LOL Black Rifle Coffee Company - also, coffee snob thread V2.0

Roasted beans slowly degas their CO2, and then oxygen gets sucked in and drys them out faster.

Any vaccuum seal based container that removes the O2 will help keep the beans a bit longer.
So what's your opinion on O2 absorbers and/or freezing?

For that matter, I have a co2 tank I use for carbonation, if the CO2 offgasses why not pressurize or at least purge?
I can't find the page about their wood-fired roaster.

But this kind of historic machinery is fascinating to me.

I guess a 60 kilo Probat like this one went for $20k




The newly renovated Probat roaster at the Pull roastery warehouse in eastern Washington. Pull owner Todd Millar believes the machine dates back to 1896, although verifying the exact date is nearly impossible. All images courtesy of Pull Caffé.

and they're still cranking them out.

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So what's your opinion on O2 absorbers and/or freezing?

For that matter, I have a co2 tank I use for carbonation, if the CO2 offgasses why not pressurize or at least purge?
Favorable for the freezing COA. Never did the O2 absorbers.

Fellow makes a decent product that allows you to store a 1lb of coffee while sucking out the O2.

That's probably the better compromise vs buying a vacuum sealer and freezing. (Unless you already have a vacuum sealer).
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You okay there?

Their goal is to sell coffee. Maybe just maybe they don’t want to politicize their company to appease the views of a minority of the population? Separating personal beliefs from their business.

They mentioned not trying to profiteer off the Rittenhouse situation, calling it a tragedy, I can respect that opinion, and one media and many others dont mind crossing, monetizing that situation. Staying neutral, in business sense, is generally a wise idea. If not you are cutting off a massive portion of potential clients. I don’t believe that necessarily represent their individual personal views, but as a representation of the company.

If you don’t want to buy their product, u know ok, i never have, likely never will. But you sound extremely bitchy, unreasonable and bent out of shape because someone doesn’t share your views... whos the fucking bigot?

You sound like a halfwit, but that is not uncommon these days.

They started peddling the vets only employees and their other pro veteran, pro gun bullshit only to run for cover when a guy used a gun to defend himself from ass rape then wore one of their shirts. Their management dumped tens of thousands of dollars on Democrats in the last Presidential elections, so honestly fuck them.

If you like drinking fucktard coffee, good for you.
Their goal is to sell coffee. Maybe just maybe they don’t want to politicize their company to appease the views of a minority of the population? Separating personal beliefs from their business.
Not political?? Judas priest it’s hard to think of a company that’s been more political from the get-go. There whole brand was leveraged off the pro-2A crowd saying F U to the anti-2A folks. You don’t put “Black Rifle” in your name then feign shock when folks expect that you have chosen a clear political side on guns.

Then when called out, they doubled and tripled down with incendiary political rhetoric against a good part of their democratic. Any person with any modicum of PR acumen could’ve come up with statements to distance themselves without insulting the very people their marketing to.

Rest assured though, Fudd Rifle coffee is here to stay. They give free coffee and support Veterans and LEO, so a lot of fudd folks will continue to support them. You can be a total dick and hide behind the shield of “Hey but we support the troops and LEO” BS. With both of those Demos getting pushed “woke” it’s no surprise they did this.

They know exactly what they are doing and they will be fine. Hollywood pushes plenty of gun movies that everyone including anti-2A folks readily consume. BRCC torched a more committed 2A demo to expand to fudds and the left. They will make their brand the equivalent of Hollywood charecture of a “gun nut” company. The John Wick of coffee and morons will lap it up…..
I see the outfit is nearly identical, the fact that there is no "head shot", leads me to believe that, not only is there a man bun attached, but you have a creedmoor in the closet.
I find those that accuse others of having a 6.5 CM are the ones with a 6.5CM

Here’s the cartridges I shoot

As for the man bun
A few here have met me and can attest I’m not the man bun type.
I see a lot of this here:

When I see a person like the above in a coffee shop, I expect to hear something like this for their single cup of hot beverage order

A quad long shot grande in a venti cup
half calf double cupped
salted caramel mocha latte
with 2 pumps of vanilla
2 pumps of classic
2 pumps of hazlenut
substitute 2 pumps of white chocolate mocha for mocha
a splash of almond milk
a splash of soy milk
a splash of coconut milk
add mocha powder
extra java chips
extra foam
extra caramel drizzle
with light ice
well stirred
And dash of cinnamon

By the time this is done, it is no longer coffee, it is some gender neutral hot beverage that is perfect accompaniment to your safe space

Just wanting a great tasting cup of actual coffee has nothing to do with gender neutral bun thing it persons
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I'm a Eight o'clock Hazelnut drip coffee guy. Had a snob tell me to try and double filter my swill and I'll be damned if it isn't noticeably better...meaning richer (without trying to sound like a commie coffee snob)
We were recently given a “gift pack” from BRCC. A very nice gesture.....but, “insanely” expensive for our son! The dark roast tastes almost exactly like the Dark Roast Community Coffee (100% Arabica Bean) that I’ve drank for 60+ years. The Community is just a bit over 1/3 the cost of BRCC coffee! A nice gift, but, we won’t be buying any......especially with their recent political stance! memtb

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Building a new house, trying to decide whether to do a built in Miele coffee/espresso machine. Friggin things are like 3k and they suggested running a RO line to it. Would go in a wall cabinet.

I‘m likely to do something to move away from the Keurig. But I’m the only one in my family that drinks coffee.

Miele any good?
So, I ordered coffee from What's the Buzz based on recommendations from this thread and I thought an update was appropriate. I placed the order on 11/21 and received a shipping notification on 11/29. as of 12/7 I hadn't received the order. I called and talked with Mandy and she said would figure out what was going on and get back to me. I didn't hear anything so I called back this morning and got Mandy on the phone again. When I asked to check on an order she asked my name. I told her and she immediately recognized me and said she had left me a voice message (which I think I deleted because I didn't recognize the number). She went on to explain that they had switched websites for payment and that my order went in on the old site and was not actually processed and shipped. She said my initial call to check on the status helped them find several other orders that had the same issue. She told me they shipped out my order on Thursday and had also refunded my credit card for the entire cost of the order. I told Mandy they did not have to do that but she insisted and thanked me for the business and for letting them know there was a problem. Overall a great experience, despite the snafu. The fact that she remembered who I was several day later really impressed me. I hope the coffee is as good as their customer service. If it is, they will have a loyal customer in me.
I went with an IMI GOO. Highly rated on Amazon. Slow grind speed like a hand grinder. We’ll see how good it is when it gets here. Wish that was tomorrow. Excited to try it out. I also ordered some columbian geisha beans.