I'm definitely not one for "I gotta google a question, fast" simply because there's no actual knowledge there. So many have put up questions, that I didn't have a clue about. So I sat by, and waited. I've thrown up a few, and tried to be both specific and cryptic with my clues. As well as a few other 'off-the-cuff' questions.
But with regards to the actual "knowledge-base" that we have here, it is incredible. I enjoy seeing the discussions about outlandish concepts and experiences that I'm enjoying, vicariously.
My background is 'different', to say the least. I design, build, maintain, repair, and improve upon things. It ain't 'classified', it's just nowhere near as interesting or exciting as so many of ya'lls fun.
And I enjoy learning. I know what I don't know, and yearn to fix that.
But for those of us here who actually know the answers, sing out. Leave the googling alone. Sometimes I do google terms/words that I'm unfamiliar with that ya'll happen to throw out in discussions. Therein lies the yearning.