Re: My New Bushmaster BA-50 .50 BMG
Thunder Ranch? I've heard of Thunder Ammo, Randy's good to go. Very consistent loads. I've shot the 690gr ball and 750gr solids and will be trying the 710gr later this year. I've heard good things about 50bmgsupply too, but I've never ordered.
A couple things about the BA50, the bolt will require a bit of force to open and extract. Not "cleaning rod + rubber mallet" force, but you'll lose site of the target momentarily. Over time it gets better. It helps if you cycle like you mean it. Don't do it slow and steady
The right side of the upper will get some scuff marks from the brass if you extract too quickly. It's not bad in the least, but it did surprise me. You can either use masking tape or extract a bit slower.
And occassionally the brass gets some streaks(only about 5 out of the 50 I've shot). This doesn't affect reloading, but I thought I'd throw that out since it caught me off guard.
Have fun with your cannon=)