Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1



So I now work in an office with a libtard. He had a pic of Harris on his computer so I make an off color joke about how many BJs she gave to get to the office she attempts to hold.

After he had his "panties-in-a-wad" tantrum, he started in that its not true. I show him an article I found on google. "oh that's just right-wing stuff.". So he starts in that I'm a sexist and racist, blah blah blah. He started rattling off things I can no longer say (oriental???) I told him it goes both ways. Can't wait for him to wear his BLM shirt again.

He walked out of the office for a bit. I kept thinking he complained to the boss but I didn't get called onto the carpet yet.

He left for the day without saying another word.

Tomorrow should be fun!

If you really want to see his head explode, ask him to name any unarmed African-American killed by police that didn't happen in a city run by democrats.

1stSgt Kasal Statue was made from a picture taken during Operation Phantom Fury in Fallujah, Iraq on November 13, 2004

There is no such thing as a "Command" SgtMaj in the Marines. There is only one in a unit so no need to expound on his rank as he is simply "THE" SgtMaj.

The highest ranking enlisted Marine is the, "SgtMaj of the Marine Corps". SgtMaj Kasal didn't make it that far but went on to become the SgtMaj of I MEF before retiring.
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