Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Every millennial

It’s the same when AOC tells the audience that when FDR was in office the dems had a super majority - in Congress, senate and the presidency. But republicans passes a constitutional amendment so the dead president could not serve a 3rd term.

If you hold a supermajority, how the hell is any republican constitutional amendment going to be passed?

Educated but stupid
wouldn't it have been to stop FDR (the dead person in question) from serving 5 terms. He did win 4 times, 1932, '34, '40, '44 (just didn't make it through the 4th, you know death and all).

I do not have any children but you are saying a child carrying an Epi Pen at school and has an allergic reaction in which the pen is for....An adult can not administer the Epi Pen injection??

My wife can't even apply a band-aid. Child has to go to the office. Due to budget cuts there is only 1 nurse for every 5 schools. So if your child goes to my wife's school you had better hope he/she gets hurt on a Wednesday, just saying.

If a child is choking/ cardiac arrest/ needs CPR or other instant life saving help teachers are SUPPOSED to just watch, unless they have had the training THROUGH or SPONSORED by the school district. It would not matter if you had been a nurse for 20 years prior to becoming a teacher. Your Job would/could be on the line.

Couple good things. Utah has good Samaritan law which would prevent you from being sued for trying but not succeeding in helping. Anyone with a CCW can carry in ANY public building. This includes any public school, and includes the state capitol building. Basically if tax dollars paid for it you can carry inside (minus Federal level buildings of course).

My wife has determined she will not be a victim and she will not stand by watching so she takes the needed actions daily.

I know of no other entity so worried about liability as school districts. I assume this is due to the fact they take care of children. The reason schools are not safer is absolutely based on liability. They will not hire armed guards (I would volunteer once a week) because of fear of an accident. They will not fortify schools (this is slowly changing) for fear of security measure failing and then being liable for not doing enough.
If they deny that a mass casualty event is possible then they can do nothing. Makes me sick personally.
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Looks vaguely familiar.......

I promise you with all my heart and with the conviction of a brother... I will not be the one who re-posts that photograph!

Nor will I supply it to anyone (who does not already have it) to post. So the only way it gets posted is if someone who has it... does it. And I will not be responsible!


"My wife can't even apply a band-aid. Child has to go to the office. Due to budget cuts there is only 1 nurse for every 5 schools. So if your child goes to my wife's school you had better hope he/she gets hurt on a Wednesday, just saying. "

Difference between public and private schools. My wife is a lower school head at a private Christian school and they perform minor first aid and keep Epipen's on hand just in case one is needed. For their outdoor education field trips they carry full first aid kits with Epipens and have used them on occasion. She is certified as well as others in Wilderness First Aid.
It is ass backwards.. The leftists want us to feel bad for the addict, but the kid that needs an Epi pen doesn't get media attention. I have been in the 911 business for 28 years and have given narcan more times than I can recall. Some of the junikes wake up pissed that you ruined their high that the "worked sooo hard to get the money for" (when they usually turn tricks or steal for it)and call you an asshole.
The kid in full blown anaphylaxis can't even get a teacher or school staff to help. I have trained both my boys (13 and 16) to use and administer Epi pens to kids that have a legit allergy. Even if someone is given an Epi pen by accident, or who is not having an allergic reaction will be ok. All intents and purposes .3mg SQ of 1.1000 Epi won't harm anyone.
Rant over....sorry guys, back to our regularly scheduled programming
It has been quite a few years since I was an ET but it used to be an EMT-A couldn't administer the victims Epi pen if they were unable to do so.
I bet when he is dreaming of some hoochie posted up by Hermosa it all goes wrong when the propane tank comes into view. I bet its a chick with a fine behind and when she turns around either her belly is a 20 lb or her boobs are those 6 pounders. Talk about waking up in a cold sweat. and a stiffy killer.....