I generally don’t see doctors, seldom at least. But I was having chest pain last month so my wife talked me into care now, they ran an ekg which was fine but recommended I go to the hospital immediately. I did so and they took my blood pressure, oxygen level, 3 blood tests, and an ekg. I wasn’t admitted and spent 3 hours in the exam room. Good news is with the exception of slightly high blood pressure everything was normal. I made an appointment with a cardiologist in case, did the stress test and he said I’m fine. My issue is the care now ekg was $185, the cardiologist with all the tests and EKG’s was about $500, and the hospital was $6000 and after insurance I’m due for $4000. The blood tests they ran cost $200 at quest, the ekg going rate seems to be $185, so I’m being asked to pay basically $5600 for using a exam room for 3 hours and have my blood pressure taken. I’m not cheap and normally don’t bitch about bills but this just seems excessive compared to the same test any where else. Is this something I can or should try to dispute or just shut the hell up and write the check?
There are a lot of things that go into an ER bill.
Part of what you pay for is knowledge and ability (of which you used knowledge, thank God!!).
You hit my ER with CP and EKG shows MI, we can have you in the cath lab and a needle in an artery in 10-15 minutes during the day and 30 at night.
We see a few of those a day, several a week, and are at the top of the game.
Door to artery opened for a ST elevation MI from the field is under 30. We often take them up on the EMS Pram.
Im not sure what our price is for a chest pain rule out (we run you through in 2 hrs or less, run 2 troponins, 1 ekg as long as everything keeps turning up OK.
Things arent, its longer and more tests or intervention.
Not sure your age and guessing mid-late 50’s based on your paying into insurance for 3 decades plus.
Always skip an Urgent Care for anything beyond small lacerations, simple fractures or fracture rule out, or stuff like strep or suspected.
CP, respiratory issues, stroke symptoms, bad abd pain (gall bladder or diverticulitis like pain) need an ER with CT scan, rapid labs, and loads of knowledge.
They cant do much and send 10+ a day to our ER.
And thats not the Freestanding EDs that do a full work up and need admitted or an MRI. They send more.
CP and MI (myocardial infarction, or heart attack) symptoms are not to be trifled with.
Good way to make yer wife a widow. (Pics please in case yer stubborn….

This is the Hide, of course we are ornery!!!

See what risk factors you have and what you can do to reduce them.
Eat well (keto and carnivore are well in my book, while I work in the Biz, I do see a lot of the BS in a lot of what is preached).
Be active
Lose excess lbs. we aint all supposed to be same build/size, so find out yours and chase it. FYI, modern western medicine is not the place to get this. They are BMI obsessed and docked a buddy of mine “health points” for being 5’ 10” and 195.
Benches 260, lifts a lot of weights, at 60 could do 10 perfect dead hang pull ups.
Fitter than anyone in the room, but “the chart!”
Glad you didnt have a heart attack or die.
Sorry the useless commies in charge of insurance are screwing you over.
For sure call them and the hospital. See whats up.