Movie Theater Lone Survivor The Movie

Read the book in one night, I couldn't put it down! Enjoyed the movie although I hated seeing America's best being wasted. More of Marcus history and family would have been better. They falling down the mountain repeatedly scenes really makes you reconsider weapon and optics duability!
The audience was super quiet after words, which said a lot.

I respect the audience for staying quiet during the montage, what an honorable thing for Hollywood to do.
I just got back from seeing it. I didn't read the book and probably will not at this point. The movie was close enough.
I had mixed feelings when the book came out but am glad it did come out, America needs to know that our soldiers are honorable people.

I just wish the American public would get off their fat asses and beat down Congresses door and tell them to go win this fight or get the fuck out.
America has gotten tired of war, either finish the damn job without rules or get the hell out since they are releasing all the Taliban prisoners.
America just keeps sitting on their ass while our country falls apart.
Pisses me off.
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I'm guessing that the pirated DVDs will be arriving in our Haji Bazaar this weekend, which will be weird in itself (watching a Pakistani pirated DVD of THIS movie in Afgh), so I obviously haven't seen the film yet, but from the trailers, I was completely distracted by the landscape. The actual events happened in Kunar province which borders Pakistan and is a few provinces north of where I am now. I know that in some of those regions there is some decent timber compared to the South where the majority of the country is basically wasteland or some odd farmland.

I'd be interested if anyone here has been in that region that could comment on the landscape in Kunar. To me is it's just WAY too "Rocky Mountains" and is distractingly nice looking. The VAST majority of this country just says "SUCK" when you look at it, smell it, walk through it, or fly over it; and from what I saw, that was NOT captured in the movie (where it was in the book).

The book depicts most of the mountain as heavily wooded. To the point that he remarks that they will likely need explosives to clear an lz for extraction. During the insertion someone in the helo cut loose a rope and that was hidden under a log. However, their primary observation point was a "moon scape" and exactly the wrong place to put a recon team. After releasing the shepherds, they fell back to a more secluded observation point, however, it had less visibility than the other.

The village that Marcus stayed in was very steeply laid out. He mentions repeatedly in the book that you stood on the roof of one house to enter the next.

The book was much more gripping and intense than the movie. Much of the action was compressed for time. There should have been a disclaimer at the beginning that said, "This book has been formatted to fit your screen, and edited for content and to run within the time allotted..."

You are doing yourself a great disservice if you enjoyed the movie but have not or will not read the book. Luttrell was on the radio here a few weeks ago and said the movie was about 80% accurate. There was also a lot of levity in the book that was left out in the movie. What I like about Wahlberg is that he can deliver a line- especially a snarky or ironic line ("I've seen a lot of movies Carl. I know what I'm doing!"- Pain and Gain) There were some great movie lines in the book. Lines that I believe Hollywood left out because they thought the general audience may think light was being made of the situation by the movie makers. Read the book!
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For those like HLEE who liked the book, I would also recommend Roberts Ridge by the late Malcolm MacPherson. It is the story of the March 2002 SEAL raid at Takur Gahr in which one of the SEALs fell off the helicopter.

By way of full disclosure, Malcolm, the author, was an acquaintance of mine and his widow still works with my better half... So I may be a bit biased. I actually didn't agree with Malcom's politics... But at a professional level he was a hell of a good writer and I actually think he did a great job on the book. He knew how to ask the right questions and he knew what mattered in telling a story well.

One of the things I didn't like about Lone Survivor is that they utterly failed to develop the characters properly. It was all about action, which I appreciate as much as the next guy, but as a budding military historian, I want more than steady-cam images of guys bouncing down mountain in slo-mo. There was SO much more to the story of Lone Survivor than made it into the movie. That is captured well in the book, I think.

BTW, did anyone else notice that the introduction videos to the movie were almost all from the Discovery Channel's six part documentary on BUDs Class 234? Great documentary. I recently saw one of the members of that class as a talking head on some program or other. He had about a 12 year run in the teams, from what I gathered. Takes one hell of a human being to accomplish what any of them do...

