Rifle Profile
Set up
Zero- Cold bore bottom right, #2-7 are the group but Im not actually going to change my zero setting because its really windy, so
noted as one tenth high as is.
500 Yards 66% ipsc- Lots of wind... I didnt dial any windage, just going to shoot to see where it would land. Where did the first one land? The center of the next plate over on this KYL rack

. Dial .9 mils right and I put a few on it missing one off to the right, but centered vertically.
800 yards- Sent the first three off the left side of the plate, wind seems to have been dying as they worked their way back to the right.
So I was hitting slightly above but my highest hit was 2" above perfect. And Im too stupid to calculate exactly how much the 2" im hitting high is at 810 yards in mils (something like .04 mils?) so I will instead switch the ballisticsarc settings to inches to get some actual numbers here, I can clearly see the difference on the reticle but its tougher to get a pic of to show.
With a .310 BC it calls for 5 mils (146"), with a .280 it calls for 5.3 mils (153"). 153-146=7" of difference, with a .280 I would have dialed and been hitting 7" higher. Which is what I saw when I first was truing this, only it was more like a foot+ at 1050.
So Im hitting less than .1 mil high at 810 and my zero was about .1 high at 100. I might be able to throttle it down a bit but it lines up pretty well.
Needles to say, I kind of wish I hadnt bought 1k of the 75 eld, I feel bad buying new bullets to tinker with when there are still so many left overs from before that need to be shot. And Im really looking forward to the 115 RDF, Ill probably try to run them through my future dasher I hope to have done in the next few months.
I really like these RDFs even though I couldnt get the 70 to shoot in my old undertwisted barrel.