Mack Bro’s SS Evo

In the same boat. I was really excited about this action until I found out remages will not work.

Not saying I wont buy one in the future at some point, but only if we have a bunch of options for prefit barrels.
Assuming by then other actions have not come out that I am more interested in.
FYI guys, I emailed Mack Bros asking if it was indeed true that they’re going to be changing/upgrading the design to accept normal/off-the-shelf Remage prefits, and when they’d be available:
Yes, the change/upgrade is being implemented, and coming/available Spring 2021.

My guess is they’re going to sell a shitload of these...
FYI guys, I emailed Mack Bros asking if it was indeed true that they’re going to be changing/upgrading the design to accept normal/off-the-shelf Remage prefits, and when they’d be available:
Yes, the change/upgrade is being implemented, and coming/available Spring 2021.

My guess is they’re going to sell a shitload of these...
They will be a lot more popular with a standard tenon. That being said it would be very cool if the were able to use one of the readily available shouldered prefit barrels on the market that already use the same basic tenon and threads.
I spoke to Mack Bros about this. They are not changing anything.
FYI guys, I emailed Mack Bros asking if it was indeed true that they’re going to be changing/upgrading the design to accept normal/off-the-shelf Remage prefits, and when they’d be available:
Yes, the change/upgrade is being implemented, and coming/available Spring 2021.
Wonder who spoke to the real Mack Brother's.....?
They will be a lot more popular with a standard tenon. That being said it would be very cool if the were able to use one of the readily available shouldered prefit barrels on the market that already use the same basic tenon and threads.

I agree, shouldered would be better than barrel-nut, but it might be asking too much for them to hold those tolerances for $575... anyways, as long as there’s no milling/skimming required, I’d be fine with either.

Wonder who spoke to the real Mack Brother's.....?

Lol, me too 😜 Hopefully the lady who replied to my email has the correct info, I sent it last night and received the reply this morning...

Personally, I think they’d be crazy not to change it to accept prefits without the extra work...
I hope they do. It just is strange that they chose to do it the way they did is all.

Mac Bro’s had been making the bolt used in the Evo as a replacement in factory Remington actions before coming out with their action and made the bolt .010” longer to require headspacing. They didn’t want to have the factory bolt replaced with theirs and it not be checked.
The xmark pro trigger has the bolt release that interferes with the hanger. Trying to decide between a trigger tech special or a box n andy tacsport. Not in a hurry since I have a barrel on order from northland shooters that is expected to take 10-16 weeks.
Folks that put this action in a krg bravo, was there any issues fitting it in the bravo?
My factory rem xmark trigger works with the hanger.
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They have to head space correctly.
I understand what would be cooler but after checking about a dozen actions the nut looks like the best route. If a guy wants to go shoulder for a pacific action that’s doable but it’s not going to be a on the shelf item.
I understand they have to headspace correctly.
When you consider they do shouldered prefits for Tikka actions, a mass produced action held to reasonable tolerances, a shouldered prefit for one of these is LIKELY easier.
Are you saying you've measured a dozen of the Mack Bros actions and found significant variances?
I'm not being argumentative, just asking.
I’m not in anyway arguing, I’m telling you that I see the nut being the way this gets done the fastest. If you have an evo and would like to get a barrel, I can get the information to you for the company that is making These. They can take your order.
I only have 4 evos at the moment. And they shoulder fit barrels on them.
I would much prefer a shouldered pre-fit. I think any of the Creedmoor‘s would sell like hotcakes including the 22.... also the 6GT
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i wouldn't even bother with a barrel nut on a custom action...even a cheap one like this. id rather save the money and just buy a remington at that point.

Respectfully what custom action are you currently running. Lots are running bighorns and see the evo as a very reasonable price alternative.
The nut would not be for everyone obviously but it’s a start to getting a prefit on the market and if it hits other options may follow.
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Shouldered prefit is the new barrel-nut prefit lol.

Seriously though, seems most anybody making actions has figured already that if their tolerances are good enough, as far as barrels, no reason to mess with a nut if barrel shops can spin up a shouldered barrel just as easily for it.

Though actually, even better is the trend with the Origin's and Nuclei which take shouldered or Savage prefits using a nut. I hope Mack Bros has decided to roll this way as well...

JMHO, but I wish all the manufacturers would just call a truce or whatever and all use the same thread pitch already: since 1.055x20 "Savage threads" is already kind of becoming the defacto prefit thread pitch, just everybody use that lol.
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Anyone know where else to get an ss evo?
As far as I'm aware these were only sold direct from MB. Unless one shows up in the PX we'll have to wait for MB to do another production run.

I've had my eye on these, but I'm 5 actions deep with ARC at this point with 2 built, 1 at LRI, & 2 in parts gathering stages. Or in other words I don't mind waiting a bit.
My plan for a SS evo was to just have MB hand it off directly to LRI for barrel + Cerakote and then send to my FFL. I know once LRI has barreled an action, they store that actions datum points for future ref. So any future shouldered re-barrel is just a phone call to LRI.

I'm a little torn on the concept of barrel nuts. I like them for ease of replacements/headspace. specially on a barrel eater like 6 Creed.

What I don't like is that the curvature of the bore can't be timed to 12:00 with a barrel nut. You set head space and curvature ends up wherever. Does it really matter?? I'm not sure how important it really is. I do have a few ideas.