Anyway, if anyone is looking for a first rate book... Roberts Ridge.


Good movie. Marky Mark made a terrible Texan. He had a little less Boston accent than usual, but definitely not a Texas accent. Much like Jack Reacher, he was the wrong guy for the part, but it probably wouldn't have been made without him. As for him being anti-gun... he has some weird quotes out there. I think he has held a variety of opinions on the issue.
mark Wahlberg is an ANTI-GUN advocate.......makes a living playing with guns....he never served in the military........but did serve time in prison....

Where have I heard this before? Oh yeah! In this thread and about every other action movie thread here on the Hide.

"Fuck those fucking actors and their stupid liberal Hollyweird politics! Say, I can't wait til new Transformers film comes out! How about you?! Excited! Man, I wish they'd make a movie about my favorite military book. Oh they did? Well, it isn't good enough - they didn't get it 100% to my liking. It's probably because it was made by a bunch of liberal gun-grabbing Hollyweird types who smoke dope all day."

Man this shit gets old.

Where have I heard this before? Oh yeah! In this thread and about every other action movie thread here on the Hide.

"Fuck those fucking actors and their stupid liberal Hollyweird politics! Say, I can't wait til new Transformers film comes out! How about you?! Excited! Man, I wish they'd make a movie about my favorite military book. Oh they did? Well, it isn't good enough - they didn't get it 100% to my liking. It's probably because it was made by a bunch of liberal gun-grabbing Hollyweird types who smoke dope all day."

Man this shit gets old.


AMAN..... do not support those who would want your guns taken away.....
Seen it Saturday night, if this was a true account my observation is this. The day I have to worry about lawyers and ROE over completing the mission is the day I turn in my patch and, let the fucks who made the ROE's fight the fight, with their fucking lawyers running point! We lost this one long ago with this kind of shit,... what happened to get/play on their level? I still have the memory of seeing Scott Helvenstons head on a bridge thanks to the fucking media, what did the fucking lawyers have to say, let alone do about that? So they would put me inside for killing the kids and old man, fuck them!
Scott grew up 25 miles from me in Florida, and died trying to protect a/this nation, who thinks lawyers are all fucking that! Funny the lawyers enjoy fucking over the ones who do the real work, while never going past the wire,... and we allow that?

Fucking sick bunch of fucks, we have become! Those who do this kind of bidding are no better than those making the rules.

Still wouldn't guarantee you d get off that mountain safe and sound.
I finally got to watch it and was pleasantly surprised. I knew that no movie could really capture this book, but I thought it was pretty damn good and much better than the average Hollywood attempt.
When I saw the trailer I was kind of distracted by the little bit of the scenery I got to see because it didn't look enough like this godawful place, but having seen the whole thing they captured it pretty well. I just talked to a guy who worked Kunar a while back and he said it looks like Utah, and that the movie portrayed Kunar pretty well.

The one part that I really felt should have been included, even if they worked it into the closing credits, was Luttrell presenting the Texas flag patch from his rig to President Bush.

Gunfighter, the lawyers took this one over quite a while ago. On more than one occasion I listened to a small unit leader radioing higher for permission to engage and being told to standby while they called back to the Airfield to get an opinion from Legal. I about lost my shit, but that's what we've come to.
Seen it Saturday night, if this was a true account my observation is this. The day I have to worry about lawyers and ROE over completing the mission is the day I turn in my patch and, let the fucks who made the ROE's fight the fight, with their fucking lawyers running point! We lost this one long ago with this kind of shit,... what happened to get/play on their level? I still have the memory of seeing Scott Helvenstons head on a bridge thanks to the fucking media, what did the fucking lawyers have to say, let alone do about that? So they would put me inside for killing the kids and old man, fuck them!
Scott grew up 25 miles from me in Florida, and died trying to protect a/this nation, who thinks lawyers are all fucking that! Funny the lawyers enjoy fucking over the ones who do the real work, while never going past the wire,... and we allow that?

