LMT .308 MWS

I special ordered an LMT CQB-16 December 4th of 2019 from a dealer. Still haven’t gotten it and can’t get a reliable lead time. They initially said July, and continue to endlessly push it back “a couple weeks” each time I call/email. The lack of communication is frustrating. First AR-15 and first LMT.
There is a big difference between selling at market rates and SELLING inventory that someone already paid for many months ago in order to maximize profit now.

They sold a bunch of enhanced bolt carrier groups for list price. While people who have paid FULL Price are waiting months, they dump them on gunbroker and let the piranhas go at them.

Same with Lowers, Barrels, or any other hard to find item. They are using customer money to finance their inventory and then maximize the profit while giving the customers the shaft.

That is a form of theft in my eyes. Terrible ethics and integrity.

Dude that is really messed up. Are you sure about this?
I would never do business with them knowing that.
I am sure v1 does not play those games. The owner John seems like a straight up guy. Always amazed how some people will sell their soul for a dollar
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I ordered (and paid for) an entire lmt rifle back in feb that was slated to arrive in mid October. Still waiting on it, but it isn't v1tactical's fault. They have done their best to get info out of lmt, and lmt has now stopped answering any questions about when they will fulfill orders.
Dude that is really messed up. Are you sure about this?
I would never do business with them knowing that.
I am sure v1 does not play those games. The owner John seems like a straight up guy. Always amazed how some people will sell their soul for a dollar
100% positive. I know 2 people waiting over 6 months for lowers and bcgs.

V1 is fantastic..he doesnt play that shit.
I spoke with LMT a couple of months ago and they said 6.5cr barrels should be available at the beginning of the summer next year (2021), so I've placed an order with V1 for the June allocation, hopefully there will be no delays.
I had a Kreiger 308 barrel converted to work on my MWS. If my buddy(Garage Gunsmith) and I can figure out how to do it in his basement I'm sure a competent Gunsmith should have no troubles.


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I want to mount a new barrel and PRS stock for a long range class. Seeing how 20” 308 Barrels are unobtainable and the 20” 6.5 Creekmore is like $1K, can I just buy the 20” .260 Remington LMT has in stock now? I think it’s around $700.
My 308 sniper came with the 260 rem for some odd reason, I sent it back. I have an unfired 308 SS barrel they sent as a replacement as I shoot 2 16" 308 CL and a 20" 6.5 CM. We can have a discussion about that barrel if you want or possibly the complete rifle. (AR15 EE Auraka)
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Nice, how is it grouping?
It hovers around .65-.85 @ 100 yards with 168 FGMM. Honestly I've not shot it for groups much. Shot some to break in the barrel and then get some data and I've run it at a few Precision Rifle matches which was its intended use so I'm not always shooting my 24" 6.5" Creedmoor barrel at local matches(Only out to 600 Yards) since LMT no longer makes them. I'll dig through my phone tonight, I think I have some of the first targets I shot saved.
My 308 sniper came with the 260 rem for some odd reason, I sent it back. I have an unfired 308 SS barrel they sent as a replacement as I shoot 2 16" 308 CL and a 20" 6.5 CM. We can have a discussion about that barrel if you want or possibly the complete rifle. (AR15 EE Auraka)
Rifle purchased. Thanks for the deal and fast response. I’ve been looking all over the place and like a typical man, should have just asked for directions ;) Older guys will get it, no GPS back in the day!
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Waste of money, even the LMT dealers are laughing at people paying for these.

You can get factory Colt BCG for $100 a pop on gunbroker when they come up.
I appreciate the advice and was wondering about this. V1 was very honest and informative. I’m definitely not paying the stupid panic money for one, but was contemplating picking one up at the very least for a spare.
Has anyone used a TBAC Dominus-k on their MWS? It appears to have less back pressure than the full size dominus. I was wondering if this would work well without any other modifications given everyone else's difficulties with suppressing this beast.
Agreed, the LMT Enhanced BCG for the M4A1 was designed to fix very specific issues the military had when firing on full-auto.

Some who have replaced their mil-spec standard AR-15 BCG with an LMT Enhanced BCG, meant for the M4A1, have experienced reliability issues due to the way that the Enhanced BCG vents more gases.

That said, if you want to spend the money and can tune your AR, if needed, then get the Enhanced BCG...

This video from SmallArmsSolutions does a great job explaining how LMT approached the issues that the military was having with the BCG and their solution.

The funny thing is, there is almost ZERO need for FA in a M4. There could be a debate at shooting at aircraft/drones but virtually all carbine/rifle is shot on semi, its a solution looking for a problem. Larry Vickers jokes that the only time he used Full Auto was when teaching new shooters how little recoil the AR system has. In both SF and Delta it was never used. Even in Battle Drill #3 and #4 its not needed. Its never used other than to dump ammo or on the range.

