The MRF has the same rangefinder, established brand, and is lighter. Plus if you add a fixed 5mph wind in the box and turn 180 degrees hunting it will update a left vs. right hold.
If I need a computer to tell me that my hold is in opposite direction (left/right) when I shoot 180 degrees different than I was previously facing, it’s time to stay out of the woods

Regarding your PRS wins:
Please take this as an attempt to be genuinely helpful.
We are all impressed. That takes genuine knowledge and skill.
There are lots of other valid ways to acquire and/or demonstrate high levels of knowledge and skill in this area. Some of the members here are current or former police or military snipers. Some choose to attend (and excel at) training courses from the same schools that train our elite forces. Others were consummate experts long before PRS even became a thing.
Some of those men are in this thread, and while they should all respect your wins, many of them wouldn’t trade their credentials for a few PRS wins.
Your PRS wins demonstrate that you have the depth of knowledge to be taken seriously. They don’t, however, act as a trump card over other experiences or opinions.