Fucking sick bunch of fucks, we have become! Those who do this kind of bidding are no better than those making the rules.

That's the kind of attitude that made fighting the last 13 years such a lesson in frustration. You can devote months to building rapport and winning over a strategic village, something that takes incredible levels of patience and hard work, only to have one myopic Joe show up and decide the ROE is bullshit and that they're all savages, so fuck them. Two steps forward, four steps back.
Seen it Saturday night, if this was a true account my observation is this. The day I have to worry about lawyers and ROE over completing the mission is the day I turn in my patch and, let the fucks who made the ROE's fight the fight, with their fucking lawyers running point! We lost this one long ago with this kind of shit,... what happened to get/play on their level? I still have the memory of seeing Scott Helvenstons head on a bridge thanks to the fucking media, what did the fucking lawyers have to say, let alone do about that? So they would put me inside for killing the kids and old man, fuck them!
Scott grew up 25 miles from me in Florida, and died trying to protect a/this nation, who thinks lawyers are all fucking that! Funny the lawyers enjoy fucking over the ones who do the real work, while never going past the wire,... and we allow that?

Fucking sick bunch of fucks, we have become! Those who do this kind of bidding are no better than those making the rules.

When you're right, you're right.
I thought the movie was good, much better than a lot of the stuff that comes from hollywood now a days. Been the best war type film in a long while. Ben Foster was epic and i was really surprised by Emile Hirsch, he did a really good job. Idk why but i didn't see the end credits coming and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Just like Shughart's letter to his wife & kids at the end of black hawk down. That stuff tears me apart.

I'm also not much for one liners during the combat scenes, though maybe that was how it happened. That said i did love it when Ben Foster said "I am the reaper." Sound design was very good i thought. The first shot Walhberg takes with the suppressed (MK12 I assume) was awesome loved the crack after wards. Other than Mark Walhberg, the rest really looked like their characters they were portraying.
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x2 on the sound, I thought that was one thing they did really well. Almost was like it sounded like you were on the mountain with them.

I only found 2 faults with the movie. One, is that Mark Wahlberg is nothing like Mr Luttrell and could never hope to be. The other thing I didnt like was the portrayal of Lt. Murphy`s death. In the movie, it was wayyyy too "clean" and movie-like. In real-life, it was something that was horrifying and stayed with you forever. Yes it wouldve been gruesome if they put Lt. Murphy in the movie screaming and suffering for several minutes before he passed but I think it would have been more true. If you read the book, you know how traumatic it would be to watch and listen as your brother died in that manner. Maybe not for kid`s ears, but IMO people need to know these men aint superheroes, theyre regular humans like you and me that step up to do an incredible job.
Lone Survivor The Movie

Well it's to note this isn't a kids movie anyhow so that can be thrown out of the window. I haven't read the book, I didn't know Lt. Murphy died horrifically? I assumed he did go back up to make the call though right?

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I wish the movie would have gone into the intricacies of Pashtun culture and hospitality more like in the book.

We would understand more why they couldn't give up Bin Laden, he was their guest. The war in afghanistan was basically a cultural misunderstanding, IMO.

That Pashtun village fought and to protect Marcus Lutrell, just like they would ANY guest.
The other thing I didnt like was the portrayal of Lt. Murphy`s death. In the movie, it was wayyyy too "clean" and movie-like. In real-life, it was something that was horrifying and stayed with you forever. Yes it wouldve been gruesome if they put Lt. Murphy in the movie screaming and suffering for several minutes before he passed but I think it would have been more true. If you read the book, you know how traumatic it would be to watch and listen as your brother died in that manner. Maybe not for kid`s ears, but IMO people need to know these men aint superheroes, theyre regular humans like you and me that step up to do an incredible job.

Bet you haven’t heard of this... I hadn’t. I just found it FS at a local rental shop.