I don't have enough experience to say for sure so take the following with a grain of salt.

My rational for barrel timing's importance is as follows:

My opinion is that barrel harmonics/whip would naturally align with bore curvature so it make sense to time the high point at muzzle to12:00. This in my mind would equate to vertical whip only or mostly.
I'll skip over positive compensation and just say you tune a load to find a good node that doesn't vertically string at distance. Now change to another good load albeit a lighter or heavier projectile with a different BC. With the barrel timed to 12 it should mainly affect elevation poi. On the contrary if the curvature winds up at 3:00 on a barrel nut set up you'd likely see both elev & windage poi shifts when switching loads. This could get more interesting or frustrating if timed to 4:45 etc.

I think the above is one of the most often overlooked advantages of having an action barreled by a skilled & reputable smith vs buying a prefit and screwing it on.

The real question for the MB SS Evo is weather or not the tenon thread start point is clocked the same action to action. With modern CNC and MB's apparent skill they should be! And if so it should be possible to get a shouldered prefit timed reasonably close to 12:00.

I'd love it if someone with more extensive experience could chime in here and either validate or set straight the above theory.

@LongRifles Inc. - Thoughts on the above including feasibility of shouldered Evo prefits?? Can Mack Brothers ship you an action directly for a customer or would that require an extra FFL transfer? Also just how much curve is usually present in a K&P or Bartlain blank?? Thanks in advance if you do way in.
Because if he did a bunch of guys would likely cry to get a barrel nut.
But there are actually reasons other than to make it inconvenient for you.😉
And to my question what custom action are you using and what prefit?
Explain these reasons then for a barrel nut

ARC and Zermatt actions
Barrels from:
TS Customs
Alamo Precision
You're way over analyzing this.

Its a shouldered prefit.
He’s actually answering why to start with a barrel nut and gun guys over think everything.
For me being able to make the head space exactly what I want is more important than the look. Kinda like car guys old Chrome don’t get your Home saying. Some things are a give and take.
He’s actually answering why to start with a barrel nut and gun guys over think everything.
For me being able to make the head space exactly what I want is more important than the look. Kinda like car guys old Chrome don’t get your Home saying. Some things are a give and take.
I'll take free weight and ease of use. And better look too.

And STILL get the exact headscape I want cause I use good smiths
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So here is the deal this thread the question of prefits came up.
I ask my smith if it was something that he might be interested in doing he said ya and spent some time on the phone with Mack bros and decided that the nut would be the best way to start!
I ask for some feed back form guys looking at the evo and what they thought. I now have your response I’m very sorry that your Alamo is a shoulder fit. I was just asking for a friend who was thinking about trying out something new. I’m not trying to promote him or sell anything. Just getting gun guys feed back for what they may like. I’m not interested I a pissing match. Sorry if I was to blunt.
enjoy the system that works for you.
PS I prefer this as well.
But I put it in his hands so the headspace matched the other rifles I have in the same chambering.
Wow, that is a house of cards built on assumptions
This house of cards is really built via one very arguable assumption.
Keep in mind it's really just food for thought. I enjoy learning and thinking about the technical side of things. I'm not at all trying to argue nut set ups are crap. I just plain like the look of shouldered setups better. When I'm spending money on expensive actions & stocks I'm going shouldered.

The more I think about it in context of this thread, the barrel nut system does make more sense for the budget oriented SS Evo.

I raised the point because I've never see it mentioned with regards to barrel nut prefits.

Why do good smiths bother with timing to 12?
If it actually matters then why is it completely disregarded for nut barrels?

Barrel bore curvature/run-out is real and of coarse varies. Below is a pretty extreme example (.075) shown by Short Action Customs

Harmonics and barrel whip are also a well established fact.
Change your settings on youtube to watch the video below @ .25 speed. Notice the whip is dam near vertical 6-12 o'clock.

Here comes the Question & assumption. What dictates the direction of the barrel whip?? If it's dictated by the ecentricity of the bore @ muzzle (Big assumption & very pluasible) then timing to 12:00 would cause the vertical whip. It's also very possible that the direction of whip is dictated by the barrel lug extension transferring harmonics into stock @ 6:00 o'clock??? Cant find any data on this.

If the barrel in the video above was whipping 2-8 then load/bullet weight changes would cause both lateral & vertical poi shift as appose to just vertical. That was my earlier point and something I haven't really seen discussed as a benefit or reason for timing to 12.
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It does not matter where your barrel whips. It matters where your bullet goes.
Very intradasting!
Bullets don't lie..........check!

Why do good smiths bother with timing to 12? = Must be superstition.
If it actually matters then why is it completely disregarded for nut barrels? = Nutted barrels don't suffer the same bad superstition juju.

Has anyone talked to Mack Brothers about eta for next run of these SS Evo's?
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I'm going to be using a prefit with a nut because I don't feel like sending my action out and it also allows me to fine tune head space. Plus no one offers a shoulder prefit at the moment. As far as the curve of the bore goes it will influence the point of impact more from heat then the harmonics of the barrel. Harmonics of the barrel affects the point in space at which the bullet exists the barrel so if you control the time at which the bullet exists the barrel during these sine waves you end up controlling your group size. But as the barrel heats up the direction of the bore curve will effect the POI shift. I think the reason a gunsmith would try to align the bore curve vertically would be to keep the poi shift vertical as the barrel heats up plus it looks better in the stock. Just my two cents.