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Nerf Gun Drama

I know this isn’t the point of this thread but…

To throw in on homeschooling: we’ve homeschooled all 4 of our kids. My wife is a teacher, when we had our first kid we decided she would stay home because her salary would basically give us $100 after paying for childcare. Homeschooling is hard and takes routine, can be expensive. Weird homeschool kids are true, but the way to avoid that is to have them in all sorts of activities. Ours are busy all the time with various activities with other kids.

Homeschooling has become more mainstream in the past several years and there are plenty of co-ops and groups that have former teachers who run classes/activities. The big group my kids are involved in had a huge increase of families post covid, people who watched their kids getting “educated” on zoom and realizing they were capable of doing better. In one group my kids are in, there is definitely a tremendous change from the “homeschool” kid of old to a bunch of very socially normal kids and parents. Don’t get me wrong, there are still plenty of dorks, but no one is wearing long dresses or overalls.

My kids all were reading by the time they were 3, my 15 year old is taking college classes at the community college. Homeschooling is a good option, but obviously it requires someone home to be able to facilitate teaching and without disciplined routine you get nowhere.

Oh, and in one of the groups my kids have been in before they had a “class” that was nerf gun wars. So there’s that.
Drunk drivers and distracted drivers kill people too. That doesn't mean every vehicle needs an ignition interlock and a cellphone signal jammer. This wouldn't even fix the issue anyway. You could have your vehicle inspected and a month later the brakes go out. How often should inspections be? Daily, weekly, monthly, annually?

I saw an older SUV cross over the centerline by 3/4 of a car width for about a block. I thought the driver was either having a medical emergency or DUI. I stop him, and his vehicle is leaking power steering fluid. His driving conduct and the power steering actively leaking met the criteria for a vehicle per state law that "shall not be operated on a public roadway." That offense is a misdemeanor. He wanted to add more fluid to the power steering and be on his way (he lived another 20mins away on a county road with a 55mph speed limit). I told him no because he was stopped for not being able to even control his vehicle and now the steering fluid is leaking.

That's an example of a vehicle that could've been inspected and a month later now has issue and still being driven. I've also stopped another driver for failure to maintain his lane on a major highway. He was diabetic, didn't even know what county he was in and blood sugar level above 500. He was on the verge of going into diabetic shock and likely in a ditch or head on into another vehicle. He ended up being transported to the hospital. All examples of situations that just happen regardless of what measures you take to avoid them.
Thats all beside the point and exceptions to the rule. For the most psrt they prevent a lot or unsafe vehicles from rolling.
Im not ont to go to a place and say "We did it differently where I come from." but in Virginia the charge was $20 and they did a thorough inspection. What Ive noticed is that insurance rates are double what i psid there. Wonder why? Like anything else, it needs to be done correctly.
I would bet that has more to do with uninsured motorists than anything else.

Last I knew, in Germany you made an appointment for inspection and left your car for the day. Expensive and a hassle, but no one could say they didn't take it seriously.

They talked of bumping it up to $20 here too... But most folks realized that it was all a scheme to force you to purchase parts while being held hostage... After all, if you failed you weren't supposed to drive home.

It was the same government response that it always is. It burdened the good and the dregs still did what they were doing anyway... Like taking a $60 class and a background check to carry a gun on your person while criminals did it anyway.

It's Principal, always remember, the principal is your pal.

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many years ago,FL had mandatory vehicle inspection. all they EVER found wrong was headlamps out of square. coincidentally there were always "private" headlamp aligning shops close to all state inspection stations. somehow they were ended way back and a lot of "public servants" lost cush jobs.
Sad. I used to walk my town/neighborhood openly carry a bb-gun shooting birds and squirrels. We used to have bb-gun fights/battles openly on the streets. No one ever so much as complained, let alone, called the cops. WTF happened to this country?

I did see kids in my neighborhood just this summer running around outside with Nerf guns battling it out. Made me smile. Shame that a scene like that is such a rarity these days and had me do a double take. It shouldn't be this way.
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I still wrestle with this regularly.

The most important life lessons I've ever learned were in the locker room and in the back of the school bus. The curriculum is easy enough to cover, but the Lord of The Flies-esque environment that exists within a public school is much harder to replace. That's where I learned to stand up for myself. It's where I learned basic business by trading snacks and selling candy. Behind every black eye and broken heart was a lesson that can't be taught out of a textbook.

