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My new. 375 Cheytac!


Full Member
Jul 15, 2007
Gridley, CA
Robert Snyder from RWS just completed this for me and I am one happy camper! Can't wait to get this thing on the range and tear stuff up. It's got a Lawton 8000 action, Lawton barrel, 1:11.25 twist, Mcrees foldable stock, 32" barrel with a Cheytac break. Scope is a S&B 5-25X56 P4F mil/mil (thanks to everyone's advice here). I just reloaded 50 rounds of Jamison Cheytac 350gn ammo and I'm ready to go! Thanks Robert!!!


Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

dude that's a sweeeeeet rifle!

I hear Robert does some amazing things. I saw the GB going on and thought about going this route.

Absolutely beautiful rifle. We need more pics and obviously need pics of how this puppy shoots!

How far are you going to stretch 'er legs?
Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

Thanks dvdt. I hear there is a mile range about 2 hours from me. I'm sure I won't be able to resist that challenge once I get the load right and get my scope sighted in.

I can't say enough good things about Robert. First, he tried finding me a Lawton 8000 action, but the wait time was measured in months/years so he actually gave me his 8000 action that he had bought for himself to build his own .375. Then, I explained to him that I was having some problems finding some dies to load some .375 rounds, so Robert ordered me some dies, but gave me his Lawton dies until mine come in (which will probably be 6+ months). I know gunsmithing is a highly competitive market these days, but if customer service is worth anything, RWS is leaving the competition in my opinion.
Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

very nice yea i just recieved my rifle last weekend from him, he has a gift and is very talented im thinking of having him build me a cheytac but dont know wut caliber yet or im thinking of a 338 lapua
Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

pat4668, where at in Iowa are you located? I'm looking for a good range to blow some ammo at. I'm new to Iowa so I pretty much can find Atlantic when I have the GPS helping me.
Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

since you havnt scoped it in switch those rings!!! the fatter one goes in front and the tightening nut is usually on the opposite side of the bolt.
Just though id let ya know.
Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

Thanks Savage! I will do that. I couldn't find any pictures that showed whether the fat ring went on front or back so I took an edumacated guess. I never win coin flips

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Savage110</div><div class="ubbcode-body">since you havnt scoped it in switch those rings!!! the fatter one goes in front and the tightening nut is usually on the opposite side of the bolt.
Just though id let ya know. </div></div>
Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

I was going to PM you about the rings, but some guys get touchy about the small stuff, Anyway I like your set up alot and would like to have the same setup but in a 338/408 and in a single shot. Not to high jack your thread but can anyone pm me on a 338/408 performance,
Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: KYshooter338</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I dunno if its just me but those look like 408 rounds....

What bullet are you shooting? </div></div>

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Moon-raker</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I just reloaded 50 rounds of Jamison Cheytac 350gn ammo and I'm ready to go!

They look somewhat the same because both projectiles are made from same alloy with same design concept.
Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

Well I took it to the range today to 0 in the scope at 100 yards. Took me 10 rounds to get it dead center. I shot a total of 6 more rounds and took the target to the club house. My first group of 3 shots measured out at .405 MOA and the next was .383 so I am very happy with how this thing handles. I was a little worried about the kick on this thing the first round, but I was pleasantly surprised when I pulled the trigger. It has some kick and it kicks quite a bit more than my .308, but nothing I can't handle. About 3 guys came up to see what the cannon was I was shooting and thought it was a .50 cal. I believe one of them had heard of a Cheytac, but the rest hadn't. Kind of neat having a 'rare' rifle at a relatively busy range.

Today I shot the Jamison 350gn projectiles loaded at 135g with a COAL of 4.303 - 4.305. Today I loaded some at the spec's from Jamison with 139g and I'll try those in two weeks and see what my results are. I'll also post some target pics.
Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

Just PM Robert an inquire about a 375 Cheytac also. The ammo are damn expensive for sure. How long did it take to build yours? What kind of speed do you think you get with a 29" barrel? Is it specifically chambered for the Jamison's projos?
Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

Hi DesertHK, I talked with Robert this weekend and he is expecting his shipment of Lawton 8000 actions very soon. I believe he has nearly everything else for the build so I would assume he could have a .375CT built in a few weeks. He'll be able to give you a very good estimate on the time frame. As far as speed on a 29" barrel, I usually attribute 100 fps per inch so I would guess you would get around 2900-3100 fps from a 29" barrel. BC would be around .950 from what I've researched.

I didn't have mine specifically chambered for Jamison rounds. That's just what I chose to shoot with because they had them in stock when I was buying whereas a couple of other makers didn't have any in stock.

Good luck on your purchase. I'm quite certain you'll be very happy with Robert's work if you have him make you a rifle. I'd buy one now before he gets famous and his prices shoot up

Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: KYshooter338</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ill have to get some of those bullets for the next load up. </div></div>

If you have been shooting any other projectile other than these or GS custom from South Africa then you have honestly been pissing in the wind in regards to performance.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Moon-raker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
I didn't have mine specifically chambered for Jamison rounds.

