I'm a cyclist, and I agree that there are cyclists who don't follow the rules, and there can be consequences there (look up how Nicky Hayden died), and just like irresponsible gun owners (know any of those) they are the ones that people who don't like bikes hold up for examples.
That said, on the road I've had trash, coins, cans and a radiator hose thrown at me, had someone swerve across from the oncoming lane to scare me, and had a triaxle dump squeeze me into the ditch all on open 2 lane blacktop where nobody was being delayed by anything. Not to mention the host of unintelligible yelling (Doppler shift ya know)
I also had an old couple on the way home from church drag me down the side of a Chevy Silverado trying to make a right turn through me.
One thing about intersections from a cyclist perspective. Waiting 3 cars back is harder for everyone except the 3 cars in front of you. If you are at a foot down stop taking off is slow and most people aren't going to track a perfect line, and the cars that want to get by you are you between you and oncoming traffic, and the cyclist is trapped between the side of the road and the people wanting to pass.
The best thing for all is that the cyclist moves to the front right side of the straight lane and starts up and goes straight through the intersection on green. It gives everyone the most room. The challenge comes in where the cyclist has to hold his line to get his piece of tarmack on the other side of the intersection.
Same think applies in left turn lanes. Get to the front, follow the signals, and stay wide to let cars pass, hold a steady line and dont get pushed into the curb.