Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Another example of mental illness, people have to stop accepting mental illness as normal!

Well, it's all part of the human condition. Mental illness is normal and abby-normal at the same time! Addiction is another part of the equation. A significant part of the human genome is highly addicatable and there's not a whole hell of alot you can do about it other than help them manage it. Being a dumbass liberal is probably similar but I do know of aggressive "treatment plans" that are guaranteed to have a sub-surface solution.
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What did Captain Potato say to make that dumb drunk skank react like a meth head that just found a wet dollar bill?
Biden talking about veterans/troops breathing in toxic smoke at burn pits and VA giving them care.

Either way, her first rubbing/jaw bruxism is completely abnormal an inappropriate body language in any/every culture I've ever seen on earth.

Vodka + Ativan + Adderall + Atenolol + both + adrenochrome + baby stem cells + 5g + being from San Francisco.
Well, I believe the thing that got rid of Covid are the poll results pointing to the mid-terms...

It's not over.

It was boiling the frog too fast and he was starting to notice.

Cue the global war with the possibility of nukes.

Only question is, is Putin in on the game?

If he is I see the possibility of some limited use of nukes.

The Great Reset crowd takes out some medium sized city moving their depopulation agenda forward and creating a fear that has the masses giving up everything to the elites in the name of security.

If Putin is not in on it......he gets destroyed for being the last holdout with the ability to stop them or he unleashes all his nukes and even Klaus Scwab has to pay a price for fucking around and finding out.

In 10,000 years the tribe of former Inuit that have survived will find their heirs in Mesopotamia worshipping the moon and creating the first codified civil laws for society
It's not over.

It was boiling the frog too fast and he was starting to notice.

Cue the global war with the possibility of nukes.

Only question is, is Putin in on the game?

If he is I see the possibility of some limited use of nukes.

The Great Reset crowd takes out some medium sized city moving their depopulation agenda forward and creating a fear that has the masses giving up everything to the elites in the name of security.

If Putin is not in on it......he gets destroyed for being the last holdout with the ability to stop them or he unleashes all his nukes and even Klaus Scwab has to pay a price for fucking around and finding out.

In 10,000 years the tribe of former Inuit that have survived will find their heirs in Mesopotamia worshipping the moon and creating the first codified civil laws for society
Yeah LOL. I love asking climate change people how humans influenced the multiple freeze/thaw cycles the earth has gone through in the last 65,000,000 years since the dinosaurs vanished.
Yeah LOL. I love asking climate change people how humans influenced the multiple freeze/thaw cycles the earth has gone through in the last 65,000,000 years since the dinosaurs vanished.

Leftist logic: 'Trust the science, unless the science goes against your feelz'...

We've seen that happen over the vaccine saga. When Israeli and UK data started showing that the jabbed were coming down with far more serious infections and dying at much higher rates, the left response? Stop publishing the data...
In 10,000 years the tribe of former Inuit that have survived will find their heirs in Mesopotamia worshipping the moon and creating the first codified civil laws for society

Well, there is a fair bit of evidence that around 10,000 years ago something happened and there was a great reset and the small groups of humans that survived banded together to remember what they had lost in memorials and try to rebuild their world amid the struggle to survive.

All this has happened before and all this will happen again...
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Well, there is a fair bit of evidence that around 10,000 years ago something happened and there was a great reset and the small groups of humans that survived banded together to remember what they had lost in memorials and try to rebuild their world amid the struggle to survive.

All this has happened before and all this will happen again...

Leftist logic: 'Trust the science, unless the science goes against your feelz'...

We've seen that happen over the vaccine saga. When Israeli and UK data started showing that the jabbed were coming down with far more serious infections and dying at much higher rates, the left response? Stop publishing the data...

A dude named James Kasting wrote a book titled: "How to Find a Habitable Planet". He is a prof at PSU that specializes in planetary atmospheric evolution. I've read thousands of pages of journal articles and text books on atmospheric evolution and Kasting's book lays it down in a much more common sense manner, without compromising the integrity of the true science. People should be able to look for facts if they really want to "trust the science". Kasting's an academic that was funded by NASA for a long time but he's far away from the nitwits that spew global warming bullshit. He talks about a "what if?" that uses informed math and physics to estimate the effect on Earth if we burned up all the fossil fuels as quickly as possible. Guess what? Earth would get a couple of degrees warmer. Realize he worked with experts that know global coal and oil reserve data.

If you want to know about the people that scream "trust the science" the loudest, first go listen to the System of a Down song: "Science". Science has always been the whore of the dollar. System is right - science has failed our mother earth.

Covid is the worst ever example of government fudge-packers using pseudoscience lies to get their agenda pushed forward. I say "worst ever" because it was mostly pointed at one opposition politician, to destroy him and get back to the swamp.

Since this is a picture thread, I'll give you a picture that sums this all up nicely:

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