MURPH the Protector
Well it's to note this isn't a kids movie anyhow so that can be thrown out of the window. I haven't read the book, I didn't know Lt. Murphy died horrifically? I assumed he did go back up to make the call though right?

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He definitely made the call. Damn fine man that he was for that and deserves every award he can get, may he rest in peace. But the way Mr Luttrell tells it himself, is much more based in reality. Murphy was shot, but didnt die instantaneously; he laid there screaming out "Marcus, Marcus I really need your help bro come get me!" and Luttrell couldnt take it and dropped his rifle and put his hands over his ears, according to him. If experiencing that wont give you a thousand yard stare I dont know what will. And please understand I am not trying to Monday Morning Quarterback anything here. I just dont see why they had to give him a fake hero`s death when in reality (though I wasnt there) he died probably just like anyone in that situation would, scared sh!tle$$ and screaming bloody hell. I can only imagine watching that take place, much less being the one dying. This type of thing is not nearly as pretty and "heroic" as its made out to be. Its scary as hell, and something that will stay in your dreams day and night. The public should be aware of that.
Lone Survivor The Movie

The movie is propaganda, not documentary. It's a shame that good men had to die for it to be made, and for the story to be told, but I suppose the dead are as much grist for the mill as are the living...
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read the book. needed to for some perspective on the whole thing. was never really a fan of re-telling the story of a bad decision getting a lot of good people killed. After reading thebbook i get that folks live din a different climate. the new administrations belief in prosecuting americans for doing thier jobs was chilling to MANY people. Was bad enough in dc to see all the three letter people going nuts and leaving agencies, horrible when its someone in the sticks and lives are on the line.
How does a man (Marcus Walherg).......justify playing army when he`s publicly anti-gun, democrat and NEVER served his country................?????...... what does that say about his morals..............??????
How does a man (Marcus Walherg).......justify playing army when he`s publicly anti-gun, democrat and NEVER served his country................?????...... what does that say about his morals..............??????

Not to debunk all of this, but Democrat doesn't mean anti gun. Theirs plenty of pro-gun and even NRA endorsed democrats.
Just saw it too, not really as impressed as the reviewers were

I don't even think it would have been that great if there was no book to compare it to.

The team aspect and how completely bad ass those guys are came though. And of course the montage at the end made me all misty. But the rest of it was......meh.

And Markey Mark just didn't pull it all.
I don't even think it would have been that great if there was no book to compare it to.

The team aspect and how completely bad ass those guys are came though. And of course the montage at the end made me all misty. But the rest of it was......meh.

And Markey Mark just didn't pull it all.

If it was just a made up story it would have been a decent action movie. Lots of shooting type movie. But the fact the events all (more or less) happened is what made the movie great for me. Knowing those guys really did fall down a mountain is incredible.

On another site when I did a review I gave two. It's a 7/10 if it was just an action movie. But its a 10/10 if you read the book and understand these events really did happen.
A little more character development would have been nice and a great opportunity missed... As would a factual ending that wasn’t rushed... no added drama would have been necessary. When I left the theater I had the same sort of let down feeling I had with Black Hawk Down... But unlike me, most viewers would not enjoy a 6 hour tribute... So in the end I am happy the story was told on the big screen to those who are never going to read the printed account.
I read the book. I saw the movie. I wish they would have just made it 20 minutes longer and told the real story with his pick-up by SF, instead of the made-up gunfight ending. The real story is much more compelling. Then they could have bold letters..."THIS IS A TRUE STORY"... at the beginning of the movie rather than "based on a true story".
I saw the movie last night.

We all know hollywood has their own 'isms.

I'm glad the story was told, and not lost in some reports filed away somewhere. It's a moving account of brotherhood, bravery, selflessness, and understated belief in freedom.

