I've been one of those racers. I had 16-20hr training weeks for many years. I've slowed down due to age, but the lifetime of miles in the saddle has proven that if you ride like the cagers want you to ride, they still dive unsafely around you. There's no appeasing them. ...as proven by this thread. Didn't work for Chamberlain, doesn't work on the road.
If I already live in the country and ride roads that predate the Civil War, where else am I supposed to ride? The swath between Bristow, VA down to Summerduck, VA and over to Marshall and Middleburg, VA and back are where I ride 90% of the time. Its not like I live ride on the busy roads towards Manassas, or up towards Clifton.
Driving isn't rocket science: if you can't see what's coming, it isn't safe to pass. Anything. Period. ...but the temper tantrum throwing types that hate cyclists because 'they're in my way' won't realize that.