Re: New Advertisements on the Site
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SDWhirlwind</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Lowlight</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Dennis et. al,
let me just say you have no idea how I feel in this situation , what it took to get here, and how much "out of pocket" I have provided over the last 9 years so you can give out your "Free" advice.
As well I have never said any of this in its current configuration is permanent or will not be modified. However I have other considerations beyond aesthetics to consider, and frankly, I don't find any of your "suggestions" very supportive of the situation, you all seem to skip over the fact my business when from a a 10 to a 2 in less than 3 months, all you care about it is how this change effects your browsing convenience. Sorry, didn't mean to upset your personal apple cart it wasn't my intention.
I will say this memberships don't work. 1) would have to block off the site and a majority of the information to "most' allowing full access to a small minority. Second people simply don't pay, the all tend to disappear when the time comes to pony up. Look at the "who would pay" it's tiny compared to who is complaining. Next you'd have to suffer endless requests for "increasing your membership" in order to cover the lack of membership. Dennis, Et. Al. we provided a service based on a subscription, it was the Online Training, did you sign up ? No you didn't --- thanks for supporting the site.
Currently I am working, supporting members of the military training, and believe me the days are long, and hot. The work beyond gratifying but walking into the door to find 100 posts telling me I suck for doing this to "you" and having another 50 PMs telling me exactly how much better and easier it would be to do if only I do what they suggest while never understanding how much effort this site takes. I don't tell others how to run their lives, the business and I think to this point my decisions have a track record, but for the vocal few, change is difficult and it's easier to beat me over the head. I get it, you guys "made this place' with your participation, granted my house doesn't cost me as much as this site, but I suppose it's where you all live so I should be more understanding to your needs when I pay the mortgage. </div></div>
This will be my last comment on this and I apologize for your time. I never ever have complained! Never bitched, never said I did not appreciate your site and all it offers. I was trying to make the point that although I fully realize it is YOUR site, YOUR property that others didn't contribute financially but with time/effort to help get it to where it's at today? Oh, I don't want a flipping pat on the back or an attaboy just perhaps a bit of respect. However, once again you make fun of, ridicule and belittle anyone(except perhaps CKA and a few other close friends) for stating their opinions. Guess I had that coming by speaking up for once! So Frank, thanks for the site where I could spend time and try and help people to make myself feel a bit usefull with something in my life!!!!
As for why I DID NOT contribute to YOUR 'Online Shooting Class'. Well, as you bitch slapped me publicly I will inform you publicly. Not whinning just that you asked......
#1- I am on limited income. $10 monthly isn't much to most but it is to me. I have a very limited amount to spend on my only hobby and $120 is training I will never use or what an 8# jug of powder used to cost.
#2- Because of health issues, mainly scoleosis and severe rheumatoid arthritis I cannot shoot prone. I assume 99% of your online class is for prone and or competition shooters. A paced heart @ 70+BPM don't help either.
#3- I have never shot competitively. There are NO matches within 200+ miles of where I live that your type of training would be used. Also I cannot afford to drive 400+ miles round trip just to shoot.
#4- Your only payment options is paypal. I don't have a fucking Paypal account nor will I ever have. I am stubborn and have certain values and beliefs I will not break for you or anyone else. Paypal is not our friend but apparently many don't care. You would think when you have to add the words "or descreet Paypal" something should register?
My NOT subscribing to your online training was not a dis against you or your knowledge. I thought it a good deal for those who could benefit from it and fair priced. I apologize if my NOT being a member of it gives you the right to insult me publicly and consider my advice and help to members here to be totally irrelevant. So be it, you have made it VERY clear it is YOUR house and ALL alot of trouble for you over the yrs.
Good Day.
Dennis </div></div>
Now quit fucking crying already......