Quiet possibly the worse working dog advice on the internet!!!
The AKC is why the GSD in the USA has over a 90% hip dysplasia problem compared to the under 3% for the East Germany (NON AKC) version.
The AKC is why the Rott is pretty much a useless lap breed in the USA right now, as well as the Doberman and many more.
Good luck with that!! I had the first and probably still the only AB titled in American Street Ring and that only took me weeding through 14 young adults (That were pre-selected) to find of that could handle being comfortable with an outright fight when they have the chance for flight.
Disclaimer----I apologize upfront for being so blunt in my upcoming comments but ones family protection should not be pampered on hopes and dreams.
What these threads bring out/up is a LOT of wishes and dreams people have of their dog based off scenario A or scenario B, but I would be willing to put money that over 90% of the people that say their dog will protect, yada yada yada will be shocked and let down to see their dog NOT be able to do what they THINK it will do.
It takes a very very very exact K9 to truly be a for real personal protection dog instead of being an intimidating looking but essentially a fake protection dog.
Trust me, just because dog so and so stood between you and some stranger doesn't mean shit in the real world. It is easy to look like a professional boxer when you are the only 1 in the ring and the opponent is not in the ring to fight yet but once that opponent steps in the ring...the REAL professional is seen.
Just because dog so and so aggressively charged the fence when the hoodie wearing mailman got too close, doesn't mean the pooch would not haul ass the other way if the mailman threw a milk jug with rocks in it at him.
Police Dog training and selection is NOT the same as personal protection dog training and selection so seeking advice from Departments is a waste of time. Especially since most drop 20-40k on the 3/4 trained dog and send the handler to the dog to finish the last 1/4 of its' training, so the Departments would not know what it takes to "pick" a protection dog to begin with.
List goes on and on, lol.
It comes down to the brutal reality of:
1. Are you wanting a dog that will "scare" off the random, crime of opportunity type criminal or one that will function as a unit with you against professional type criminals? If the later then you are going to increase your overall budget significantly.
2. Are you and your family ready to "harden" your home and lifestyle to accommodate a true protection lifestyle?
A. Always back in your garage and leave car running in drive while the garage door closes so that if anyone slides under the door they are seen and you can hit gas and get out of garage?
B. Never pack anything from any store that requires both hands. Never pack anything into your home that requires both hands, etc etc UNLESS you have another person watching.
C. Never get within arms reach of someone that walks up to you that you do not know.
D. Get your wife, daughter, etc to not wear pony tails when out casually in public as they are the best controlling device ever invented. Where the head goes the body follows.
E. List goes on and on.
True security is something most people cannot live the lifestyle of.... because the old motto of "Security is NOT convenient" is a million percent correct.
I suggest you contact
@BLKWLFK9 and discuss your desires and wants with him on the phone.