Need a case tumbler

Re: Need a case tumbler

Make sure you read the thread on the stainless steel media. I went with a rotary tumbler, and all my brass comes out as shiny as new.

I sold my vibratory tumbler.
Re: Need a case tumbler

Only thing I cant tell you is dont go vibrational tumbler.. Get a Rotary tumbler and go with stainless steel media..

My buddy got fence wire and made his own but then again it took him 2 weeks lol

I cant reccomend which kind of tumbler being in that delema my self. But stainless steel and a rotary is the way to go.
Re: Need a case tumbler

Thumler makes a very good lapidary tumbler that's equally as good as a reloader's tumbler. That's what I use, along with the SS media. Buffalo Arms usually sells the Thumler's Model B with the HD motor at the best price of anyone on the Internet.
Re: Need a case tumbler

Interesting- this stainless media tumbling. Didn't know about it before...
But, having just bought the vibratory; and after reading what I could find online, I see no reason to change. Now, when the vibratory takes a dump, probably will!

To the OP, I'd say if you have the extra money up front, don't mind the extra time involved (drying wet brass) and like your brass to be shiny enough to shave in the reflection, it's the way to go. If money is an issue, there's tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of vibratory tumblers in use every day with traditional media that have been getting the job done for decades. Nothing wrong with them IMO.

Me, I really don't care how shiny my brass is. As long as it's clean, free of crud and won't affect my dies I'm gtg. I'm also one that doesn't de-prime before cleaning, so clean primer pockets aren't important to me.

What I do find interesting is that the SS tumbling solution cleans the inside of the cases. Is there evidence to support any real advantage to this? And... what about the discarded solution being dumped down the drain - is there anything to be concerned about there, or is gunpowder residue harmless?
Re: Need a case tumbler

And keep in mind with the rotary tumbler, you don't have to use the stainless media. I only use it for my .308 and .338. All others I just use Dawn and Lemishine. As for drying, I use a food dehydrator-- set it and forget it.
Re: Need a case tumbler

Get the thumler tumbler model B , the stainless media and turn loose your OCD brass polishing monster!! There is no better system, it is easy and always delivers perfect results. There are pages of reading on it here and a lot of converts! Follow there directions,fill the drum with water, Lemishine from walmart , dawn dish soap and the stainless media put it in the tumbler for four hours, and put on sunglasses before you open the tumbler..

If you send me some of your worst trashed brass I would be happy to polish it and send it back for you to look at.