Hey instead of slinging insults lets get down to the facts, let's do a little reading here, let's follow that "science" shall we?
The overall risk reduction of taking the vaccine vs. not standardized and prorated over a one year period is less than 10%. So only a ten percent risk reduction! Which is very close to the risk from vaccine injury. So to maintain some level of immunity and vaccine effectiveness one would need boosters every six months to less than two months, all that vaccine running around in your system causes some rather big problems however.
NOTE: The interesting thing that many studies are showing is that the vaccinated are experiencing re-uptake in COVID, so their bodies are COVID magnets, please read below. This is legit science, and a no bs white paper, takes no side in this argument, just facts.
In some cases, antibodies can enhance virus entry and replication in cells. This phenomenon is called antibody-dependent infection enhancement (ADE). ADE not only promotes the virus to be recognized by the target cell and enters the target cell, but ...
This sources several studies, not for feint of heart if you have already received the vaccine.
We have a literal catastrophe Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) DETECTED with Covid-19 August 18, 2021 Persons who have been VACCINATED against COVID-19 a
By Steve Kirsch | December 24, 2021 If you are worried about Omicron, guess what? The vaccine they gave you is going to make you MORE likely to get infected, not less. If you stay on the vaccine tr…