Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

and they wonder why there's no water?!

According to the guys that I talked to who were drilling a new well for the Sands convention center the idea that the Las Vegas Valley is out of water is complete horseshit. Working for an independent well drilling company located in the Pacific northwest drilling a new well for the Sands the workers doing the drilling stated to me that there is literally an ocean of water underneath the Las Vegas valley. And I also know this for a fact, so much water percolates up underneath the Las Vegas Hilton from underground springs that every couple of days sump pumps that water out. It then flows down Joe W Brown Boulevard and into the Las Vegas wash.
100% the Aztec was about 20 years too early to market.

Read several articles about GM during the late 80’s early 90’s.

Automotive research people say they had so many good ideas they just read the market wrong and the product life cycle died before the market was ready.

Really good read

I'm not sure that body style ever had a "moment in time."
They were early ...aaaand they didn't commit on the design.

They were too early to catch the cross-over trend.....and they marketed it as a "adventure vehicle".....but gave it 0 capability to actually do the adventure bit.

If they improved the off-road capability, and gave it slightly more aggressive styling, they would sell like hotcakes today.

Essentially they needed a "trail hawk" version

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