To be honest, (and with no offense meant) everyone I've ever met that was homeschooled was awkward as hell. I'm about 20 minutes from the Billy Graham Library too, in the heart of the bible belt. There's no shortage of homeschooled people here. It's the social aspect of things that pushed away from homeschooling thus far.

I wish more conservatives pooled together to create private schools. I'd pay good money for that.

So very true.

The people next door have two little boys, home schooled. You see them outside from time to time. Their dog "gets loose" and the boy will come over to get the dog.....several times a night. You talk to him and you just get that feeling in the back of your mind......not good.....Jeffery Dahmer. He is so starved for human contact, but even at roughly 8 gives you the creeps, pull butterfly wings off creeps.

The social skills are so key to human....learning....I guess I will say.

My son went to school in the country, they to this day still have a trap team. It has not gotten anywhere near this. And when I was around for my boy the teachers not typical at all.

I would make huge lifestyle changes and send to a private school before home schooling, having those kids being around other kids is really a key.

My boy just got married last weekend, he is off on his honeymoon. He married his high school girlfriend. That is very odd if that happens to a home schooled child.
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No PD in my town... They're working on one though... And not having a lot of luck. Sheriff's office used to patrol, but there was a budgeting fight and they quit.

No PD, no regular patrols by the sheriff... And yet somehow the place didn't descend into Mogadishu.

If there is an emergency there can be a decent wait for LE... We all know that. But I think the riff raff do too... It's possible they realize it's a long time to lay there bleeding... If anyone bothers to call the law.


That is the way it is here, with 4-6 deputies on the road at a time to cover the entire county, it is going to take a minute.
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Sad. I used to walk my town/neighborhood openly carry a bb-gun shooting birds and squirrels. We used to have bb-gun fights/battles openly on the streets. No one ever so much as complained, let alone, called the cops. WTF happened to this country?

I did see kids in my neighborhood just this summer running around outside with Nerf guns battling it out. Made me smile. Shame that a scene like that is such a rarity these days and had me do a double take. It shouldn't be this way.

True story:

A buddy and I are walking down the road with our BB guns, on the side walk. Fairly busy street. Cop comes by, turns around and comes back. Pulls up to us and asks what us guys are doing. Going down to the creek to shoot frogs. I am thinking we are 12-13 ish. Ok be careful. And he drove away.

So many things come from that story. One is we never thought to run, never thought to point a gun at the cop. We talked to him just like we talked to every other adult.
My two bits for the OP. No warrant no entry, like the other guy said, nice but a hard no.

If the school starts a war over this with your kid in the middle, this is the time for your lawyer.
If your lawyer says let them in, you need to find another lawyer. What kind of lawyer do you have; a guy that handles real estate and your will? If you need a lawyer, you need a prick shyster criminal lawyer.
Not a shyster criminal lawyer, but a celebrity lawyer who is going to promise to appear all over the national news, and make each and every school board member who voted for this shit a household name and more famous than El Guapo.
OP I’m about an hour north of you here in NC. We made the choice last year to pull our daughter out of 4th grade and home school her and the rest of our kids. Wasn’t even the school, it was decent but the main thing was the shit that she was saying after hearing from other 8-9 year olds….
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See comments above. Pain an dsuffering and 'freaked out' at that age is a life-altering event.

You deserve a shit-ton of money. And need to make a point. They swept this under the rug and away because you pushed back. It will enable and embolden them for the next one who lays down... and the one after that... and the one after that.

Glad the SRO was cool. Make sure in the suit that you mention that "The SRO informed the school administration that they were not following protocol when they viciously attacked your son and have left him potentially permanently-scarred mentally."

Go on the attack! This is a totally clear-cut over-reach. Find a good conservative activist lawyer who wants to get rich off a school district and let us know when you win... so we can admire all the new AI's and NF scopes you get!

The Reader's Digest version:
Go all out Karen on their ass
The creepy homeschool kid characterizations remind me of a Southpark episode from a couple decades ago lol.

It all comes down to the parents. If you are out in the sticks and homeschool one kid maybe they'll be "awkward." BUT if you have one kid and live near any sort of civilization then there are plenty of activities/sports/music/etc that you can get them in, they will get the time with other kids.

