I totally believe on the intent in this thread. I believe that the American consumer would weigh Made in America against other product variables such as Cost, Design, Trend, Brand, etc...
The problem is the Chester Law of 1998.
So, you have a company (someone said Channel-Locks...) All (used) to be made in PA. Let's call it... XYZ... you are family owned and started in 1940ish and you built a nice business up with production.
Over the years you have built out your product line and brand equity with the consumer. You are in the TOP 3 of your field.
You have a global supply chain feeding your factory raw materials.
Steel - Domestic (Shipping)
Plastic Pellets - Domestic or Global depending on Plastic Need (Oil & NG)
Labor is USA
You calculate that each product is between 94 - 96% USA Costing
You proudly put MADE IN USA and ship....
BOOM... one of your competitors files a lawsuit with the FTC challenging your claim. (even though they may import ALL of their product).
FTC issues Cease and Desist.
You round out your lawyers and cost/benefit the win/loss. Oh, by the way... FTC is going to ask you for all of your Bill of Materials, Manufacturing Costs, Suppliers, Costing to the nth part. And guess what, that becomes discovery and public after the trial. Your competitors and your customers are going to know to the last red cent how much money it costs you, how much markup to your customer and retailers you are making... EVERYTHING....
Not to mention the legal bills and all the dirt to be slung... Oh.. and if the FTC makes some determination like... "You sometimes procure Plastic Pellets from Malaysia.... that is available here in the US... so you can't really make that claim because "all or virtually all of your product is not sources from USA".
Yeah, you buy that supplier when your domestic supplier is out after they switch refinery sludge during a seasonal time of year....
That's why the idiots in Congress are not idiots at all. They know.... they write this Country of Origin stuff to be "determined later".
Oh, and there has been attempts for 3rd Parties to Certify MUSA content... but you know if the Big 6 Firms will not got near that type of Audit due to liability... no one is going to Guarantee that.
Throw out the Chester Law. Demand the FTC input a Certified Board of Governors for MUSA Certificates. Definite Guidelines with common sense rules for raw material procurement. No lobbying. Submit each UPC for determination with Variable Cost Inputs and no one but the BOG see's that and whichever Big 6 Accounting Firms is used to Audit. (If they can keep Cayman Island Slush Funds Secret, they can do this too..)
Now,... there are only 4 of the Big 6 and many boutiques auditors... but you get the idea.