schanzenbach, 2012.

Also, take a look at Manski, 2013 for a decent examination of the Ehrlich thing in particular.

Now dust off those cheaters and get to reading Pawprint! It will be good for you . . . and the rest of us.
I think they should farm the inmates out to the local long range matches in the prisons area. I'm sure we would all really like moving targets at 1200 yards. just put them on a hundred feet of chain and let them try to dodge what we are throwing at them. Maybe if they make it till the end of the weekend without a hit they can go free or something. That or if they are found guilt without a reasonable doubt then right after the sentencing of death they are walked into a little room and bang bullet to the head. Done and Done. These dirt bags showed no mercy to the victims why should we! Hell I would sign up for trigger duty on the weekends at our local court house free of charge.
limedust's little attempt at refuting my earlier post is tellllllling! His number one source, Lamperti is as far left wing, world peace type as you're going to find. Looks like limedust's heros include this flaming liberal, boy George, and jane fonda!! If you're going to offer rebuttal, offer rebuttal from someone that isn't a card carrying commie! I stopped right there. Limedust, you are obviously a closet liberal, your hero's appear to be as far left as they can get, the "intellectual elite", the type that supported Obama twice, are all for gun control, higher taxes and more govt. control. Spread you crap around with your 300 lb. wife., you'll get your hand called in the PIT. Now go dust off your Hillary for pres poster and smoke some more crack.

Looking at his bio:
John W. Lamperti

Member of Steering Committee

Phone: (603) ***-**** HQ Phone

New Hampshire Peace Action
4 Park Street Suite 210
Concord, New Hampshire 03301
United States

Company Description: The members of New Hampshire Peace Action envision a world committed to disarmament and peace, nonviolent conflict resolution, and respect for the rights and... more


Employment History
University Statistician
Dartmouth College
Mathematics and Statistics Teacher
Dartmouth College
Board Memberships and Affiliations
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
Dartmouth College

16 Total References
Web References
Has anyone seen the movie "Law Abiding Citizen", maybe the victims parents learned how to hack the pharma co's computers and switched the intended drug with propylene glycol (anti freeze).

I am form Oklahoma, the execution did not fail, and to date not one innocent person has been put to death. The claim of 4% death row inmates is an assumption not a fact. I know there is a great possibility that there is or maybe an innocent on death row. I just do not understand how an innocent goes through the trial system and appeal system and still winds up on death row! If legal injection is not going to work we can bring back the electric chair don't remember anyone bitching about it failing. 1 more thing why does the victim never have any grounds? All the worry has been on the perp as being done wrong. The Young Lady (19) saw he and his cohorts robbing a place she and a friend that was with her were kidnapped, Raped and shot in the face 2 times and were buried in a shallow grave while still alive. The reason she was killed is even after everything that was done to her she still fought back. I have said enough. Victims should have rights too.
Screw that murdering bastard. He should go through the same torture and fate as the victim did. If this country had the balls and guts in the legal system , countless crimes woudnt be committed if we had harsher penalty a with no wait period for those that are 100 per ent proven guilty. If you steal, cut their hands off. If they rape, bury them with their dicks in their mouth. It's not hard to stop a lot of this bullshit going on in this country if they wanted too!
Having read over some of the studies quoted by Pawprint and Limedust, my conclusion is that both sides appear to be picking data, and making summaries that support their pre-conceived contentions, rather than looking at all data and coming to unbiased opinion. But that is just my take on the info.

But that is not unexpected. Studies in propaganda show that propaganda from either side usually supports the pre-conceived opinions of the reader. As my feelings regarding capitol punishment are generally supportive, but with reservations, it is not at all surprising that I interpret the studies indicated in that light. But at least I'm willing to admit to my biases and unresolved thoughts on this topic.
Just a common sense thought for those that do NOT believe Capital Punishment is a deterrent, let the Law for murder be death for all those that are committed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, those committed on the other days of the week go free. what days do you think the most murders will be committed? This is not my statement I just do not remember where I heard this.
If there is any doubt then freeze the convicted person. If they are found to be innocent then thaw them out. If no new evidence comes up then hit them in the head real hard with a hammer when they are still frozen.
It's completely irrelevant whether it's a deterrent. It's called capital PUNISHMENT, not capital deterrence. I have it on good authority that the rate of recidivism among those who have had capital punishment effectively administered is 00.0000000000%.

One only is deserving of society's protections if one also abides by its rules. The breaking of the most sacrosanct of its rules calls for nothing less than exclusion from the company of men entire. Since we can't yet send the condemned to the colony on Mars, the only viable alternative left, the only punishment that no shit will absolutely and unequivocally prevent them ever having opportunity to do it again, is putting them in a hole in the ground.
There was a suburban man who had a fenced in backyard. One day he heard an awefull racket going on over the fence with yelping and squealing of dogs. Curiously the man peered over the fence and his neighbor was cutting off the tails of his puppies 1 cm at a time. The man asked the neighbor " what the hell are you doin cutting their tails off like that.? The man replied if it hurts this much cutting this little off think how bad it would hurt to cut it all off at once!
I recall a specific case of a guy that was killing young girls and convicted of it. Got life in prison. He lived in a metro area on a state line. One state had the death penalty and one did not. After conviction and sentencing he did an interview. He was ask to tell where the bodies could be found. His comment was in state X. All of his victims and all the bodies located in state X. He went on to say that he did not violate the law in state Y due to it having the death penalty. So, the laws of one state sentenced a number of young girls to death by failure to adequately deter a perp. That is clear.
Here in ohio, they just injected a guy. Supposedly he gasped for air and snorted like a pig before he died. Fuck him,
He murdered a pregnant women, if I remember right I think he raped her too. I say line them all up!! Fuck there rights to a humane death, what about the victims. I am more of a eye for an eye kind of guy.