need help with a name

Guys, Texas Arms Company, Lonestar Arms, and just about every version has been taken and registered. My mother of all people ( Not a gun person) may have come up with the name.
"Lead Heads" Guns & Ammo. What do you guys think?
Guns & Ammo o'Yonder
Firearms, Ammunition, & Gunsmithing Shop
Supplying Unarmed Citizens Kalashnikovs
Best Industry Guns
Driver's Outfitters & Narly Guns

Acronym selection: GAY FAGS SUCK BIG DONG
That way you can pick your favorite acronym for the website.

I only did a quick google search, but I am pretty sure none of my suggestions are taken!
If I may make a suggestion...
It always bothers me when I have to address something to or am receiving a package from some establishment that makes my already questionable package say:
"Hey!!!! Gun in here!!!! Steal me!!!!"....I might as well be shipping in a box that says "Remington" down the side when the address is something stupid like "Crazy Bob's Gun Bunker"