Maggie’s march 14, best day of the year....

Re: march 14, best day of the year....

I didn't just hint at it, I told my wife what tomorrow is supposed to bring. I also told her that I think I deserve back-pay for the past 8 years of getting nothing on Steak and BJ day. She just rolled her eyes so I think I'm in!
Re: march 14, best day of the year....

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Brad from ND</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I didn't just hint at it, I told my wife what tomorrow is supposed to bring. I also told her that I think I deserve back-pay for the past 8 years of getting nothing on Steak and BJ day. <span style="font-weight: bold">She just rolled her eyes so I think I'm in! </span></div></div>

Definitely! Rolling of the eyes is wifespeak for "I totally agree with you, honey", right?
Re: march 14, best day of the year....

Update: the wife just went to Harris Teeter for ribeyes... Top Predator, I may owe you a beer for enlightening me on this important holiday.
Re: march 14, best day of the year....

Told my wife about the importance of today and she grined . Not sure if that was good or bad ..........we'll see
Re: march 14, best day of the year....

Re: march 14, best day of the year....

Please! . My dear departed Dad used to say, amongst other things, 'Son, despite what you might think, there truly is no such thing as a bad BJ' And this from a serving Captain who had visited all 7 continents in his working life.

But, despite having had fortunate opportunities to have worked on 6 of the 7 continents (still have to see Antarctica) and after being married now for over 13 years, I can categorically state that he was uncharacteristically full of shit... Because to the best of my knowledge, he never got a BJ from my wife, nor did he suffer the indignity of having to eat one of her steaks.

I cook my own shit.

And if I was bendy enough, Steak and BJ day would be a solo OP...

Actaeon out.
Fortunately for me. The girlfriend and I made a bet 10 years ago that she thought i would carry a beer pouch by the time i was 30. Well she lost and i won big. Bj whenever the fuck i want. Now about that steak!!!??!!