Just to show how “confused” he is, I sent Chris a thank you after receiving my refund. I figured I’d end this debacle on a good note and leave it at that. Only thing I added was a friends name who hadn’t received a refund. This is the response I got.
Apparently I wronged him somehow by letting him hold my money for roughly 7 months....
Of course that his response. Because to the sociopath "he" is the only real victim here......
I'm glad (some) people are (slowly) getting refunds. Sadly, this won't be the last time someone ran an undercapitalized business and stiffed their customers.
Being under capitalized is nothing new in a capitalist society. Treating your customers that you have taken money from, like they are an imposition, lying and playing victim are the real problem here.
The lesson here is: If things goes south, fall on bended knee, apologize profusely, be genuine and communicate to the highest degree.
I find most folks are forgiving almost to a fault, if you can do the above.