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Member Link Up Monthly Western KY Shoot @ RockCastle 9-7-2013 8:30 am


Full Member
Feb 24, 2013
Louisville, KY
The Monthly Shoot at RockCastle for September is on the 7th. We will meet at 8:30 am at the Lodge/Main Office to pay and fill out their waiver if you've never shot there before. I will keep a running list of who will be there. I do need to RSVP with RockCastle a few days in advance regarding the number of shooters we'll have, so if you don't mind sending me a PM confirming you'll be there, I'd appreciate it.

The price is $25 per Shooter paid directly to RockCastle upon arrival. Also, we will have to supply our own Steel Targets. The more the merrier! In the past we've had a healthy supply of targets - every 50 yards out to 1100.

There will be no official Format for the day, but we will go "COLD" as needed to Repair/Replace/Paint targets and break for lunch and what not. It will be a laid back open practice.

For those of you unaware, we have 1100 Yards of Distance to set Targets out to.

Any questions at all, please feel free to post in this thread and/or PM me. You can also call RockCastle if you like; their number is (270) 749-4101. Ask for Amy or Brent, they're the long range liaisons.

And again, the more the merrier. I notified RockCastle that we'd be around 20 people (just a guess based on past attendance), so we've got plenty of room for shooters.
Thanks all!

Shooters List:
1. jonesy (bringing 5-7 targets)
2. scsims +1 (2 targets)
3. donp326
4. Tempest 455 +2
5. biner626 +1
7. boone3380 (4 targets)
8. BoilerUP (3 targets)
9. rdbse
10. jlpier01
11. TiredWings (Shane)
12. greentimber (6 targets)
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I was out there this weekend (Rockcastle/Thunder Valley) for the AR15.com 3 Gun Match. They ran four stages and a side match out there. The grass was waist high. They'd done some bushogging in strips (R to L) as you're looking down the long axis of the valley but for the most part its a jungle. I wonder if they plan on bushogging the whole thing? If not you'll have to either mow it yourself or have steel hung 4 or 5 feet above the grass where you can see it.
I was out there this weekend (Rockcastle/Thunder Valley) for the AR15.com 3 Gun Match. They ran four stages and a side match out there. The grass was waist high. They'd done some bushogging in strips (R to L) as you're looking down the long axis of the valley but for the most part its a jungle. I wonder if they plan on bushogging the whole thing? If not you'll have to either mow it yourself or have steel hung 4 or 5 feet above the grass where you can see it.

Was this in the 1,000 yard field or other area?
They claim it's a conservation. I'm not saying they're liars, but my family owns a 90 acre conservation easement that we farm. I mow the grass out there regularly to keep it operable, so I know it's legal. They could have some different kind of conservation, but I can't see the state/county limiting your right to mow the grass.

Seems like a convenient way to get $25 per person without doing any work but, as far as I'm concerned, I just like having a 1100 yard range an hour and a half away.
Tempest- several guys drove cars out to the firing line, and there is a dirt road running down the length of the range as well.

I wish I could make this one but between being deployed, schools, and leave I probably will not make it out again until March or so next year.
If you feel up to mowing that would be great. Even just around the targets would be very appreciated.

Personally, I feel like the targets hang high enough to allow us to hit them even in tall grass, but some of the other guys have mentioned having to fight through the jungle of grass while setting up or repainting targets. Don't worry about it if it's too much trouble though.
OK, I should be able to make this shoot.....as long as my Profs don't spring any tests on the days right after. As far as the mowing, some of the bird programs limit the mowing to twice a year, so that could be what they have going. I was going to set the family farm up on one of those programs, but the one I looked at made you open the property to the general public during the season, and we didn't want to do that part of it.
It looks like I will indeed be making my first appearance this month. I don't have any steel targets (yet). Don't have a way to haul a mower from Lexington.
I do have a pop-up shelter, bad back, good attitude, and can get a case of white spray-paint if needed. I want to contribute, I just need to learn how.
If anyone has a sledge hammer, please bring it. I have at least 9 targets and t-posts to mount them on, but after our recent move I have no idea where my sledge is hidden.
I called Rockcastle and gave them the number of RSVP's I've gotten. Everything is good to go for tomorrow, really looking forward to it.

I'll be driving my car tomorrow and I'm not sure if it'll be able to get back to where we shoot. If I can get a ride with someone to the range from the check-in desk, that'd be awesome. If not then I'll just drive back there and walk the rest of the way, shouldn't be too bad.

See you all tomorrow!
I picked up a dozen cans of official Steel Challenge white paint. Also known as $.96 Wally World White. See you all in the morning.

That's awesome! Thanks for supplying the paint.

I can give you a ride. I'm going to get there early and get started mowing if the gate is open.

Thanks boone, I'll be there around 8:00 Central Time. I'll hang out at the counter and wait for you if I get there before you.

P.S.: Everyone, if you're coming from the eastern time zone, be careful not to get to Rockcastle at 8:00 Eastern (9:00 Eastern Time). All times mentioned in this thread are Central Time.
Craptastic! Got called into work for today at 2 am. Between work, school and family it sometimes is hard to have a hobby. You guys have fun. As busy as I am for the next year I really don't know when I will be able to make a shoot. I hope you guys keep having them and a nice solid tradition of monthly shoots keeps going.
Snipers Hide - Rock Castle 9/7/13

Here are some pics and vids from this. I tried to get most people there, was tough when you were trying to shoot. Couple highlights of the day for our group:

My buddy came w/ his rifle zeroed at 100 and dialed up. He made a 1st round hit at 800, then we got him out to 1,000. My son was the 1st of our group on at 1,000 in his 4th shot after figuring out the wind. We all made hits at 1,100 w/ my Savage 10BA. My personal highlight was, longest shot I have ever tried w/ iron sights. 1,050 yards with a Swiss K31. Cost me about $20 of ammo. I hit all around the target and finally got a hit at bottom of target.

Couple guys w/ .338 were taking shots at the 1,500 yard target.

For some reason I knew I would be parked next to someone w/ a .338.

Going to have to make this a double post for the number of pics.

Looking forward to doing this again.


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