M40A5 Surefire MB762SSAL/RE Gunbroker purchase has two notches cut out, said to be from the military armory as a removal aid???


May 2, 2018
Sorry for such a screwed-up question, but I purchased a used, vintage Surefire MB762SSAL/RE muzzle brake from a seller on Gunbroker for an M40A5 build and when I received it, I found 2 cut marks on the back of the muzzle brake that look fresh. They are not in the photos in the listing. So when I contacted the seller, he said they were put there by the armorers for the aiding of removal with a spanner wrench in case they got stuck from carbon build-up. What do you all think? I have never seen this in any of my research of M40A5 rifles before collecting the parts for my build. I chose this over the other new ones on G.B. because it was an early version before the patent number when it was marked "Patent Pending". That's why I chose his listing. And this is what I got. Any help would be appreciated. If this he is correct, I'll keep it. But if this is someone's mistake, I'll send it back. Thanks for your input!!


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There’s flats on the brake for that…. No need for a spanner
Thanks! That is what I told the seller. Those tiny little notches have no use when there are huge flats in the center of the muzzle brake for a Crecent wrench. That spanner would snap in half or slip off! I call BS! If Surefire thought it would be needed, they would add it from the factory. I have no idea what someone was thinking, but it was no USMC armorer for sure in my opinion! So, I figured I would get some other thoughts. Thanks for chiming in!!
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A lot of stuff gets done in the fleet for sure, but I can't imagine that would be one of them. Simply makes no sense when there is already the flats for a wrench on the end. I do know that none of the A5s left PWS that way
A lot of stuff gets done in the fleet for sure, but I can't imagine that would be one of them. Simply makes no sense when there is already the flats for a wrench on the end. I do know that none of the A5s left PWS that way
Thanks. I know. Stupid... I have worked on a lot of rifles and a lot of HK 416s, MR556A1s, MR762A1s, etc..... Seriously hardcore binding issues with flash hiders, barrel nuts, etc.... and brand-new guns at that!!!. I know that I use an armorer's wrench on the flats with a 1/2" torque wrench or socket wrench and a 6-foot-long steel pipe slid over the wrench handle!!! I usually have to heat the flash hiders/muzzle brakes with a torch and if the pipe does not work, I use a hand-held sledgehammer with the receiver in a mandrel on a bench vise. Sometimes after sitting in an ice chest overnight. These little notches would just strip and round-out in seconds. I definitely will send it back and want photos of the replacement beforehand. Thanks for the advise!!
Sorry for such a screwed-up question, but I purchased a used, vintage Surefire MB762SSAL/RE muzzle brake from a seller on Gunbroker for an M40A5 build and when I received it, I found 2 cut marks on the back of the muzzle brake that look fresh. They are not in the photos in the listing. So when I contacted the seller, he said they were put there by the armorers for the aiding of removal with a spanner wrench in case they got stuck from carbon build-up. What do you all think? I have never seen this in any of my research of M40A5 rifles before collecting the parts for my build. I chose this over the other new ones on G.B. because it was an early version before the patent number when it was marked "Patent Pending". That's why I chose his listing. And this is what I got. Any help would be appreciated. If this he is correct, I'll keep it. But if this is someone's mistake, I'll send it back. Thanks for your input!!
As the others above have mentioned, your seller is full of shit.
I would pressure him to take it back and refund your money.

The fact that he did not post pics in the For Sale add of any angle that would show the cuts is not an accident.

There are still plenty of those in circulation that are not bastardized.

I agree! The photos of the one on Gunbroker that I purchased was another brake without cuts. It looked new. He said that this one, as with all the others, came right from a USMC armory in bags, new, un-mounted and that is why the cuts look fresh. He said some of the brakes came with them and some did not, but they were cut like that from the armorers. He seemed pretty defensive. When I asked for new photos of the replacement brake, it all got quiet and no response. I'll ask for a refund. I saw the ones on his website on-line (not Gunbroker), and they were definitely used. I take off enough brakes to know that those little cuts will do absolutely nothing. Thanks for the input!
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