If someone wants to tune their gun and actually benefit, something like a bootleg adjustable carrier for RCA adjustable key would actually provide value vs the LMT enhanced that does virtually nothing.
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Also, unless you are a lefty, an ambi charging handle does nothing...especially in a large frame ar.

Lefties have been running standard ARs since stoner wore short pants.

They are a solution looking for a problem.
The funny thing is, there is almost ZERO need for FA in a M4. There could be a debate at shooting at aircraft/drones but virtually all carbine/rifle is shot on semi, its a solution looking for a problem. Larry Vickers jokes that the only time he used Full Auto was when teaching new shooters how little recoil the AR system has. In both SF and Delta it was never used. Even in Battle Drill #3 and #4 its not needed. Its never used other than to dump ammo or on the range.

If someone wants to tune their gun and actually benefit, something like a bootleg adjustable carrier for RCA adjustable key would actually provide value vs the LMT enhanced that does virtually nothing.
My understanding is that the LMT Enhanced BCG was for suppressed guns. Initial SOPMOD was 14.5” with the KAC QD can, standard carbine buffer, with guns set up to shoot unsuppressed. 14.5” with that can was about like having a 20” CLGS barrel. Cyclic rate went outside of the window of happy extraction, ejection, and feeding, so they wanted a solution.

Everything was looking great with LMT’s design, especially since it also used an AerMet bolt that wouldn’t break, but then big Army stepped in and said that if these accidentally ended up in the M16A4 (that we’re about to retire from service anyway), it would cause short-stroke malfs, therefore you can’t have it. Around that same time came the band-aid from Crane with the O-ring to add excessive extractor tension that puts more wear on the extractor going into battery, and thereby weakens extractor lips.

The nice thing about the LMT Enhanced BCG is that it allows the bolt to stay locked longer until residual chamber pressure subsides before primary extraction. Extractor torsion is a problem, as is bolt lug torsion when the case is still obturated to the chamber walls while the bolt is trying to rotate. That has caused broken bolts on 10.3” suppressed a lot more than 14.5” guns.

The ingenious use of that conical face on the carrier to maintain captivation of the extractor pin was an interesting design solution. Daniel Defense did something similar on their DDV4/5 by using a dog leg on the extractor pin so the leg stays captivated within the bolt bore of the carrier, since they also used an elongated cam helix.
Also, unless you are a lefty, an ambi charging handle does nothing...especially in a large frame ar.

Lefties have been running standard ARs since stoner wore short pants.

They are a solution looking for a problem.

That's all very exciting, but I'm more interested in the extended latches- I palm the CH towards me. And ambi's seem to come by default with extended latches -

This fat bastard on my POF

vs this LMT one, made for my tween daughters fingers

Thank you for the wisdom.....but I'm doing just fine. And whether you palm it, pinch it, whatever, having more to grab doesn't hurt. Adapt the machine to work for you, not the other way. Perhaps your should share your insights with LMT, asking MARS lower; WTF ?

This is much better for me

than this:


You enjoy your rifles however you'd like.
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If you learn the manual of arms for an AR its not an issue.

Fix the software not the hardware.

There’s plenty of reason for ambi controls and extended latches. The idea that people should still be shooting nose to charging handle tells us all you either don’t know what you’re talking about or learned once, and never stopped refining your knowledge base.
There’s plenty of reason for ambi controls and extended latches. The idea that people should still be shooting nose to charging handle tells us all you either don’t know what you’re talking about or learned once, and never stopped refining your knowledge base.

Unless you are using an adjustable stock with build in cheek riser, shooting NTCH is one of the only ways to get a repeatable cheek weld for accurate long range shots with an AR. Due to the fundamental differences between and AR and bolt gun, it is one less variable that makes it easy to focus on your hold and follow through.

Now, am I shooting NTCH when shooting heads up and moving? No, its not needed as speed and violence of action is magnitudes more important than insignificant accuracy difference at those ranges.

Using the Manual of arms, there is no benefit to an Ambi Charging handle. It looks cool but unless you are a lefty, its really does not offer much.

Maybe the argument can be made on a large frame AR, it will give more scope clearance but then you are probably talking about an adjustable stock as well. That's where an extended latch comes into play.

Maybe you could make an argument for weak side shooting and offhand manipulation, but I don't think the juice is worth the squeeze.

Companies invent shit and people buy them. Most shooters are like people ricing out a honda. Its more important that it looks cool than is functional. Most of the shit people throw on their gun falls into that category. Useless shit to look cool. And they inadvertently make their gun less reliable and introduce additional failure vectors (Not a CH but the other bullshit like BAD levers,ect)

There is a difference between refining knowledge and being able to articulate why something is a good or bad idea.
Unless you are using an adjustable stock with build in cheek riser, shooting NTCH is one of the only ways to get a repeatable cheek weld for accurate long range shots with an AR. Due to the fundamental differences between and AR and bolt gun, it is one less variable that makes it easy to focus on your hold and follow through.