Maybe not intentionally but the rifling profile you choose is specifically for that 350gr copper/nickel alloy "LRBT" design.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Moon-raker</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> As far as speed on a 29" barrel, I usually attribute 100 fps per inch so I would guess you would get around 2900-3100 fps from a 29" barrel. BC would be around .950 from what I've researched.

Funny thing about the 375---MV due to barrel length has been tested to be pretty minor. In fact the 29" barrels only loose about 125fps with the 3" difference from the 32" barrels. Also 29" was "set" as common years ago due to the fouling issue and the mysterious "fouling ring" that the 32" down to 29.5" barrels were known to get. This ring would occur about 3-5" from the muzzle and was pretty severe and that is why the 29" was adopted

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DesertHK</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Thanks for the input Moon-raker. What kind of bipod is that? and does it come with the gun?</div></div>

That is a GG&G Bipod.

Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: RWSGunsmithing</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SANDMAN 070</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Who is RWS ? </div></div>


Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DesertHK</div><div class="ubbcode-body">how many times can you reload the Jamison's brass? I know that their projos are going for about $2 per projo (350 grains) </div></div>

Someone else might be able to chime in on this question. Of the ammo I fired last weekend, none of the brass needs resized (although I always full length resize anyway). If I were betting on it, I would guess it will reload 6-8 times. Jamison is quality stuff.
Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Later</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Funny thing about the 375---MV due to barrel length has been tested to be pretty minor. In fact the 29" barrels only loose about 125fps with the 3" difference from the 32" barrels. Also 29" was "set" as common years ago due to the fouling issue and the mysterious "fouling ring" that the 32" down to 29.5" barrels were known to get. This ring would occur about 3-5" from the muzzle and was pretty severe and that is why the 29" was adopted


Has there been any research done on this to find out was the cause of it? I'm curious and it seems odd to me that barrel length would do it.

Let's say you had two identical barrels and one was 29" and the other was 32". Now for the sake of argument let's say these barrel's shoot the same load at the exact same velocity. Wouldn't the bullets be going the exact same speed at 27" down the tube in both barrels(where the fouling ring was stated to start) and the 32" barrel only gaining the speed in the last 3"? If the 32" was fouling 3-5" from the muzzle why wouldn't the 29" be fouling 2" from the muzzle?
Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DBohn</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

Has there been any research done on this to find out was the cause of it? I'm curious and it seems odd to me that barrel length would do it.

Let's say you had two identical barrels and one was 29" and the other was 32". Now for the sake of argument let's say these barrel's shoot the same load at the exact same velocity. Wouldn't the bullets be going the exact same speed at 27" down the tube in both barrels(where the fouling ring was stated to start) and the 32" barrel only gaining the speed in the last 3"? If the 32" was fouling 3-5" from the muzzle why wouldn't the 29" be fouling 2" from the muzzle?</div></div>

We have talked to dozens of different "professionals" from shooters, ammo companies, projectile engineers, propellant engineers to meteorologist and none give us the same cause exactly

What the majority tend to think is that in lamens terms it is a second ignition point. It is point where the air in front of the projectile is gone while at same time it is same point in which the air levels behind the bullet has "new" oxygen sucked down the barrel that reach the unburned powder and it re-ignites. Can I personally prove that?? NOPE. Can I personally disprove that?? NOPE. So I just let things be what they gonna be.

Basically for me it is not a need to know the "why" part, it is just a need to know "happens" part. During the testing of this once it was found the barrel along with several others was but down in 1/2" increments while monitoring MV and the fouling ring. The barrels were cut down until the ring went away

Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

Thanks for the feedback Later. I only asked because it caught my eye when I read it and got me thinking. Guess I'm a little more interested in the "why" part of things.
Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!

I wonder how air can go behind a bullet that is "sealed" in the barrel with an explosion behind it creating a high pressure zone? I don't think air could be sucked in behind it with the air pressing out from an explosion. I has to be something else.What I don't know.
Re: My new. 375 Cheytac!


I sorta said same thing lol and that is why I mentioned no one give any of us the same reason as to "why". Another explanation was basically same as above one but with deviation that the bullet had now just passed thru the muzzle brake leaving the barrel "empty and open" in which fresh oxygen entered from muzzle end and cause re-ignition. The problem I have with that thought is that the fouling ring is not just powder and carbon so I am not sure how the ring could have metal alloy in it IF the bullet was already out the barrel.

Others say that point in barrel is where there is a release of pressure on the bullet from pushing out the air inside barrel and at that release of pressure that maybe the projectile shrinks in diameter and allows the pressure behind the bullet to encompass it in which causing the fouling ring. The key to ponder this thought is to remember the "LRBT" bore has a rifling profile that is "oversize"

I say the only way to test the "Re-Ignition" theory is to get a barrel over the 29.5" that has the fouling ring and just continue to shoot it. I say if it is re-ignition then you should "burn" that barrel out in 2 locations..the throat and at the ring....

As said before..this is why it is called the "Mysterious" fouling ring because no one has been able to provide solid proof of why it happens.
