Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Wasn't the F117 more of a stealthy plane to drop bombs/missiles. I don't recall reading/watching anything that it had any air to air defences and I doubt it would win in any dog fight - shoot at the other plane with what. Although, would be interested to learn more, especially from anyone who actually flew one.

What I find more fascinating is that the F117 is actually 1970s technology (when it was being developed), therefore what is flying now and what is being developed now I am sure would be fascinating.

So there were several issues with the F-117… one of them is the cost of general maintenance for the airframe…

The other was that the aircraft was unable to search for threats in the environment around it, unlike the B2 bomber. This made it particularly easy to shoot down because it couldn’t avoid threats as easily, and the threat space was growing. (As determined in a radar saturated airspace in Serbia using a very specific technique...) obviously there were other methods to find some of the information the F-117 couldn’t get on its own… but it was too slow to deal with direct threats by adversaries, unlike the F-22 and the F-35.

The next issue ends up being that the F 22 had arrived on scene and the F35 was planned to come into Service, and they are vastly superior in almost every manner (F 22 being air superiority, and the F 35 being multi role)… which, the Air Force was willing to spend their money on as opposed to a legacy aircraft that would be costly and extremely difficult to upgrade… all for an airframe that could not remain in complete stealth for the radars it would potentially face.
Someone doesn’t know they still have these next to the milk cartons.
Sure could be
Loooong time since I've bought bb's for the boys
Now they get this for birthday and Christmas.
Wrapped up, they know what their getting and all get a good laugh at ol dad.😄
But they always take em home!

I do have grandsons that are getting close to be BB gun age though
Can't wait 🤠
Not to be exceptionally rude, but he’s full of shit. I’ve got plenty of time in it and it flys great. It was a little under powered compared to other fighters, but the people who complain about that don’t really understand the the role of the aircraft.

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That's fucking badass. I was just thinking "i wonder what sort of of missions a stealthy but presumably not fantastic handling 'fighter' like this would be best suited to".

If you have the time I'd be really interested in hearing about it from the horse's mouth, please. Or at least to the extent which you're permitted.

Pics n shit - Mouse dog wants to go outside.


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……The other was that the aircraft was unable to search for threats in the environment around it, unlike the B2 bomber. This made it particularly easy to shoot down because it couldn’t avoid threats as easily, and the threat space was growing. (As determined in a radar saturated airspace in Serbia using a very specific technique...

Our Wing Commander during Desert Shield / Strop refused to let HQ mission planners dictate our mission profiles and tactics. He actually stood the wing down until it changed. He didn’t make one star after the war because of it. Great commander.

In Serbia they threw away all the lessons learned from the gulf war and let higher HQ (lackies not briefed into the program) dictate mission profiles. The result was the aircraft shot down.

I hear a lot of people not in the program stating facts. I don’t think many details have been declassified so don’t believe much of what you hear.
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I hear a lot of people not in the program stating facts. I don’t think many details have been declassified so don’t believe much of what you hear.

I’m familiar with a lot of specifics…. Ultimately a good deal of the story deals with how much money are you are willing to spend.

One of the things I do find very interesting, in the Air Force at any rate, is the senior leadership likes to spin stories based upon where they want to spend their money.

I’m sure if they spent a ridiculous amount of money for updating all of the systems inside the F117 they could’ve made it more relevant for a longer period of time. But ultimately, that’s a losing battle when you have newer aircraft showing up…

The F 35 is an amazing aircraft only in that it has technology that’s far newer than the older air frames. What it is not is anything close to his stealthy as the F22 (the later being stealthy from all angles), and it certainly doesn’t have the air to air capabilities of the F22 from a performance standpoint.

So we will be left with the F 35 and a tweaked out version of the F-15…
I was there when it transitioned from the 4450th to the 37th. August 1989 through April 1992. What job did your mom have?
Her and my stepfather lived in Tonopah and drove to work at the Test Range for a few years. I would visit for a month every summer as a kid. She never said what she did during that time. Acted like it was total secret squirrel shit. Excpet my mom has no fancy degrees in anything so I knew that was 85% horseshit.

She then moved to Las Vegas and was elected to run a Teamster Union. She would do 4 years running it as elected as the Union President....then get voted out next term and go back to working as a government employee at various bases like Tonopah Test Range every 4 years. She flip flopped that routine 3 or 4 times. The last job she held she said she worked in a shipping department. They would drive 2hrs one way to go to work. My stepfather was a truck driver his entire life....including working out there I'm told.

Two funny related stories....

My Mom once called me out of the blue in the early 2010's asking if I knew "what 50cal ammo costs?". Being a gun store monkey at the time, I said it depends. Turns out she weighed and packaged a pallet of various items including a can of 50cal ammo. But she failed to get the ammo can wrapped in plastic along with the rest of the items. Not thinking she just laid it on top of the wrapped pallet and proceeded to load into a semi trailer. Well, it never made it to its final destination. Her superiors were not too happy. She thought she would just pay them to make up for what was lost thinking, "how much could it really cost?". Well after a few texts I learn she lost a can of Raufoss. When I told her it could potentially cost many hundreds when you factor in what government pays for shit versus street prices she flipped out. I guess they had security footage of her loading it onto the trailer so they let her off the hook.


Other story was my stepfather was tasked with hauling a trailer to a location out in the middle of the Nevada desert. He was given a map and location and told to look for a "construction site in progress".

Well he follows the dirt roads as necessary and finds the location. He said it looked like a metal girder frame structure just partially constructed in a flat open desert prairie. No workers, no equipment, or any sign of human presence for weeks.

So he hops out of the semi and proceeds to look around for anyone to sign off on the load so he can leave the trailer and head back. He tells me he takes about 10 steps towards the steucture and quickly realizes nobody is fucking here. And when he walks back around to the corner to the driver's door of his truck.... a handful of dudes with M4's and shit held him up at gun point wanting immediate compliance and ziptie him up.

He told them what he was doing there and they radio'd into somewhere to confirm it. Stepfather said he about pissed himself he was so scared. And to this day he has no clue where they came from. He's like they just materialized out of fucking nowhere. They had no cover anywhere. The head individual apologized once they got confirmation he was a government employee. Then the guy reached into his kit and handed my stepfather a tactical folding knife kinda as a nice gesture for almost shooting him in the face and sent him on his way.

Step-dad who is a complete dipshit on anything guns/knives/military/manly shit is like, "that is THE sharpest fucking knife I've ever handled in my life. I replied back, "yeah....that's what they use to kill people discretely with" lol. He has this doofus NO SHIT!?! look on his face and says, "I never considered that." 😀 😀