About generators; the biggest part of what I did as a USMC Engineer Electrician was run and maintain them. Very few of them ran on gasoline; most were diesel.
My job was essentially to keep the iron age from invading our war space. Think WWI.
Gas generators were the smaller ones; 5Kw and the like. Gasoline is hazardous, especially the vapor. The Navy generally shuns anything that must run on gas. Gas boat blow up kinda frequently due to gasoline vapor accumulations; I've seen it happen. It's spectacular.
Diesel generators, 20Kw and up, are highly vulnerable to air in the fuel lines. The hardest part of changing fuel filters was purging the air from the fuel lines, and it wasn't any fun at all.
Generators that run on natural gas mains are still vulnerable to electric power failures. The pumps that pressurize and pump the natural gas run off the grid. Backup generators for those pumps are only as reliable as their fuel supplies, which are vulnerable to whatever disables that fuel's delivery. EMP's and modern automotive powerplants are incompatible. Word for the day, "magnetos".
Electricity is what divides modern man from iron age man.
Lose it indefinitely, and we're automatically back to that iron age. Generators are only a short time stopgap unless the outage is short term.
Scouts say be prepared. Study iron age skills.
Does anyone make a
propane power diesel Generator that has a manual start option?