No one, absolutely no one, GAF about YOUR kids like you do. Everytime I hear a govt indoctrination teacher say "my kids".... that creeps me out way more that a conversation-starved kid. How is it "socialization" when your kid ONLY spends time with kids their own exact age? Would you give your kid a hit of meth and say "I hope you're strong enough to not get addicted...good luck kid!" Ok, over the top example. But, to flip the coin, my impression of public school kids, Jr High/middle school and down especially, is that they have a hard time communicating with an adult they don't know. They are not "socialized" unless you are within a year or so in age. I deal with kids from 0 on up every day I'm at work, I see this occuring. Sometimes they are older than that and mommy still has to communicate for them. You can intensely parent but you can't undo 8-10hrs of exposure with your 1-2 hours in the evening. There will be conflict, BS peer pressure, keeping up with the Joneses etc. Not saying all kids get fucked over by this, but way more do than don't. At a minimum, think about all the time you spend unfucking the public indoctination out of them that could be used for something more productive (like having them reload for you - this is a shooting forum after all). In GA they require 4.5hrs of schooling per day and a standardized test every 3yrs. Other than that it's on the parents.

My kids (8 of them, 7-18yo) are all homeschooled. The oldest is in college. The all do martial arts and some other "art" when they get old enough, like music or tech production. We now have a local, conservative, church with a strong youth group. I agree with the above comments about "woke" churches, watch out. My kids feel comfortable conversing with babies up to their 97yo greatgrandmother. They can speak in front of crowds. The 13yo on up is probably more prepared for adulthood (can cook a full meal, keep their clothes clean, keep their living area clean, take care of younger siblings, and understand the dangers of socialism) than most HS grads. That said, the parents make it work.

You can choose your curriculum, not some sorry, woke-ass panel of losers with nothing better to do than tell you that the history you think is true is wrong. Common Core didn't go away, they just don't call it that name anymore. As mentioned above, Homeschool Co-ops are a great way to get them interacting with other kids if you only have one or two. I have a full three ring circus of pandelirium going on from 0700-2300 but it's great and I wouldn't change it for anything. We did Co-op for a few years but the drive was wasted time. The parents make it work.

Sorry @vinniedelpino that you and your fam had to go through what you did. Thanks for posting it up and appreciate the debate.
You've got to be kidding me....

My six year old got flagged by the school guidance counselor for talking about nerf guns in school. More specifically, a nerf gun shaped like a camel head that shoots light blue foam darts to emulate camel spit. Two teachers and the school resource officer confirmed that any reference to "guns" involved the nerf gun in question and there is no immediate concern. This was brought to my attention after my wife picked up our kids and was asked to report to the principals office to discuss the matter.


"Protocol" requires a safety check at my residence by the local PD to confirm all firearms are locked away in a safe. What kind of fuckery is this? Did we repeal the fourth amendment recently and I've been under a rock?

My knowledge of the law is limited, so I instructed my wife to let them know that we'll follow up after speaking with our attorney. I haven't heard back yet, so I figured I'd post here until I get a chance to sit down with legal counsel.

This is in NC by the way. What a disgrace.
Tell them to come back with a warrant. And that your lawyer will be present and they will be videoed
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I would invite the principle and counsler over for dinner . When they get there have a SAW sitting on the coffee table and tell them after dinner you will be teaching the kids a course on "how to properly load a belt fed " . Then ask them if they would like to stay and participate .
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Sure is a lot of shitting on NC in here. 10 minutes of reading will show that schools all over the country are as funked up as ours. Certain counties are the same way when it comes to demographics, plenty of white, black and yellow trash all over.

Taxes, can't argue much on that but if I can survive, most can.

I've had my CCW since 21, haven't bought a pistol permit since. I tell everyone that plans on buying more than one gun in their life, get the CCW to make the process easy.

Vehicle inspections; having worked in major dealers, you would be happy to know I kept some real turds off the road due to failed inspections. 90% of the general public doesn't give a F about their rides, if it goes from A to B, as cheap as possible, they are happy.

Vinnie this situation sucks, I'd get back with my lawyer and see if there is an example/profit to be made of the school's retardation. I don't have any resources to help in that matter, sorry.
Fuck North Carolina

Lived there, so 100% qualified to that opinion.