Maggie’s Military Jeopardy

What is some movie I don't know the title of. I'm guessing whoever comes up with the right question gets to provide the next answer. Jump in. Could be a book.
What is some movie I don't know the title of. I'm guessing whoever comes up with the right question gets to provide the next answer. Jump in. Could be a book.

Bulk of the questions will not be google-able.

This ones not from a movie, but actual event.
The person who provides the correct question gets to post the next answer..
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Haha! Old joke but still funny.

Don't worry," says his Jumpmaster. "Just jump out, count to three and pull the ripcord. If there's a problem with the main parachute, pull the ripcord on your reserve parachute. And when you land, a jeep will be waiting to take you back to the drop zone."

Guy takes a deep breath, jumps out of the plane, and pulls the ripcord. Nothing happens.

He pulls the reserve ripcord. Dirty laundry comes out of his container.

He's falling faster and faster, and he looks at the ground and says bitterly, "Great. Just great. I bet the damned jeep won't be there, either."
Haha! Old joke but still funny.

Don't worry," says his Jumpmaster. "Just jump out, count to three and pull the ripcord. If there's a problem with the main parachute, pull the ripcord on your reserve parachute. And when you land, a jeep will be waiting to take you back to the drop zone."

Guy takes a deep breath, jumps out of the plane, and pulls the ripcord. Nothing happens.

He pulls the reserve ripcord. Dirty laundry comes out of his container.

He's falling faster and faster, and he looks at the ground and says bitterly, "Great. Just great. I bet the damned jeep won't be there, either."

Winner/winner, but is was not a joke. One of the very first mass training jumps, he was screaming it out as he augured in. It was picked up an the laundry part was added some years later, as were beer cans, K-rat boxes ect. It was his 13th jump IIRC.

Post a answer, sir!
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Nicknamed "snake", as in the typical Vietnam support loadout of "snake and nape" (250-lb. Mk-81 Snakeye bombs and 500-lb. M-47 napalm canisters).

Firepower for $1,000:

It was a common practice on fighter planes to load every fifth round with a tracer round to aid in aiming. This was a mistake. Why?

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This grave at Arlington, belonging to an Army Special Operations sniper who had no Aviation qualifications and who never served a day in the USAF, has a set of Air Force Pilots wings on it.


In greatest respect,

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From my Navy days, what are "red wings?"

Damn, you're good. I found this citation on the Arlington web site.

Today Freedman's grave at Arlington National Cemetery, Section Eight, No. 10177, is marked by a jet-black tombstone. On it is the Star of David, the wings of a paratrooper, a Green Beret and an inscription: "The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living."

But I agree with you. Those are Pilots Wings on the Tombstone. I'm stumped.