Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Fishing in Australia......

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Most shark fishing sucks. A Mako is about the only species that will fight and not just swim in the opposite direction of the tug. Mostly it’s like catching a giant catfish, or pulling up an engine block on a rod...

When your giant shark turns into a bite-off there are serious fish in the water...


I was in Morristown NJ last night and passed this on my walk to the train station this morning. Pretty cool, and pretty sad the birthplace of our liberty is now occupied territory run by communists.
Little Luke, too?

But of course.

You don't know how close you hit the mark there.
20 years ago, I had an idea for a parody of Star Wars. The first two characters were a Walter Brennan type Emperor(Jim Varney could have played it good). Little Luke Stumpjumper was the "Junkyard Knight". Dark Mater. Ornery Adobe.

It could been something.
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A Reference Guide to Identify The Various Breeds of Gun People
-1911 People -
"See .45 or Die! People"
“Because they don’t make a .46"
“Back to back world war champs.”
“I’d never carry some cheap plastic gun.”
More likely to be older possibly obese.
Oddly enough, most likely to misuse the term “cocked and locked”
“Feel that trigger pull MMMMMMMM"
“If you can’t do the job with 7 rounds you don’t need a gun.”
1911s can jam but THEIRS has NEVER ONCE failed in any way.
Most likely to use the term “Tack driver”
“I fired a glock once, it literally jammed every shot then fell apart in my hands then raped my daughter.”
- Kimber People -
Vegans of the gun world, will strut into any firearms conversation and proudly announce they own a Kimber Pro Raptor II and then wait silently expecting lowly peasants to applaud.

Steers every conversation toward their Kimber

Fails to understand why not everyone can drop 1400 dollars on a handgun

Will get confused and personally offended if you don’t like Kimber

Self convinced that the outrageous price they paid is proof their gun is better.

Most likely to be caught in a circle jerk with other Kimber owners.
- Revolver People -
Expresses bizarre distrust for semi-automatic handguns despite overwhelming evidence otherwise.
Most likely elderly
Most likely to pull his own loaded .38 from his pocket for comparison then become offended when you ask to unload it first.
Thinks NAA minis are a reasonable carry gun, does not understand why anyone would disagree.
Assures you he can nail a tin can from 500 yards away with his Single Six despite his obviously severe palsy shake.
Will go into detail about what he paid for every gun 60 years ago.
- CZ guys -
“CZ master race”
“Look, field stripping it isn’t that bad” as they struggle to take it apart.
Can quote prices of work from Cajun Gun Works
Consistently makes fun of 1911 guys, though they still carry a steel framed gun.
- XD guys-
“I honestly love the grip safety, it makes me feel more comfortable carrying it”
Most likely to have a mail-in rebate.
Will tell you they only buy American and is blissfully unaware of the “made in Croatia” stamp on the slide.
Makes fun of Glocks while they have a malfunction.
Is a diehard 1911 fanboy, but can’t buy anything besides the XD since they rant about the grip safety being important.
- M&P guys -
Tells you that the trigger is fine if you can shoot, even though they have a full Apex trigger kit.
Loves the grip angle, thinks it makes them a better shooter.
“Yeah other guns are more accurate, but this one is more shootable
Watches Jerry Miculek videos as evidence that the M&P is a good gun.