Now, am I shooting NTCH when shooting heads up and moving? No, its not needed as speed and violence of action is magnitudes more important than insignificant accuracy difference at those ranges.

Using the Manual of arms, there is no benefit to an Ambi Charging handle. It looks cool but unless you are a lefty, its really does not offer much.

Maybe the argument can be made on a large frame AR, it will give more scope clearance but then you are probably talking about an adjustable stock as well. That's where an extended latch comes into play.

Maybe you could make an argument for weak side shooting and offhand manipulation, but I don't think the juice is worth the squeeze.

Companies invent shit and people buy them. Most shooters are like people ricing out a honda. Its more important that it looks cool than is functional. Most of the shit people throw on their gun falls into that category. Useless shit to look cool. And they inadvertently make their gun less reliable and introduce additional failure vectors (Not a CH but the other bullshit like BAD levers,ect)

There is a difference between refining knowledge and being able to articulate why something is a good or bad idea.

An observation that I would like to offer. I would wager the biggest issue in getting a repeatable cheek weld on an AR can be attributed to a less the idea optic mount for the type of shooting. While I am not saying one can not be accurate with a 1.7 or 1.9 mount designed for heads up shooting or night vision, only that those mounts really do no lend themselves repeatability. If the gun is going to be built as a general purpose rifle, I think those mounts make sense.

As for ambi, its a nice feature but honestly its really not going to make or break a shot.
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Unless you are using an adjustable stock with build in cheek riser, shooting NTCH is one of the only ways to get a repeatable cheek weld for accurate long range shots with an AR. Due to the fundamental differences between and AR and bolt gun, it is one less variable that makes it easy to focus on your hold and follow through.

Now, am I shooting NTCH when shooting heads up and moving? No, its not needed as speed and violence of action is magnitudes more important than insignificant accuracy difference at those ranges.

Using the Manual of arms, there is no benefit to an Ambi Charging handle. It looks cool but unless you are a lefty, its really does not offer much.

Maybe the argument can be made on a large frame AR, it will give more scope clearance but then you are probably talking about an adjustable stock as well. That's where an extended latch comes into play.

Maybe you could make an argument for weak side shooting and offhand manipulation, but I don't think the juice is worth the squeeze.

Companies invent shit and people buy them. Most shooters are like people ricing out a honda. Its more important that it looks cool than is functional. Most of the shit people throw on their gun falls into that category. Useless shit to look cool. And they inadvertently make their gun less reliable and introduce additional failure vectors (Not a CH but the other bullshit like BAD levers,ect)

There is a difference between refining knowledge and being able to articulate why something is a good or bad idea.

I don't usually respond to posts feature this kind of stupidity.

Its painfully obvious that your firearm and shooting "knowledge" leaves a LOT to be desired.

Talking about NTCH on a forum specializing in longer range precision, and inside a thread about the LMT MWS platform is moronic. NTCH is ONLY useful when using a Red Dot Optics, or Iron Sights. And for LONG RANGE, Magnified Optics are the Rule Of Thumb.

And you don't shoot those NTCH... ever.
I don't usually respond to posts feature this kind of stupidity.

Its painfully obvious that your firearm and shooting "knowledge" leaves a LOT to be desired.

Talking about NTCH on a forum specializing in longer range precision, and inside a thread about the LMT MWS platform is moronic. NTCH is ONLY useful when using a Red Dot Optics, or Iron Sights. And for LONG RANGE, Magnified Optics are the Rule Of Thumb.

And you don't shoot those NTCH... ever.
Thats amazing considering i have shot acogs, LPVOs and magnified optics in combat from the AR platform and outside of shooting on the move, shoot NTCH as its taught from AMU traveling instructors for courses like Designated marksman. Its repeatable and simple, hence why its used.

Been building and shooting accurized small and large frame ARs for over 20 years.

If you actualy read what i wrote, i explained the exceptions but its easier to just throw shit. Stop being lazy.
Thats amazing considering i have shot acogs, LPVOs and magnified optics in combat from the AR platform and outside of shooting on the move, shoot NTCH as its taught from AMU traveling instructors for courses like Designated marksman. Its repeatable and simple, hence why its used.

Been building and shooting accurized small and large frame ARs for over 20 years.

If you actualy read what i wrote, i explained the exceptions but its easier to just throw shit. Stop being lazy.

Over 20 years? Bravo.

I've been building and shooting ARs, Hangguns, Bolt Action Rifles, and Shotguns for over 30 years, including over a decade as a U.S. Marine.

NTCH was a simple way to teach masses of newbies an easy method of achieving some degree of consistency. It was never meant to be, nor is it THE answer to long gun accurate shooting.