Maybe a good reality check too, for some of the younger cyber-gen.
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For those who get the bluray i do recommend watching the bonus features as well. They are rather well done. Marcus is more or less the main focus in all of them and you really do get to see how important the movie was to Marcus and the families. its also nice hearing the families saying how well they thought the movie was and how the actors actually learned and portrayed their sons.
Have a question? either I missed something or my hearing is playing tricks on me.. Saw the movie and the part where they are looking at the Tali village and one ask Mark "if he can make the shot from here? and he looks at his rifle and says, not with this rifle." I got the DVD and that part was different then the theater version... Am I right or wrong???
I have yet to see anything in full context that leads me to believe Walberg is as antigun as folks want him to be...

I know the guys who trained him out at Frontsight in Nevada before he made the movie Shooter. He spent a week on their 1000 yard range. No indication that he was anti-gun. He was totally into the experience and was having a blast (pardon the pun) with the rifles.

That's not to say that there isn't some huge double standard going on... but I wonder if his 'anti-gun-ness' is real or something being tacked to him.

As for never finding movies that are better than books... as Bertman notes... I agree. The only examples I can think of are the Hobbit/Lord of the Rings books. I never could get into Tolkien's writing, but I just love the movies. That is probably my failing as Tolkien is pretty revered and the parallels between his books and his experiences in WW1 are just phenomenal. The Hobbit is, essentially, a WW1 story. And the Bourne series, too. I can't stand Ludlum's writing style. Ludlum has never heard of, say, punctuation. I assume he had a typewriter and large quantities of cocaine available (much like Jack Kerouac). But I enjoyed the Bourne movies, even though Matt Damon is an utter half-wit. So sometimes the film version can be appealing. But for the most part, I'd rather read a good book.


Wahlberg makes a couple comments regarding crime and firearms years ago, which some on the interwebs take in only partial context, and use it as fuel for the WHARGARBL machine.

Color me shocked.
Finally watching the movie. Let me ask you guys who have been there and done that. The team is inserted into enemy territory and they're standing around in the forest with prisoners talking outloud like they're in downtown smalltown USA. And they're moving through the forest in broad daylight instead of laying up? I need to read the book and get it straight from the author.

TO enjoy a movie, there's this thing called "suspension of disbelief." I just can't ever suspend it to the extent necessary.

1/2 an hour further into the movie. Man, if even 5% is true, what a group of Men are these.
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I read the book in one sitting a few months ago.
Watched the Blueray yesterday evening.
Had a tough time watching because I knew all four of those guys are going to get hurt really bad and all but one are going to die (the name is "Lone Survivor").
Great movie but tough to watch cause I really wanted some miracle to save them.

Maybe it was something that was obvious in hindsight but while reading the book I was thinking the obvious thing would have been to take the goat herders up the mountain with them until they got to a spot where their communications gear would function, then let them go when the actual extraction took place.
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Netflix finally released the movie. Great action flick. I was amazed at the stunt work required of rolling/falling down the mountain.

Many good points are mentioned throughout this thread. The fact that ROE actually exist is why we have NOT won a war since 1945, and why I decided to leave the Army in '82. Did not want to put my a$$ on the line for some politician.

FACTS: Since nuking the Japanese and annihilating the Germans, they are now our allies. Since trying to "win the hearts and minds" of Korea, Vietnamese, Afgans, Iraqis, and countless other skirmishes, all we ended up with is millions of non-english speaking refugees and a bunch of people that don't like us (even-though they take our money).
Wife and I were treated by our baby daughter and her husband on OPENING NIGHT. It had been a long time since I had seen anything on the "big screen", But this was great. One thing we all noticed. On leaving the theater after the movie went off, there was no horse play or grab ass-ing going on. Walking out was a king of somber affair. We all loved it. Only thing near a complaint, my wife said there was a LOT of blood.
Just finished the book. Definitely better than the movie.

Definitely agree, but that is usually the case. Thought the movie did a respectable job of capturing the essence of the story. Books have the luxury of going into greater detail. What I really enjoyed about the book was the depth it went into about Pashtunwali and how that custom saved Marcus' life. Patrick Robinson (writer of Lone Survivor book) is a great author. If you haven't already, check out his fiction novels. They are great.