Her birthday (11th) is on thanksgiving weekend each year and this year she has been asking for her chance to take a deer. After many years of hunting with me and her mom we agreed it was her time. We were hunting on a friends level 3 management (Texas) ranch and this is what she got. She did miss a nice 5 year old buck on the second day at 245 yds. She called the shot low and in the excitement of it all (Bino's shaking like a dead leaf) I did not see the impact. She got over it and shot this Doe the next morning. She confirmed to me she was holding a solid spot on the shoulder and I gave the fire command. Done. It was 238 yds, no wind and half the target size from the shot a day earlier. Well done for a first deer.
Her Rifle- .243 Ruger action, .243 Rem bbl, Lapua brass + 80 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip.
When we approached the deer and she saw the entry hole, she said "that’s right where the shot broke"! Gotta love it.
Her Rifle- .243 Ruger action, .243 Rem bbl, Lapua brass + 80 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip.
When we approached the deer and she saw the entry hole, she said "that’s right where the shot broke"! Gotta love it.