I am a white dude, who has never really been attracted to white chicks. My wife is Mexican, and I have dated The fucken rainbow, you name if, black, Asian, middle eastern...I’ve done it(literally)Hey 'Alexander Leon', how about you go fuck off and cut your own wrists you fucking useless faggot ass cuck... Based on your picture alone I can tell that you have never done any physical labor in your entire fucking life and you probably hide under the fucking bed when somebody is popping off fireworks down your block. Is it time for your "daddy" to change your nappies yet and replace the pacifier that he shoved up your ass as a buttplug? LOL. Keep pushing the "men who wanted to be left alone" and see what happens to you and your ilk in the near future. The more I hear "this is racist, that is racist" every fucking day, the less fucks I am starting to give and even I am scared at just how little I care anymore, and there are plenty of other guys out there that have been pushed to that same level...
however, I’ve never had a white person comment on my choice of woman or even gotten the slightest question of if from a white....I have gotten non stop shit from every other color of people, but never white....even my wife catches shit from other Mexicans because she’s married to me.